Sexual harassment

Verified 15 July 2022 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister), Ministry of Justice

If you are a victim of sexual harassment, you can file a complaint against the alleged perpetrator because it is a infringement punished by law. If the incident occurred at work, you can benefit from specific protection from your employer and the authorities.

General case

Sexual harassment is characterized by imposing on a person, repeatedly, sexual or gender-based speech or behavior, which:

  • violate his dignity on account of their degrading or humiliating nature,
  • or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive situation.

Sexual harassment shall include any form of severe pressure (even non-repeated) for the real or apparent purpose of obtaining a sexual act, for the benefit of the perpetrator or a third party.

In the 2 cases, sexual harassment is punished regardless of the links between the perpetrator and his victim (harassment by a relative, a neighbor...).

If the perpetrator had physical contact with the victim, it could be a sexual assault, which is a more severe offense than sexual harassment.

If you are a victim of sexual harassment and your situation requires urgent law enforcement intervention, you can alert the police or gendarmerie.

In case of emergency, and only in this situation, it is possible to alert the police or gendarmerie by telephone call, or by SMS, if you are unable to speak.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

By telephone

In case of emergency, when a quick intervention is necessary, you can call the emergency police. Dial 17.

You can also contact the 112.

Who shall I contact
Who shall I contact

You can't call

114 is the emergency call relay service if you are unable to speak on the phone (deaf, hard of hearing ...) or if it could put you in danger.

Who shall I contact

You can complain in criminal proceedings against the alleged perpetrator of sexual harassment.

The complaint must be filed within 6 years after the last fact (a gesture, a comment...).

Justice will take into account all elements of harassment even if the events took place over several years.

On the spot

You must go to a police station or a gendarme brigade of your choice.

Who shall I contact

You may not be refused the receipt of the complaint.

The complaint is then forwarded to the public prosecutor by the police or gendarmerie.

By mail

You can file a complaint with the public prosecutor.

We need to send a free-form letter the court of law of the place of the offense or of the domicile of the offender.

Who shall I contact

The letter should specify the following:

  • Your marital status and full contact information (address and telephone number)
  • Detailed account of the facts, date and place of the offense
  • Name of the alleged perpetrator if known (otherwise, the complaint will be filed against X)
  • Names and addresses of any witnesses to the offense
  • Description and provisional or definitive estimate of the damage
  • Evidence: medical certificates, work stoppages, miscellaneous invoices, findings ...
  • Willingness to take civil action

File a complaint with the public prosecutor

Who shall I contact

You can send your complaint by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, by simple letter or by letter followed.

You can also file your complaint directly at the courthouse.

In any case, a receipt is given to you as soon as the Public Prosecutor's Office has registered your complaint.

If the complaint is closed and you wish to continue the procedure, you can file a complaint. civil party claim.

You can get a lawyer to help you.

Who shall I contact

Since sex is one of the criteria of discrimination prohibited by law, you can also refer the case to the Defender of Rights.

Who shall I contact

Sexual harassment is an offense punishable by

  • 2 years imprisonment
  • and €30,000 of fine.

These penalties may be increased to 3 years' imprisonment and €45,000 of fines, where the acts are committed by or on the following persons:

  • By a person who abuses the authority conferred on him by his duties
  • On a minor under 15 years of age
  • A person whose particular vulnerability, due to his age, illness, infirmity, physical or mental impairment or pregnancy, is apparent to or known to the perpetrator
  • On a person whose particular vulnerability or dependence resulting from the precariousness of his economic or social situation is apparent or known to the perpetrator
  • By several persons acting as authors or accomplices
  • Through the use of a service of communication to the public online or through a digital or electronic medium
  • While a minor was present and attended
  • By an ascendant or by any other person having a de jure or de facto authority over the victim

The perpetrator of sexual harassment may also be ordered to pay damages to his victim.

At work

Sexual harassment is characterized by imposing on a person, repeatedly, sexual or gender-based speech or behavior, which

  • violate his dignity on account of their degrading or humiliating nature
  • or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive situation.

Sexual harassment also occurs when the comments or behavior are imposed on a worker by several persons, in a concerted manner or at the instigation of one of them, even if each of these persons has not acted repeatedly.

The same applies where the words or behavior are imposed on a worker successively by several persons who, even in the absence of consultation, know that such words or behavior characterize a repetition.

Furthermore, severe pressure on a worker for the purpose (real or apparent) of obtaining a sexual act is also considered sexual harassment, even if there is no repetition.

In the professional environment, there can be sexual harassment even if there is no hierarchical relationship between the victim and the perpetrator (between colleagues at the same level, different services...)

If the perpetrator has had physical contact with the victim, then it is a sexual assault, which is more severely punished.


in the case of sexual harassment at work, the intentional element is not necessary, unlike sexual harassment outside the professional sphere.

If you are a victim of sexual harassment and your situation requires urgent law enforcement intervention, you can alert the police or gendarmerie.

In case of emergency, and only in this situation, it is possible to alert the police or gendarmerie by telephone call, or by SMS, if you are unable to speak.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

By telephone

In case of emergency, when a quick intervention is necessary, you can call the emergency police. Dial 17.

You can also contact the 112.

Who shall I contact
Who shall I contact

You can't call

114 is the emergency call relay service if you are unable to speak on the phone (deaf, hard of hearing ...) or if it could put you in danger.

Who shall I contact

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

In the private sector

If you are a victim of sexual harassment at work, you can report the incident to staff representatives and the Social and Economic Committee (ESC).

You cannot be punished for speaking out. There is an exception if the whistle-blowing is based on imaginary facts.

In the public service

You can use the public service reporting system for violence, discrimination, psychological or sexual harassment and gender-based behavior. It provides for appropriate procedures for the collection of reports and for the guidance of the officer who claims to be a victim or witness.

The head of department must inform the staff member under his authority of the existence of the alert system, how it is used and the procedures it lays down.

The system must ensure the strict confidentiality of the information transmitted by the victim or witness during the processing of the alert.

In both the private and public sectors, employers have an obligation to take all necessary measures to prevent sexual harassment.

Information for workers

The employer must inform the workers of the texts which punish sexual harassment.

Rules and regulations He must include these texts in the draft and cite concrete examples of acts constituting sexual harassment.

Implementation of preventive actions

The employer must put in place measures to prevent sexual harassment and sexism.

It must raise awareness and train workers on sexual and gender-based harassment.

The employer can rely on the Occupational Health and Prevention Service (OHS). This service has been superseded since 1er April 2022 Occupational Health Service (OSH).

The main tasks of the SPST shall be the assessment and prevention of occupational risks and the implementation of health promotion measures at the workplace.

Each SPST must therefore include the following measures in its program:

  • Prevention of occupational risks, including strengthened advice and support for companies in drawing up their single occupational risk assessment document
  • Conduct of actions to prevent risks to the health of workers
  • Individual monitoring of the health status of each employee, throughout his activity, through the implementation of all the monitoring and medical visits provided for by the regulations
  • Prevention of occupational disintegration, through the establishment and operation of an operational unit to accompany employees at risk of leaving employment because of their state of health

Training of workers' representatives

The employer has an obligation to finance the training of workers' representatives.

Thus, elected members of the Social and Economic Committee (ESC) must receive a minimum of 5 days of training in health, safety and working conditions.

If they are reappointed, they must receive an additional 3 days of training.

Members of the Commission on Health, Safety and Working Conditions (CSSCT) receive an additional 5 days of training.

As of March 31, 2022, the single occupational risk assessment document (Duerp) can no longer be developed by the employer alone.

It is obliged to involve occupational health referees, the SPST and EESC members in the preparation of the document.

Duerp must now be stored for at least 40 years.

Monitoring the health of workers

As a victim of sexual harassment at work, you can also benefit from the occupational health measures that employers have an obligation to put in place.

As of March 31, 2022, you can benefit from remote medical visits, provided that the arrangements used respect the confidentiality of the exchanges.

You can also benefit if you are in the conditions, from the new mid-career medical examination which must be offered to workers within 2 years before their 45th birthday. This medical examination is intended to detect the risk of occupational disintegration

Finally, if you have a work stoppage of more than 30 days, you can benefit from a liaison appointment, in the presence of the occupational health and prevention service.

This appointment is not a medical examination, it is intended to inform you that you can benefit from the following devices:

  • Measures to prevent occupational disintegration
  • Pre-restart visit
  • Individual measures for fitting-out, adaptation or alteration of the workstation

Against the perpetrator

If you are a victim of sexual harassment at work, you can file a criminal complaint against the alleged perpetrator(s).

The complaint must be filed within 6 years after the last act (a gesture, a statement...) of harassment.

Justice will take into account all elements of harassment even if the events took place over several years.

On the spot

You must go to a police station or a gendarme brigade of your choice.

Who shall I contact

You may not be refused the receipt of the complaint.

The complaint is then forwarded to the public prosecutor by the police or gendarmerie.

By mail

You can file a complaint with the public prosecutor.

We need to send a free-form letter the court of law of the place of the offense or of the domicile of the offender.

Who shall I contact

The letter should specify the following:

  • Your marital status and full contact information (address and telephone number)
  • Detailed account of the facts, date and place of the offense
  • Name of the alleged perpetrator if known (otherwise, the complaint will be filed against X)
  • Names and addresses of any witnesses to the offense
  • Description and provisional or definitive estimate of the damage
  • Evidence: medical certificates, work stoppages, miscellaneous invoices, findings ...
  • Willingness to take civil action

File a complaint with the public prosecutor

Who shall I contact

You can send your complaint by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, by simple letter or by letter followed.

You can also file your complaint directly at the courthouse.

In any case, a receipt is given to you as soon as the Public Prosecutor's Office has registered your complaint.

If the complaint is closed and you wish to continue the procedure, you can file a complaint. civil party claim.

You can get a lawyer to help you.

Who shall I contact

Against the employer

The employer must take all necessary measures to prevent acts constituting sexual harassment. If they have not met their legal obligations to prevent, you can sue them for compensation.

The procedure for seeking compensation from the employer may be initiated in parallel with the lodging of a complaint against the alleged perpetrator of sexual harassment:

As a victim, you are not required to inform your employer of the complaint against the alleged harasser.

This procedure may continue at the same time as the claim for compensation against the employer.

These 2 actions can target different people.

Example :

You can sue the CEO of your labor company for compensation, and your department head, the perpetrator, in criminal court.

Your employer will then be judged for failing to protect you adequately.

The employer will have to demonstrate that the facts presented by you do not constitute sexual harassment.

People who report or combat sexual harassment cannot be punished or dismissed.

Please note

in a company, any representative trade union organization may, with the written consent of the harassed person, take legal action in its place.

Defender of Rights

Since sex is one of the criteria of discrimination prohibited by law, and work is one of the situations in which discrimination is punishable, you can also refer the case to the Defender of Rights. This applies both to the perpetrator and to the employer.

Who shall I contact

Sexual harassment is a offense punishable by up to 

  • 2 years in prison
  • and €30,000 fine

In cases of abuse of authority (e.g. by a superior), penalties can be as high as:

  • 3 years in prison
  • and €45,000 fine

These aggravated penalties shall also apply where sexual harassment has been committed in any of the following situations:

  • A person whose particular vulnerability due to illness, disability, physical or mental impairment or pregnancy is apparent to or known to the perpetrator
  • On a person whose particular vulnerability or dependence resulting from the precariousness of his economic or social situation is apparent or known to the perpetrator
  • By several persons acting as perpetrators or accomplices

The perpetrator of sexual harassment may also be ordered to pay damages to his victim, in compensation for his loss.

In addition, any private sector employee who has engaged in sexual harassment is liable to disciplinary sanctions.

The same applies to any public official responsible for the same conduct, according to the public sector sanction procedures.

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