Long-stay visa (stay of more than 3 months to 1 year)

Verified 04 January 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

To enter and stay in France for more than 3 months, a foreigner must hold a long-stay visa (type D). This visa is granted by the French consular authorities. It is issued most often for education, work or family reasons. Several types of long-stay visas exist depending on the reason for the stay, its length and the intention to apply for a residence permit to settle in France on a long-term basis.

A visa is a sticker affixed by a country's administration to a person's passport to allow him or her to enter and stay for a specified period of time.

The long-stay visa, type D, allows you to enter and stay in France from 4 months to 1 year.

If you are an adult, you must apply for a long-stay visa even if your nationality does not require a short-stay visa.

There are different types of visas depending on the reason and length of your stay and your intention to settle you in France.


it also allows you to move around (without any other visa) in the whole area Schengen, provided that it does not exceed 90 days during its period of validity.

Please note

you do not need this document if you are a citizen European, Andorran, Monegasque, San Marino, Holy See/Vatican.

Long-stay visa as residence permit (VLS-TS): valid for 4 to 12 months

This visa, says VLS-TS, is valid as a residence permit and you do not need to apply for a residence card in the prefecture as soon as you arrive in France.

This applies in particular to the following cases:

  • Student
  • Employee (holder of a contract of indefinite duration)
  • Husband of French
  • Talented passport


if you are married to a Frenchman, the VLS-TS is issued to you without conditions. It may be refused if your marriage is fraudulent or has been canceled or if you pose a threat to public order.

VLS-TS Validation

Within 3 months of your arrival in France, you must validate your VLS-TS and pay a tax in addition to the visa fee.

The online approach makes it possible to be in regular stay and to be able to cross the border again from the Schengen area.

Validate a long-stay visa as a residence permit (VLS-TS) and pay the tax

Visa mention "residence card to be requested within 2 months of arrival"

The endorsement shall bear the residence card to be requested within 2 months of arrival. It allows you to enter France and obtain a residence card in the prefecture.

It is given to you in order to benefit from a residence card (annual, multiannual or 10 years depending on your situation), in particular in quality:

  • French family (child aged 16 to 21 or dependent on a French person, dependent on a French person and his or her husband),
  • a professional or self-employed person (trader, craftsman, etc.),
  • worker (employee on assignment, EU Blue Card, seasonal, talent passport) or worker family,
  • pensioner or pensioner spouse,
  • of artist.

Working holiday visa 

This visa can only be issued to you if your country is bound by a bilateral "working holiday" agreement with France. It may also be issued without bilateral agreement for Taiwanese nationals.

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This visa is for young people aged 18 to 35. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 35. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.

China (Hong Kong)

This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.

South Korea

This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.

New Zealand

This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.


This visa is for young people aged 18 to 30. It has a maximum duration of 12 months and waives the need to apply for a residence card.

Minor visa in France: valid for 11 months maximum

You can benefit from this visa under the following conditions:

  • You must be under 18
  • You have to follow your education or studies in France for more than 3 months
  • Your parents must reside abroad.

This visa has a maximum duration of 11 months. It allows you to enter France as many times as you want during its period of validity, without having to apply for a new visa.

Please note

as a minor, you do not have to hold a residence permit.

Temporary long-stay visa: valid for 4 to 6 months

This visa lasts between 4 and 6 months maximum. It is worth a temporary authorization to stay in France. It can be issued to you if you come to France:

  • for short courses,
  • or to engage in artistic activity,
  • or as a visitor (you must be able to live from your own resources).

During the validity of your visa, you are exempt from applying for a residence card in the prefecture. At the end, you have to go back to your country of origin.

The long-stay visa allows you to settle in France. The documents to be presented vary according to the reason for your stay: as employee, student, family of Frenchman or a foreigner regularly settled in France, etc.

You must consult the France-Visas portal to know, according to your situation, the list of the parts to be provided.

France-Visas - Visa Assistants - List of documents to be supplied

General case
Where to apply?

You must submit your visa application (no more than 3 months before departure planned) with the French consular authorities of the country where you live:

Apply for a visa

Validity of the passport
  • Your passport must be valid for at least 3 months after the end date of your visa.
  • It must be at least 2 blank pages
  • It must have been issued less than 10 years ago.

General case

You must submit your visa application (no more than 3 months before departure planned) with the French consular authorities of the country where you live:

Apply for a visa

Special cases of certain foreigner students

Foreigners from 43 countries must apply for a visa on the Studies in France at the time of online pre-enrollment in French higher education.

Tableau - Student visa application procedure by country of large regional areas

Regional area


Application procedure



Studies in France

Burkina Faso




Congo Brazzaville

Côte d'Ivoire








Democratic Republic of Congo



Other country

Apply for a visa

Asia / Oceania


Studies in France

South Korea







Other country

Apply for a visa



Studies in France


Other country

Apply for a visa



Studies in France




United States




Other country

Apply for a visa

North Africa / Middle East


Studies in France








Other country

Apply for a visa

The request is made on the site Studies in France at the time of online pre-enrollment in french higher education:

Enrollment in French higher education / application for a student visa procedure "Studies in France"

Recording of the applicant's data

Your biometric data is stored in a file, called Visabio.

This data is the scanned images:

  • of your photo,
  • and your fingerprints (except children under 12 years of age).

You cannot object to this registration (you have a right of access and rectification to the file).

The amount of the visa fee varies. It is expressed in euros or CFA francs, depending on the country.

To find out, you should see Rate of the country pages of the France-Visas assistant:

France-Visas - Cost of visa according to country

However, some applicants are exempt from visa fees, including:

  • Husband of French
  • Non-European family member of a European (other than French) or Swiss
  • Seasonal worker
  • Turkish, Serbian or Montenegrin wage earner and his family reunited with their families
  • French teacher
  • Foreign Language Assistant or Reader
  • Some working holiday visa recipients
  • Holder of a diplomatic or service passport
  • Scholarship student from the French government or a foreigners government or a foreign foundation
  • Guest from an intergovernmental organization based in France
  • Veteran with a free care notebook coming to France for medical treatment

Grounds for refusal of visa 

Reasons must be given for any refusal to grant a visa.

Appeal against refusal of visa

In case of refusal of your visa application, you can form a ex gratia appeal to the consulate asking it to review its decision:

You can also appeal to the Board of Appeal against decisions refusing entry visas to France (CRRV):

This remedy is obligatory before any appeal to the administrative judge. It is imperative that you present it in a period of 2 months next:

  • notification of the written refusal,
  • or the implicit refusal of your visa application (if the consulate has not replied to you within 2 months).

You must give reasons for your appeal (set out the legal and factual elements). You must write it in French, sign it and attach any useful documents.

The VAC can be referred by you, your lawyer, or anyone with an interest in challenging the visa refusal (for example, a family member).

The VAC may:

  • dismiss your appeal (if no reply is received within 2 months, this is an implied dismissal),
  • or recommend to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of the Interior to grant you the visa.

Please note

if your appeal is manifestly inadmissible or unfounded, the Chairperson of the VRC may dismiss your appeal on his or her own, without convening the VRC.

If the VAC rejects your appeal, or if the ministers confirm the visa refusal despite the VAC's favorable opinion, you can file an appeal for cancelation within 2 months. This appeal must be lodged with the Administrative Court of Nantes:

Your long-stay visa as a residence permit may be revoked for one of the following 3 reasons:

  • Obtaining your visa fraudulently
  • Entry to France for an installation for purposes other than the issuing of your visa
  • Disturbance of public order.

The prefect responsible for deciding whether to revoke your visa is the one where you are staying or the one where you have been checked.

You may appeal the decision to repeal one ex gratia appeal to the prefect and/or a hierarchical appeal to the minister of the interior.

You can also refer a case to the administrative judge action for annulment :

  • if your administrative appeals have not been successful,
  • or directly without going through those administrative remedies.
Who shall I contact

If you wish stay in France, you must file a application for a residence card within 2 months before the end of your visa to the prefecture or sub-prefecture of your home.

Find out more on your prefecture's website.

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