Make a donation 

Verified 06 April 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

You want to transfer ownership of one of your properties to another person for free before your death? For this, you can make a donation. There are certain rules you must follow to make a donation valid. Here's the information you need to know.

A donation is an act by which you, the donor, transfer ownership of a property to a donee.

The donee must expressly accept the donation to make it happen.


Donation is different from manual donation and the customary gift.

To make a donation, you must meet the following 3 conditions:

  • To be sane, that is to say to have mental capacities allowing a discernment and a sufficiently enlightened will
  • Be of age or emancipated minor
  • Own the legal capacity manage your assets

You can make a donation to the person of your choice:

  • Your children or grandchildren
  • No one you live with as a couple
  • Other member of your family
  • Someone who is not related to your family

You can also make a donation to certain associations.


a minor may receive a donation. In this case, the donation must be accepted by his legal representatives.

If you are married, you can make a donation to your spouse. This is a gift to the last living.

The property must be yours personally at the time of the donation. It is impossible to give a future good except in a gift to the last living.

Example :

You cannot give away property that you will inherit when your parents die.

You can give real estate or furniture.


if you made a donation to your child and he dies without progeny, you can recover the donated goods. This is called the right of legal return. You can also plan a return clause in the deed of gift: you recover the donated goods if the donee dies before you, with or without descendants.

Infographie - How much of your wealth can you give?
Illustration X - How much of your wealth can you give? - plus de détails dans le texte suivant l’infographie
Illustration X
Crédits: Direction de l’information légale et administrative

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How much of your wealth can you give?

You can make a donation of your property (movable or immovable property, amount of money...) to the person of your choice.

One condition: do not draw on the part of the heritage reserved to your legal heirs.

The share you can give is called "available quota".

Share that can be given (available share) = your assets - share reserved for your legal heirs.

You have children

Number of children

Available Quota





3 or more


You have no children

Marital status

Available Quota





How much of your wealth can you give?

How much of your wealth can you give? - plus de détails dans le texte suivant l’infographie
Crédits: Service Public (DILA)Infographie - How much of your wealth can you give?


How much of your wealth can you give?

You can make a donation of your property (movable or immovable property, amount of money...) to the person of your choice.

One condition: do not draw on the part of the heritage reserved to your legal heirs.

The share you can give is called "available quota".

Share that can be given (available share) = your assets - share reserved for your legal heirs.

You have children

Number of children

Available Quota





3 or more


You have no children

Marital status

Available Quota





You must follow the transmission rules imposed by law.

The heirs reserving cannot be excluded from your estate. They must receive a minimum share of inheritance. So you can freely give the part that exceeds the hereditary reserve. This part is called the available quota.

If you do not comply with this rule, your heirs can call into question your donations at the time of the settlement of your estate. To do that, they have to make a reduction action.

On the other hand, if you do not have a heir, you can give all of your assets.


the heir making the reservation may waive in advance the right to contest a donation which would deprive him of his share of the inheritance. It must express this will in a succession pact.

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You have children

Tableau - Quota available in the presence of children

Number of children

Available Quota





3 or more


Example :

You have a heritage of €200,000 and three children. At the time of your succession, your children will share 3/4 of this heritage either €150,000 in equal parts. Each child will therefore receive €50,000. So you can give the remaining 1/4 either €50,000 to persons of your choice (heirs or third parties).

You have no children

Tableau - Quota available in the absence of children

Marital status

Available Quota





Example :

You have a heritage of €200,000. At the time of your estate, your husband will receive €50,000. You can give the €150,000 remaining to the persons of your choice (heirs or third parties).

The donation-sharing is done by notarial act.

Who shall I contact


You have to pay gift tax. However, in some cases, you can to be exempted.

If your donation includes a real estate, you also have to pay land advertising costs.

Notary's fees

In case of donation by notarial deed, you will have to pay notary's fee.

The amount of emoluments that you must pay to the notary are proportional to the value in full ownership donated goods.

Tableau - Emoluments for a donation

Donation Type

Value of the property

Trim Slices


Donation of intangible property, money

From €0 to €6,500

2,322% HT or 2,786% VAT of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

0.958% HT or 1.149% VAT of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €60,000

0.639% HT or 0.767% VAT of the value of the property

More than €60,000

0.479% HT or 0.575% VAT of the value of the property

Other donations

From €0 to €6,500

4,837% HT or 5,804% VAT of the value of the property

From €6,500 to €17,000

1.995% HT or 2.394% VAT of the value of the property

From €17,000 to €60,000

1,330% HT or 1,596% VAT of the value of the property

More than €60,000

0.998% excl. VAT or 1.1976% incl. VAT of the value of the property

In principle, a donation cannot be canceled. However, there are exceptions.

Defect in form

If the donation has not been expressly accepted or if it has not been made before a notary, it may be canceled.

Cancelation may be requested by any person interested in the donation: the donor, the donee, an heir or a creditor.

You must seek annulment in court within a period of 5 years from the day the donation was made.

Who shall I contact
Cancelation after a fact has occurred

You can request the cancelation of your donation in 3 cases.

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Non-performance of the obligations laid down in the donation

A donation may require the donee to perform certain duties.

Example :

the donee may be required to provide accommodation, food, and health care to donor.

If the donee does not fulfill his obligations, you can request the cancelation of your donation by subpoena in court.

Who shall I contact

You must request cancelation within 5 years from the day on which the donee ceases to perform his duties.

The judges determine whether the alleged acts are sufficiently serious to allow the donation to be canceled.


You can request cancelation for ingratitude if the donee is in any of the following cases:

  • He tried to kill you
  • He committed crimes offenses, insult or severe abuse against you
  • He has refused to provide you with food relief if you are in need, i.e. financial or in kind to allow you to survive.

The acts must have been committed after the donation.

You must request cancelation by subpoena in court.

Who shall I contact

You must request cancelation within1 a year from the day on which you become aware of the facts.

The judges determine whether the alleged acts are sufficiently serious to allow the donation to be canceled.

Birth or full adoption of a child

Except for gift between spouses, you can request the cancelation of a donation made when you did not have a child. To do this, you must have provided for it in the deed of donation.

You must request cancelation by subpoena in court within a period of 5 years from birth or adoption by the plenary.

Who shall I contact
Donation to the last living

You can cancel a gift to the last living, unless it was made under a marriage contract.

Cancelation may be effected before the notary or by will.

The gift to the last living is automatically canceled in the case of divorce, including when it was made by marriage contract.


you can cancel a donation to the last living person without your spouse being informed.

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