Childcare at school in case of teacher's strike
Verified 20 October 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
Your child is in primary school (kindergarten or elementary) and his teacher goes on strike? In this case, your child must be welcomed during class time, even if his/her teacher is absent. This welcome service is free. It is provided differently in public and private schools under contract.
Public school
The organization of the reception depends on the number of striking teachers.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Less than 25% of teachers declared to be striking
The rectorate must organize the reception of children with non-striking teachers.
Please note
school principals are granted a total education discharge. They're not counted in the teacher complement.
25% of teachers declared to be striking or more
The reception service is provided by the municipality (or intercommunality where it has academic competence).
The mayor must draw up a list of persons in the commune who can take part in the reception of children. These people must have reception and management skills. For example: qualified municipal staff, nursery assistants, recreation center workers, members of family associations, parents of pupils.
This list is sent to the Department of National Education for verification. It is also addressed to the parents' representatives from school.
Please note
school principals are granted a total education discharge. They're not counted in the teacher complement.
The principal must warn you of the foreseeable consequences of the strike on the functioning of the classes. The information shall in particular posted in front of the school.
In addition, the list of staff provided for childcare is sent to the parents' representatives elected.
The place of accommodation depends on the number of striking teachers.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Less than 25 per cent of teachers are registered as strikers
Children are welcome in their school.
25% or more teachers are registered as strikers
The municipality fixes the place of reception children.
Reception can be provided in the school, whether it is closed or partially open. Children can also be accommodated in other premises in the municipality (gym, leisure center, multipurpose room...).
Private school under contract
The reception of children is organized by the school's managing body, regardless of the reasons for the teachers' absence.
The managing body shall organize the service freely.
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Reception of pupils in public nursery and elementary schools
Reception of pupils of private nursery and elementary schools under contract
Ministry of Education