What is a Work Placement Period (WSIP)?

Verified 27 July 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Want to discover a trade or business? The work placement period (PMSMP) allows you to test your orientation choices. You can apply for a PMSMP regardless of whether you are active or not. We are taking stock of the regulations to know.

You're in business

You can benefit from a PMSMP if you are active and engaged in an integration or reintegration process.

It is in particular if you are an employee:


You can also benefit from a PMSMP if you are handicapped worker accommodated in establishments and work-related support services or employee of adapted companies.

PMSMPs aim to:

  • Discover a trade or a sector of activity
  • Confirm Business Project
  • Initiate a recruitment process.

Structures that may prescribe PMSMP are:

  • Pôle emploi
  • Local mission if you are under 26 years old
  • Employment Cap if you have a disability
  • A social or professional integration worker may also prescribe PMSMPs for the public he employs or accompanies. To do so, it must have received a delegation from Pôle emploi, local missions or Cap emploi.
  • Departmental Council
  • Structures for integration through economic activity (SIAE): integration companies (EI), intermediate associations (IA), workshops integration projects (ACI)


A social or professional integration worker may also prescribe PMSMPs for the public he employs or accompanies. To do so, it must have received a delegation of:

  • Pôle emploi
  • Local Missions
  • Or Cap emploi.

You can search for welcoming companies according to the job and the intended location:

Seek a welcoming company for professional immersion


Temporary work companies for integration (ETTI) cannot prescribe PMSMP.

You should approach the body responsible for your support, which may prescribe a PMSMP.

The conditions for implementing the PMSMPs are adaptable to each beneficiary.

The prescriber appreciates the opportunity. It defines the objectives according to your needs, possibilities and capacities as well as those of the hosting structure.

You can search for welcoming companies according to the job and the intended location:

Seek a welcoming company for professional immersion

The convention shall state in particular :

  • Name of the prescribing body
  • Name, first name, address and date of birth and contact details of your employer
  • Name of the reception and support structure
  • Start and end dates of the scenario period(s)
  • Number of hours present and place of execution
  • Objectives set and arrangements for assessing their achievement
  • Description of the tasks entrusted to you to develop the skills sought
  • Hours of presence in the reception structure.

The PMSMP is the subject of an agreement between:

  • You
  • Reception structure
  • Prescriber
  • Supporting structure (if different from prescriber) 
  • Employer.

Initial Duration

The duration of each PMSMP is up to 1 month (from date to date).

Your presence in the reception structure can be continuous or discontinuous.

You can have multiple PMSMPs with the same employer.

However, for a period of 12 consecutive months, you can close maximum 2 conventions setting up in a professional environment in the same reception structure.

For this to happen, these conventions must:

  • Have different objects or objectives
  • Have a total duration a maximum of 60 days in that 12-month period.


The cumulative duration of all these PMSMPs performed by an employee in single insertion contract or accompanied by anintegration through economic activity must be equal to the maximum of 25% the total duration of the contract.


Where the objective(s) of the PMSMP have not been achieved, the Convention may be renewed once.

This renewal has:

  • Same object and objectives as those initially set
  • Maximum duration of1 month.

Your status is maintained.

You keep your remuneration. It is paid by your original employer if the period is part of the employment contract you have with him.


The reception can offer you a fee, but you don't have to.

You follow the rules applicable to other employees of the structure and in connection with:

  • Daily and weekly attendance
  • Presence at night
  • Daily rest, weekly rest and public holidays
  • Occupational health and safety.

You will find your workstation after this PMSMP.


If you request a suspension of your employment contract during the PMSMP, your remuneration will also be suspended.

You're back to your original workstation.

You're out of business

You can get PMSMP if you are in one of the following situations:

  • Job-seeker, registered or unregistered with Pôle emploi
  • Young people in need of integration followed by local missions
  • Job seeker recognized as a disabled worker, accompanied by Pôle emploi or a Employment Cap
  • Beneficiary of the RSA, for actions implemented under your contract of engagement

PMSMPs aim to:

  • Discover a trade or a sector of activity
  • Confirm Business Project
  • Initiate a recruitment process.

Structures that may prescribe PMSMP are:

  • Pôle emploi
  • Local mission if you are under 26 years old
  • Employment Cap if you have a disability
  • Departmental Council
  • Structures for integration through economic activity (SIAE): integration companies (EI), intermediate associations (IA), workshops, integration projects (ACI).


A social or professional integration worker may also prescribe PMSMPs for the public he employs or accompanies. To do so, it must have received a delegation of:

  • Pôle emploi
  • Local Missions
  • Or Cap emploi.

You can search for welcoming companies according to the job and the intended location:

Seek a welcoming company for professional immersion


Temporary work companies for integration (ETTI) cannot prescribe PMSMP.

You should approach the body responsible for your support (example Pôle emploi) who may prescribe a PMSMP.

The conditions for implementing the PMSMPs are adaptable to each beneficiary.

The prescriber appreciates the opportunity. It defines the objectives according to your needs, possibilities and capacities as well as those of the hosting structure.

You can search for welcoming companies according to the job and the intended location:

Seek a welcoming company for professional immersion

The convention shall state in particular :

  • Name of the prescribing body
  • Surname, first name, address and date of birth
  • Name of the reception and support structure
  • Start and end dates of the scenario period(s)
  • Number of hours present and place of execution
  • Objectives set and arrangements for assessing their achievement
  • Description of the tasks entrusted to you to develop the skills sought
  • Hours of presence in the reception structure.

The PMSMP is the subject of an agreement between:

  • You
  • Reception structure
  • Prescriber
  • Supporting structure (if different from prescriber).

Initial Duration

The duration of each PMSMP is up to 1 month (from date to date).

Your presence in the reception structure can be continuous or discontinuous.

You can have multiple PMSMPs with the same employer.

However, during a period of 12 consecutive months, you can enter into a maximum of 2 job placement agreements in the same facility.

For this to happen, these conventions must:

  • Have different objects or objectives
  • Have a total duration of not more than 60 days in that 12-month period.


Where the objective(s) of the PMSMP have not been achieved, the Convention may be renewed once.

This renewal has:

  • The same purpose and objectives as those initially set
  • A maximum duration of1 month.

You keep your compensation plan (unemployment benefits, RSA: titleContent ...).


You  are not the employee of the host organization and you're not paid by her. However, this reception structure can pay you a fee, but it is not obligatory.

You follow the rules applicable to other employees of the structure and in connection with:

  • Daily and weekly attendance
  • Presence at night
  • Daily rest, weekly rest and public holidays
  • Occupational health and safety.

This PMSMP may lead to a work opportunity.

It may also allow other actions (examples: access to training, other professional experience).

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