School attendance and absenteeism

Verified 05 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Is your child enrolled in school, middle school or high school? He must then attend the courses provided for in his schedule. Absence is monitored and may be punished. Here is the information you need to know about school attendance and absenteeism.

Your child must attend classes scheduled in his schedule except if it has a leave of absence.

You must justify any absence of your child, regardless of the date and reason.

At the time of your child's first registration (during a meeting or an interview), the school director will present the rules and regulations in writing. This document specifies how absences are monitored and tracked. Rules and regulations You must sign the

An absence shall be authorized for the following reasons:

  • Illness of the child (or of a relative if contagious)
  • Solemn family reunion (marriage, burial, etc.)
  • Prevention caused by an accidental problem in transport
  • Child who follows his or her legal representatives (travel outside school holidays)

Any other grounds for absence may be examined and authorized by the national education authorities.

In case of absence of your child, you should inform as soon as possible the principal of the school or the head of the establishment, stating the reason for this absence.

You must report your child's absence to their school, whatever the reason.

If this is a foreseeable absence, you must inform the institution in advance with the reason.

Please note

You must provide a medical certificate only if your child has a contagious disease.

The rules are different at school and in secondary education (middle school and high school).

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At school

The teacher makes the call to the students.

If they find your child missing, they immediately report it to the school management. The hotel will then contact you to find out the reason for this absence.

All absences (duration and reasons) of your child are recorded in a file. This document is open only for the current school year.

In case of repeated absences, justified or not, the school director will contact you to take stock of your child's situation.


An absence is considered to be unjustified from 1e time of absence of the child without legitimate reason or valid excuse.

From the 1re absence unjustified of your child, their teacher or school director will contact you to remind you of the importance of school attendance and the grounds for absences.

If you do not provide reasons for your child’s absence or give inaccurate reasons, the school director will inform the Dasen: titleContent. He's sending you a warning reminding yourself of the criminal sanctions you may face. It also informs you about parental support devices.

From 4 half days absences not justified within a month, the school director brings together the educational team. Together, they look for the causes of absenteeism. Accompanying measures are then proposed to you. A document summarizing the measures taken is then signed.

One reference education staff is designated to accompany you. The goal is to help your child meet the school attendance requirement. The reference staff is usually the teacher in the class.

If absences continue beyond10 half days within a month, the director will call you to attend a meeting with the relevant members of the educational community. A suitable support and accompanying system must be put in place. The implementation of this mechanism is the subject of a contract. It shall inform the Dasen: titleContent of the situation.

If absenteeism continues, the Dasen: titleContent grabs public prosecutor.

In middle school and high school

The teacher makes the call to the students.

If he finds out that your child is absent, he immediately reports it to the school or college management. The hotel will then contact you to find out the reason for this absence.

All absences (duration and reasons) of your child are recorded in a file. This document is open only for the current school year.

In case of repeated absences, justified or not, the head of the establishment contacts you to take stock of the situation of your child.


An absence is considered to be unjustified from 1e time of absence of the child without legitimate reason or valid excuse.

From the 1re absence unjustified, your child is summoned by the Senior Education Advisor (CPE). He reminds her of the importance of attendance and contacts you.

If you do not provide reasons for your child’s absence or give inaccurate reasons, the school director will inform the Dasen: titleContent. He's sending you a warning reminding yourself of the criminal sanctions you may face. It also informs you about parental support devices.

From 4 half days unjustified absencesIf your child is dead within a month, the head of the establishment calls you in. It reminds you of your obligations and the accompanying measures that can be put in place to restore the child's attendance. It also notifies the social service of the situation.

The head teacher also brings together the relevant members of the educational community. Together, they look for the causes of absenteeism. Accompanying measures are then proposed to you. A document summarizing the measures taken is then signed.

If absences continue beyond 10 half days within a month, the head teacher will call you to attend a meeting with the relevant members of the educational community. A suitable support and accompanying system must be put in place. The implementation of the scheme is the subject of a contract. The head of the establishment shall appoint a point of contact to monitor the arrangements. It shall inform the Dasen: titleContent of the situation.

If absenteeism continues, the Dasen: titleContent grabs public prosecutor.


if the police find your child on the street, in a performance hall or in a public place, without proof, during school hours, he is immediately taken to the school where he is registered.

If you continue, after a warning from the Dasen: titleContent, do not require your child to attend school, and if you do not justify your child’s absence or give inaccurate reasons, you risk a fine of €750.

If these unwarranted absences compromise your child's education, you risk 2 years in prison and €30,000 of fine.

Please note

Absenteeism of children is not a reason for suspending family allowances.

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