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Daily parental attendance allowance (DPA)
Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The daily parental attendance allowance (DPA) can be paid if you are caring for your critically ill, injured or disabled child. You receive a daily allowance for each day or half-day spent with your child (up to 22 days per month). You may be granted the PJA over a period of 3 years. We present you with the information you need to know.
What applies to you ?
The daily parental attendance allowance (DPA) is a financial aid. It is granted to you subject to conditions to allow you to temporarily stop your business to take care of your child.
You must temporarily stop your activity to take care of your child. Your child must be under 20 years of age, be at your expense and require a sustained presence and compelling care following a particularly serious illness, disability or accident.
Termination of employment
The main beneficiaries of the PJA are:
- Private sector employee on parental leave
- Public sector employee on parental leave
- Traveler representing placier (VRP)
- Home care worker employed by an individual employer (example: home care)
- Self-employed person
- Paid vocational trainee
- Job seeker compensated by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).
The residence requirement for family benefits is subject tospecific rules.
Medical situation of the child
A medical certificate must attest to the particular seriousness of the child's illness, disability or accident.
It must be established by the doctor who follows the child for illness, disability, or accident.
The certificate shall specify:
- The nature of compelling care
- The terms of your presence with the child
- The expected duration of the child's treatment.
The certificate must be sent in a closed envelope with your request to your Caf: titleContent or MSA: titleContent.
The body will send it to the medical control department of the health insurance fund to which the child as a child is insuredentitled.
The doctor of the medical inspection department of the sickness insurance fund must give a favorable opinion.
Pending such notice, the PAA may be advanced.
You will be asked for proof of your situation.
Example: if you are an employee, a statement from your employer stating that you are entitled to parental leave.
The approach differs depending on whether you depend on the Caf: titleContent (general scheme) or the MSA: titleContent (agricultural scheme):
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General case (Cf)
With the doctor who is following the child, you must complete the cerfa form no. 12666:
Application for daily parental attendance allowance (AJPP) CIF
The form must be accompanied by the medical certificate issued by the doctor (in confidential cover) and sent to your Caf: titleContent.
Your request is considered by the Caf: titleContent, which checks if you are eligible.
Agricultural Scheme (AMM)
Application for daily parental attendance allowance (DPA) - MSA
Together with the doctor who is following the child, you must fill out the cerfa form 12666:
The form must be accompanied by the medical certificate issued by the doctor (in confidential cover) and sent to your MSA: titleContent.
Your request is considered by the MSA: titleContent, which checks if you are eligible.
Supporting documents and date of payment
The payment of the PJA is made after review by the Caf: titleContent or the MSA: titleContent of the monthly AJPP certificate. It shall specify the number of days of absence during the month. In the case of employees, this certificate shall be completed by the employer.
In order to collect the supplement for expenses, a certificate on honor indicating the amount of expenses incurred must be submitted.
PJA is due as of 1er day of calendar month during which your application is filed, provided that the conditions for entitlement are met on that date.
It is paid with due date (January paid in early February, etc.).
The allowance shall cease to be payable as from 1er day of the calendar month following that in which the conditions are no longer fulfilled.
Parental Sharing
The right to the PJPA may be opened simultaneously or successively to the 2 members of the couple for a calendar month.
Several situations are possible:
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The 2 parents stop simultaneously for a full month
They will only receive 22 PJAs even if they have stopped for a total of 44 days or more.
The 2 parents stop simultaneously for 11 days
They will receive 22 PJAs for 22 days off.
The two parents stop alternately for 11 days each
They will receive 22 PJA days for a total of 22 days off.
The situation varies, for example, if you are in training or if you are seeking paid employment.
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General case
The amount of the PPIA per day is €65.80.
The amount of the PPIA per half-day is €32.90.
Please note
TO Mayotte, the amount of the GPA per day is €56.35 and per half-day of €28.17.
You are in paid vocational training
You get a monthly flat-rate allowance equivalent to 22 days of AJPP as soon as you stop your training.
You are a job seeker compensated by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)
The AJPP is being taken per day and not half a day.
You must inform France Travail monthly of the number of AJPP days taken per month. Your compensation will then be recalculated.
Entitlement to the PJPA
The right is open on calendar month during which 3 conditions are met:
- Submission of the application accompanied by the medical certificate
- Honor certificate concerning the professional activity
- The need for parental presence and compulsory care.
Duration of entitlement to PJA
The right to the AJPP is open for a maximum period of 3 years.
During this period, the parent is entitled to a maximum of 310 days of daily allowances, i.e. 310 days of absence to be taken according to the needs of being with the child.
The maximum number of daily allowances per month is 22 days.
The right shall be open for a period equal to the foreseeable duration of the treatment, as determined by the doctor following the child.
You can take half a day.
The situation varies depending on the expected duration of treatment:
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Expected duration of treatment of up to 6 months
The right to the PJA ends at the end of the processing.
In case of relapse, the right can be reopened. The duration of the entitlement period and the maximum number of daily allowances that can be paid are calculated from the initial entitlement date.
Please note
If there is a new condition (not a relapse), a new right may be opened.
Expected duration of treatment longer than 6 months
Where the doctor so provides, the expected duration of the treatment shall be reviewed at the time fixed by the doctor: between 6 months and 1 year.
Where the estimated duration is more than one year, it shall be reviewed again at that time.
The entitlement to the PJA is open for periods of 6 to 12 months.
In case of renewal, you must reapply to the Caf: titleContent or the MSA: titleContent at the end of this period.
The right to the AJPP ends:
- At the end of treatment
- At the end of 3 years
- At the end of the 310 days.
In case of relapse, the right can be reopened. The duration of the entitlement period and the maximum number of daily allowances that can be paid are calculated from the initial entitlement date.
In case of new pathology, a new right can be opened before the end of 3 years.
Beyond 3 years
Entitlement to the allowance may be reopened for 310 days and for a further period of 3 years in 2 cases:
- Disease relapse or recurrence
- A presence that always requires a sustained presence and compelling care.
Renewal within 3 years
In case of a new pathology, the entitlement to the PJA may be opened for a further period of 3 years and 310 days.
In addition, when the maximum number of daily allowances (310) is reached, the 3-year term may be renewed before the end of the term:
- For the same disease
- For the same handicap
- Because of the accident that the child suffered.
The beneficiary shall send the new medical certificate to the Caf: titleContent or to the MSA: titleContent (for the attention of the medical control department).
This certificate attests to the indispensable nature of the continuation of compulsory care and of a sustained presence.
Thus, under certain conditions, a parent who has used the 310 days of PJA may benefit uninterrupted twice as many PJIA days (620 days).
A monthly supplement may be granted if the following 3 conditions are met:
- Monthly expenses required by the child's state of health (not reimbursed by the Social Security or the Mutual Society) are incurred by the family
- These expenditures exceed €126.20 per month
- The household's resources do not exceed a certain ceiling.
Resource ceiling
Your resources must not have exceeded an amount determined according to your situation. It's the categorical net income of 2023 which is considered for 2025.
The amount of resources varies depending on whether you live as a couple or alone:
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You live as a couple
The resource cap varies depending on the number of children:
1 child
Couple with only one income | Couple with 2 incomes |
€30,518 | €40,330 |
There are 2 revenues in the couple where each of the two is in receipt of employment income of at least €5,983.
2 children
Couple with only one income | Couple with 2 incomes |
€36,621 | €46,433 |
There are 2 revenues in the couple where each of the two is in receipt of employment income of at least €5,983.
3 children
Couple with only one income | Couple with 2 incomes |
€43,946 | €53,758 |
There are 2 revenues in the couple where each of the two is in receipt of employment income of at least €5,983.
4 or more children
Couple with only one income | Couple with 2 incomes |
€51,270 | €61,082 |
You must add to this amount per additional child:
Couple with only one income | Couple with 2 incomes |
€7,324 | €7,324 |
There are 2 revenues in the couple where each of the two is in receipt of employment income of at least €5,983.
You live alone
The resource cap varies depending on the number of children:
1 child
Your resources must not have exceeded €40,330.
2 children
Your resources must not have exceeded €46,433.
3 children
Your resources must not have exceeded €53,758.
4 or more children
Your resources must not have exceeded €61,082.
You must add to this amount €7,324 per additional child.
The amount of the monthly supplement is €126.20.
THE AJPP is not cumulative, for the same beneficiary, with the following benefits:
- Compensation for maternity, paternity or adoption leave
- Lump sum maternity leave allowance or maternity replacement allowance (allowances that may be paid to self-employed workers by their sickness insurance scheme)
- Accident at work Compensation for sick leave
- Retirement or invalidity pension,
- Shared Child Education Benefit (PreParE)
- Supplement and increase in theeducation allowance for disabled children (AEEH) for the same child
- Disabled Adult Allowance (DAA)
- Disability Compensation Benefit (DCP) linked to a need for human assistance
- Unemployment benefits.
The PJPA cannot be combined with unemployment benefits.
The beneficiary of the AJPP therefore sees the payment, by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi), of its unemployment benefits suspended during the period of receipt of the AJPP.
Once the AJPP entitlements have been exhausted, the unemployment benefit payment resumes and continues until they expire.
You have to differentiate according to whether you depend on the Caf: titleContent or the MSA: titleContent :
Change in family situation
Quickly report any changes in your family situation (e.g. birth of a child, marital relationship, separation, unemployment).
Change of domicile
You can report your change of address using the online change of address service:
Change in family situation
Quickly report any changes in your family situation (e.g. birth of a child, marital relationship, separation, unemployment).
Example :
Being in a couple can open up new rights. Inquire with your MSA: titleContent.
You can also go on site or submit the form cerfa no. 11423 by mail.
Change of domicile
You can report your change of address using the online change of address service:
Please note
If you change your department, the MSA of your home will automatically transfer the file to your new cash register. This transfer will take place as soon as your new address is registered.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
If you are dependent on the general diet
Family Allowance Fund (Caf)If you are dependent on the farm plan
Mutual Social Agricultural Organization (MSA)
Amount and payment
Monthly family benefits (start and end of entitlement)
National Fund for Family Allowances (Cnaf)