Multi-annual plan of works (PPT) implemented in condominiums

Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The multi-year work plan (MCP) is a document developed by the co-owner to set a schedule for work over a 10-year period, including safeguarding the building and its proper maintenance. We present you with the information you need to know.

The TPP is a detailed schedule of work to be carried out on the common areas a condominium, spread over 10 years, which was approved by the general meeting of the condominiums. It allows for anticipation of the collective works of the building and the staggering of payments.

The purpose of the TPP is to safeguard the building (i.e., keep it in good condition), maintain common areas and public facilities, and improve energy efficiency.

The Draft Multi-Year Work Plan (MWP) is a proposal of works to be carried out in the common parts of the building. It is established on the basis of a study of the structure of the building, its equipment and possibly the energy performance diagnosis (EPD) and/or the overall technical diagnosis (GTD). It is not yet mandatory and requires validation by the co-owners at a general meeting.

The Multi-annual Work Plan (MWP) corresponds to the TPP partially or fully voted by the co-owners. It is the final plan that specifies the work to be done, its schedule, and its funding (often through calls for funds). It commits the co-ownership to carry out the work over the next 10 years, in accordance with the decisions taken.


In case of sale of a lot, the TPP adopted or, if it has not been adopted, the TPP is added to the list of documents to be handed over to the purchaser at the notary's premises.

The TPP project is based on an analysis of the building's structure and equipment and the energy performance diagnostics (EDP) and, where appropriate, the global technical diagnosis (GTD) if it was made.

The TPP Project shall include the following:

  • List of work required to safeguard the building, maintain occupants' health and safety, achieve energy savings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Estimate the level of energy performance and greenhouse gas emissions performance that the work will achieve
  • Summary cost estimate and prioritization of this work
  • Proposal for a timetable for the work which appears necessary to be carried out in the next 10 years.

The TPP contains mainly:

  • all the work prescribed in the TPP, and voted by the co-owners,
  • prioritization of work according to urgency,
  • the timetable for carrying out the work (short, medium and long term),
  • an estimate of the costs associated with each category of work,
  • a budget forecast with a breakdown of expenditure over the duration of the multiannual plan.


The work prescribed in the TPP and its timeline and, where appropriate, the work prescribed by the DTG, must be incorporated into the TPP. building maintenance log book.

The joint owners' union must put in place a draft multi-year work plan (MWP) for the end of 15 years from the date of reception of the building.

The building must be for total or partial residential use.

The obligation to establish a draft TPP relates to:

  • Since 1er january 2023, the syndicate of co-owners comprising more than 200 lots for use in dwellings, offices or shops.
  • Since1er January 2024, the syndicate of co-owners comprising a number of lots included between 51 and 200 lots for use in dwellings, offices or shops.
  • Since 1er january 2025, the syndicate of co-owners comprising up to 50 lots for use in dwellings, offices or shops.

Please note

The co-owners' union is dispensed of this implementation if a global technical diagnosis (GTD) shows no need for work during the 10 years following its preparation.

The implementation of the TPP project should be entrusted to a professional with skills and guarantees.

It can be a design office, an architect, a thermician.

This professional must:

  • Certify on the honor of his impartiality and independence with respect to the trustee and with respect to the energy suppliers and companies intervening in the building
  • Prove that you have taken out professional indemnity insurance. It shall specify the competences covered.

The multi-annual work plan is voted on in several stages:

  1. The trustee must first put on the agenda of the general meeting of the co-owners the modalities for the preparation of the draft multi-annual work plan. At this stage, the trustee seeks the agreement of the co-owners' union to implement the TPP and select the claimant who will establish it. This resolution shall be adopted by a majority of the votes of the co-owners present, represented or voting by mail (simple majority).
  2. Once the TPP has been completed, the trustee must submit it to the 1re annual general meeting of co-owners following its preparation. The co-owners will then decide to validate the TPP, partially or totally, or to reject it. Adoption or rejection of the TPP must be voted on by a majority of the votes of all co-owners (absolute majority). If the TPP is adopted, it becomes a TPP that commits the trustee to having the work done.
  3. The work to be carried out will be voted on according to the recommended timetable. Each vote will be accompanied by a vote on their funding and the amount of fees to be collected by the trustee.

Please note

If the general meeting has not adopted all or part of the draft TPP or if the implementation of the adopted TPP schedule is uncertain, the trustee will have to put these issues on the agenda of each general meeting called to approve the accounts.

If the General Assembly adopts a TPP, it shall be financed by the works fund in which each co-owner must participate.

The TPP is to be updated every 10 years.

The mayor or prefect or president of a public establishment of intercommunal cooperation (EPCI) may at any time ask the trustee to send him the adopted TPP to verify that the planned works make it possible to guarantee the safety of the building and the safety of its occupants.

If the TPP is not transmitted within 1 months from the notification of the request, the mayor or prefect or president of EPCI may develop or update the draft TPP on its own initiative instead of and at the expense of the co-owners' union. The same applies if the plan submitted does not prescribe the work necessary to preserve the safety of the building's occupants.

Upon receipt of the draft TPP notified by the mayor or prefect or president of a public establishment of intercommunal cooperation, the trustee must convene a meeting of the general meeting to decide on the adoption of all or part of this draft plan.