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Basic pay allowance paid on the birth of a child
Verified 01 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Income of the same category (wages, income from land, etc.) less taxes and tax allowances (10% reduction for expenses, etc.)
What is the basic allowance for the Early Childhood Care Benefit (YCDB)? It aims to help you finance expenses related to the maintenance and education of a child. Your child should be under 3 years of age. It is paid on a means-tested basis. We're laying out the regulations for you.
What applies to you ?
The rules concerning entitlement to the basic pay allowance in the event of adoption are different.
You are entitled to the basic allowance if you meet the following 2 conditions:
- You have a dependent child under 3 years of age
- Your revenues are below a certain limit
Your resources must not exceed an amount determined according to your family situation. It's the categorical net income of 2022 which is taken into account for 2024.
There are 2 revenues if each receives an annual amount of €5,594 or more (in 2022) from an occupational activity or from daily allowances for accidents at work or occupational diseases.
Lone parent
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General case (Cf)
You should contact your Caf: titleContent the following 2 documents:
- Readable copy of the pages of the family booklet
- Checked out or copied in fullbirth certificate of the child
Agricultural Scheme (AMM)
You must send the following 2 documents to your agricultural social insurance company (MSA):
- Readable copy of the pages of the family booklet
- Checked out or copied in fullbirth certificate of the child
Couple with 1 income
Couple with 2 incomes
Lone parent
It is due from 1er day of the month following birth of the child.
The basic allowance shall be paid every month for 3 years up to the month before 3e child's birthday.
Example :
If the child was born on February 15, the allowance begins to be paid on February 1er April to March.
In the event of the death of the child, the basic allowance is automatically extended for three months after death. Parents may not be subject to any age or duration requirement. The payment of the basic allowance can therefore be maintained beyond the child's 3 years of age.
In case of multiple births, the Cif pays you as many basic benefits as children born of the same delivery.
The basic pay allowance may be combined with the daily parental attendance allowance (DPA).
The basic allocation is not cumulative with:
- The family supplement
- The basic allowance for another child under 3 years of age
Indeed, the allocation is only allocated to one child at a time per family except for multiple births.
In Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Reunion, the basic allowance does not accumulate with family allowances and increases in such allowances paid in respect of a dependent child or with the family supplement.
Change in family situation
Quickly report any changes in your family situation (e.g. birth of a child, marital relationship, separation, unemployment).
Change of domicile
You can report your change of address using the online change of address service:
Change in family situation
Quickly report any changes in your family situation (e.g. birth of a child, marital relationship, separation, unemployment).
Example :
Being in a couple can open up new rights. Inquire with your MSA: titleContent.
You can also go on site or submit the form cerfa no. 11423 by mail.
Change of domicile
You can report your change of address using the online change of address service:
Please note
if you change your department, the MSA of your home will automatically transfer the file to your new cash register. This transfer will take place as soon as your new address is registered.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
If you are dependent on the general diet
Family Allowance Fund (Caf)If you are dependent on the farm plan
Mutual Social Agricultural Organization (MSA)
Basic allowance for the EYIP: Article L531-3
Amount: Article D531-3
Monthly family benefits (start and end of entitlement)