
Time Savings Account: increase in the amount of days paid in the public service

Publié le 12 décembre 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

An order issued in Official Journal November 29, 2023 revalues the days’ allowance amounts under the Time Savings Account (TSA) for the state civil service and the judiciary, the hospital civil service and the territorial civil service. This revaluation shall apply from 1er January 2024.

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Image 1Crédits: BillionPhotos.com - stock.adobe.com

When you have not taken all your days off or RTT as of December 31, the Time Savings Account (TSA) allows you to keep unused days, within certain limits. In particular, your CET may not exceed 60 days. When your CET has 16 or more days at the end of the year, you must use at least 15 days as leave (or leave them on your CET). For days beyond 15e, you can request that they be:

  • compensated;
  • and/or converted into supplementary pension points;
  • and/or maintained on your CET.

As of 1er January 2024, in the State civil service and the judiciary, the hospital civil service and the territorial civil service, the gross amount of the allowance paid per day by TEC will be:

  • €150 (instead of €135 so far), if you are a Category A or equivalent agent;
  • €100 (instead of €90 so far), if you are a category B or equivalent agent;
  • €83 (instead of €75 so far), if you are a C or equivalent agent.


these amounts shall apply for the days compensated from 1er  January 2024 without the communities having to deliberate. Monetization of TEC days is only possible when the community has made a decision to allow compensation.


a time savings account can be maintained by:

  • vacation days (including split days). However, you must take at least 20 days of leave per year;
  • working time reduction (RTT) days;
  • rest days granted as compensation for periodic penalty payments or overtime (under conditions laid down within your administration by decree).
