At what age can a public official retire?
Verified 01 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Want to know the minimum age from which you can retire? It depends on your date of birth and whether you're a public servant, depending on whether you're a class active or sedentary. Find the information corresponding to your situation.
The age at which you can retire depends on your date of birth:
You were born: | You can retire from: |
Before 1er september 1961 | 62 yrs |
Between 1er September 1961 and December 31, 1961 | 62 years and 3 months |
In 1962 | 62 years and 6 months |
In 1963 | 62 years and 9 months |
In 1964 | 63 yrs |
In 1965 | 63 years and 3 months |
In 1966 | 63 years and 6 months |
In 1967 | 63 years and 9 months |
From 1er january 1968 | 64 yrs |
It is possible to leave by early retirement before the minimum age of departure if you are in one of the following situations and meet the requirements:
- You started working young and can benefit from early retirement for a long career
- You worked with a disability
- You are found to be permanently unfit for service and retired for disability
- You have interrupted or reduced your activity to care for a disabled child
- You have been exposed to asbestos in your professional life
- You are a public servant, you have at least 15 years of service and you or your spouse have infirmity or incurable illness making the exercise of any profession impossible
The age at which you can retire depends on your date of birth and your employment.
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General case
The age at which you can retire depends on your date of birth :
You were born: | You can retire from: |
Before 1er september 1966 | 57 yrs |
Between 1er September 1966 and December 31, 1966 | 57 years and 3 months |
In 1967 | 57 years and 6 months |
In 1968 | 57 years and 9 months |
In 1969 | 58 yrs |
In 1970 | 58 years and 3 months |
In 1971 | 58 years and 6 months |
In 1972 | 58 years and 9 months |
From 1er january 1973 | 59 yrs |
To be eligible to retire between the ages of 57 and 59, depending on your date of birth, you must have completed at least 17 years of active service in one or more jobs in the active category.
From 1er January 2024, services performed as a contractor in an active category job during the 10 years prior to your establishment are counted as active services for the acquisition of the early departure right.
Identifier of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Paris Police Prefecture, sewer, prison guard, active staff of the National Police
Services performed in the identifiers of the forensic institute of the Paris police department or as an official of the underground sewage systems are so-called super-active services.
Services performed as prison supervision staff or as an official in the active services of the National Police are also included.
If you have performed so-called super-active services, the age at which you can retire depends on your date of birth :
You were born: | You can retire from: |
Before 1er september 1971 | 52 yrs |
Between 1er September 1971 and December 31, 1971 | 52 years and 3 months |
In 1972 | 52 years and 6 months |
In 1973 | 52 years and 9 months |
In 1974 | 53 yrs |
In 1975 | 53 years and 3 months |
In 1976 | 53 years and 6 months |
In 1977 | 53 years and 9 months |
From 1er january 1978 | 54 yrs |
In order to retire between the ages of 52 and 54, depending on your date of birth, you must have completed a minimum period of so-called super-active services:
- At least 12 years, half of them consecutively, if you are an official or former official of the underground networks or official or former official of the body of identifiers of the forensic institute
- At least 27 years (including possibly the length of compulsory military service) if you are an official or former police officer or prison guard or former prison guard
From 1er january 2024, services performed as a contractor in a super-active category job during the 10 years prior to your tenure are counted as super-active services for the acquisition of the right to early departure.
Air traffic controller
The age at which you can retire depends on your date of birth :
You were born: | You can retire from: |
Before 1er september 1971 | 52 yrs |
Between 1er September 1971 and December 31, 1971 | 52 years and 3 months |
In 1972 | 52 years and 6 months |
In 1973 | 52 years and 9 months |
In 1974 | 53 yrs |
In 1975 | 53 years and 3 months |
In 1976 | 53 years and 6 months |
In 1977 | 53 years and 9 months |
From 1er january 1978 | 54 yrs |
To be eligible to retire between the ages of 52 and 54, depending on your date of birth, you must have completed at least 17 years of active service as an engineer or former air traffic control engineer.
From 1er January 2024, services performed as a contractor in an active category job during the 10 years prior to your establishment are counted as active services for the acquisition of the early departure right.
The age at which you can retire depends on your date of birth :
You were born: | You can retire from: |
Before 1er september 1961 | 62 yrs |
Between 1er September 1961 and December 31, 1961 | 62 years and 3 months |
In 1962 | 62 years and 6 months |
In 1963 | 62 years and 9 months |
In 1964 | 63 yrs |
In 1965 | 63 years and 3 months |
In 1966 | 63 years and 6 months |
In 1967 | 63 years and 9 months |
From 1er january 1968 | 64 yrs |
It is possible to leave by early retirement before the minimum age of departure if you are in one of the following situations and meet the requirements:
- You started working before you turned 20 and can benefit from early retirement for a long career
- You worked with a disability
- Accident at work You are permanently incapacitated as a result of an occupational disease
- You have been exposed to asbestos in your professional life
Retirement age of official
Active category official (sewer workers)
Minimum duration of public services (civil servant of the sedentary category of the State)
Public interest grouping "Union retirement"