Administrative Papers

Civil partnerships: a new simulator to help you build your case

Publié le 12 décembre 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Want to drop by? offers you a new simulator to know the documents to provide according to each personal situation.

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Image 1Crédits: lorabarra -

The simulator What documents does a civil partnership need? allows you to know in five minutes the list of documents to be provided to conclude a civil pact of solidarity (Civil partnerships).

You will first need to provide some information about yourself and the person you want to move with (including birth, nationality, Civil partnership registration, common residence).

Navigate to the form, and then:

  • Complete all the information to customize your situation.
  • Review the summary of your information
  • download the list of documents to present for your Civil partnership folder. The summary is a reminder of the list of documents requested: about you, about the person you're visiting, and the documents about you both.

Necessary cerfa forms are also available, such as the joint declaration of Civil partnerships or the Civil partnerships' convention.

All you have to do is gather your documents and make an appointment with the chosen city council to study your file.

Start simulation.
