Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC)

At 16, think about the citizen census!

Publié le 17 mai 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

All French citizens between the ages of 16 and 25 must complete their citizen census, online or in town hall. It must be done within 3 months after the 16the birthday. explains.

The citizen census is mandatory. It provides a census certificatebe summoned to Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC) and to be automatically enrolled at age 18 on the electoral rolls.

L'census certificate allows you to register for an exam (professional studies certificate, bachelor's degree, etc.) or an administrative competition in France before the age of 18.

You can make this census at the town hall of your municipality or online. In the 2 cases, the following documents will have to be provided:

  • a valid national identity card or passport;
  • up-to-date family record book;
  • proof of residence (in the case of a registration in the town hall only).

Please note

if you are a minor, one of your parents can do your census for you and in your absence.

When do you have to do your census?

The citizen census is mandatory and depends on your situation:

  • a young french born must be registered within three months of the 16the birthday ;
  • a young person who has become french between the ages of 16 and 25 must be registered within one month obtaining French nationality.

Example :

A French-born child whose birthday is January 12 must take his census between January 12 and April 30.

A young person who obtains French nationality on July 4 must register between July 4 and August 4.

After these delays, you can regularize your situation until the age of 25. The approach is the same.

Please note

Until you are 25 years old, you must declare any change of situation (move, marriage, child, professional situation...) to your National Service and Youth Center (CSNJ), by mail, by internet or by mail.

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