Household aid

From 15 Dec 2023

Christmas bonus 2023: payment on December 15 to the most modest households

Publié le 13 décembre 2023 - Mise à jour le 15 décembre 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

The Christmas bonus is paid to the smallest households from 15 December. This exceptional aid is granted to certain beneficiaries of minimum social benefits (RSA, ASS, AER) without any formalities to be carried out. This year, the premium is increased for some beneficiaries living alone with or without children.

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Image 1Crédits: Mr. Schuppich -

Awarded annually for 25 years, the Christmas bonus covers 2.3 million low-income households. Its payment is automatic after verification of the conditions of access, you don't have to ask for it.

The Family Allowances Fund (CAF) has communicated the amounts planned in December 2023, the decrees granting this assistance will be published by the end of the year.

Who can perceive it?

Beneficiaries of the social minima entitled to these allowances in November 2023 or December 2023 shall:

  • active solidarity income (SSA);
  • specific solidarity allowance (SSA);
  • pension equivalent allowance (REA).

How much is it?

It differs depending on the benefit you receive.

SSA Recipients

The amount depends on the composition of the family and the premium is automatically paid by your CFOA or MSA (Mutual Social Agricultural Organization) according to the plan you depend on.

Example :

  • a single person without children will receive €152.45; alone with 1 child: €308.72;
  • a person in couple without children will receive €228.68; in couple with 1 child: €274.41.

SSA or EAR beneficiaries

The amount is fixed and amounts to €152.45. It is paid by Pôle emploi without any steps to be taken.

Note that this year, single persons with 1 or more children who receive the SSA or the AER will benefit from an increase in the 35%.

The amounts will be as follows (metropolitan and overseas):

  • with 1 child: 205,81 €;
  • with 2 children: 232,49 €;
  • with 3 children: 248,49 €;
  • with 4 children: 269,84 €.
  • more than 4 children: an extra €21.34 per child.


the increased premium shall not be paid automatically, you must apply to Pôle emploi.


the Christmas bonus is not taxable, so it does not have to be shown on the annual tax return.

Find all the amounts of the Christmas bonus on the : Christmas bonus: how to benefit?
