Skills assessment of a private sector employee

Verified 23 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The objective of a skills check is to analyze the employee's professional and personal skills and to define a professional and possibly training project. Funding for the skills assessment is provided through the Personal Training Account (PTA). We present you with the information you need to know.

If you are a private sector employee, you can benefit from a skills assessment.

Please note

You can also benefit from this balance sheet if you are a public official (civil servant or contract worker) regardless of your public service: State, territorial, hospitable. The same is true if you are jobseeker.

Role of the employer

The demand differs depending on whether the skills assessment takes place in the context of:

At your initiative: CPF

When you use the CPF for a realized balance sheet non-working time, your employer does not have to be informed.

When you use your CPF for a review done in all or part of the working time, you must seek the prior agreement of your employer.

This agreement is not necessary if your balance sheet is entirely outside working time.

Your employer has 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of your request to respond.

Employer-initiated: Skills development plan or retraining leave
Skills Development Plan

You have to agree.

It is the subject of a written agreement between the employer, you and the organization providing the skills assessment.

The Convention reminds signatories of their main obligations (e.g. duration, performance period, delivery of results, prices).

You have 10 days to make your acceptance known by returning the signed agreement.

Failure to reply by you at the end of this period shall be deemed to constitute a refusal to conclude the agreement.

Your refusal is neither a fault nor grounds for dismissal.

Reclassification Leave

The competency check can be carried out at the beginning of reclassification leave.

Choice of provider organization

You choose the skills assessment provider.

The employer cannot carry out a skills assessment for its employees.

You can choose a competency check offered by a provider based on in particular the following criteria:

  • Place of supply
  • Price
  • Rhythm (day, evening, part-time...)
  • Provider Availability
  • Evaluation of the performance by the trainees.

For this, go to my account

My Training Account

Preliminary phase

The preliminary phase is intended to:

  • Analyze your request and your need of the beneficiary
  • Determine the format that best suits your situation and needs
  • Jointly define the procedure for carrying out the balance sheet.

Investigation phase

The investigation phase allows you to:

  • Either build your professional project and check its relevance,
  • Or to develop one or more alternatives.

Concluding phase

The wrap-up phase enables you to perform the following actions through custom interviews:

  • Take ownership of the detailed results of the investigation phase
  • Identify the conditions and means to achieve your professional project(s)
  • Plan the main stages of the professional project(s), including the possibility of a follow-up interview with the skills assessment provider.

This phase ends with a summary document prepared by the provider organization. You are the only beneficiary of the detailed results and summary document.

They may be communicated to a third party only with its agreement.

Please note

The provider organization must destroy the documents drawn up for the completion of your competency check as soon as this check has been completed.

However, this provider must keep for 3 years the position paper.

The duration of the skills assessment is Maximum 24 hours.

In practice, a skills assessment does not span a very long period.

This funding is done as part of the skills assessment or training plan.

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In the framework of the CPF

The balance sheet is financed by the money you have on your CPF.

To find out the amount of this amount, go to my account

My Training Account

You must participate in the financing of the skills assessment via the CPF up to €102.23.


Your Skills Operator (OPCO) or your employer can support these €102.23

This amount is indexed to inflation and reviewed by ministerial order every 1er January.

However, you're not concerned through the participation of €102.23 if you are in any of these situations:

  • You benefit from a abundance from your employer
  • You're earning points on the cPrevention Business Account (C2P)
  • You receive an abundance due to permanent incapacity of at least 10% accident at work (victims of an occupational disease).

As part of the development plan or retraining leave

The cost of the skills check is borne by your employer.

When the balance is made on working time, your remuneration is maintained.

If the check-up is unfolding excluding working time, no remuneration is paid.

You can talk about this project to conduct a skills check with a professional development advisor (POC).

He can help you for free in your efforts.

It is not the same depending on where you live.

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