How are tax reductions and credits paid?
Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You get a tax credit or a reduction. Some of these benefits (donations to works, employment at home...) are refunded to you in 2 steps: an advance in January, then the balance in the summer. An immediate payment is being made, in certain cases and under conditions, for the Home Employment and Child Care Tax Credits. The remaining benefits are paid in full after the tax return. We'll tell you what you need to know.
Some tax credits and reductions allow you to take advantage of an advance, also known as down payment :
- Home Employment Tax Credit
- Child Care Expense Tax Credit
- Tax reduction dependency expenses
- Tax reduction for gifts to general interest organizations
- Tax reduction for donations to political parties
- Union Dues Tax Credit
- Duflot and Pinel Rental Investment Tax Reduction.
- Tax reduction rental investment Scellier
- Tax reduction for rental investment in the furnished rental sector in certain structures (Censi-Bouvard)
- Tax relief on overseas investments in housing.
Other tax advantages do not entitle you to a down payment. They are refunded in full after the tax return.
The refund varies depending on whether or not the tax benefit gives rise to an advance:
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Benefits that give rise to an advance
The refund is made in 2 steps:
- One down payment of 60% poured in January, based on the amount of the tax reduction (or credit) received in the previous year
- The balance paid in the summer, based on the actual expenses you incurred (shown on your spring tax return).
Example :
You have donated to a public interest association of €450 in 2023, followed by a donation of €500 in 2024.
You are entitled to a tax reduction of 66% for your 2024 donation, either €330.
You're touching €178 in January 2025, and €152 summer 2025.
The advance shall be paid by transfer to your account bank.
Benefits not giving rise to an advance
Some tax benefits are not eligible for an advance, such as the tax reduction for children's tuition.
The entire advantage is then paid in the summerafter the tax return for the individual.
Example :
You have a high school child and you are entitled to a tax reduction of €153 for your 2024 revenues.
You report your situation on the 2025 return of your 2024 income.
Your tax reduction is reflected in your summer 2025 tax notice.
If you use for 1re in the year of a tax credit or reduction for which an advance payment is made, the full benefit is also paid in the summer.
You will be able to benefit from an advance for the benefit obtained the following year.
If you received too large a deposit in January, you will need to repay the overpayment in September.
This will be the case, for example, if you significantly reduced the amount of your donations compared to the previous year or if you no longer used a job at home.
To avoid overpayments, you can change or waive the advance payment.
The advance due in January 2026 may be modified or canceled in the last quarter of 2025.
You will be able to request the change directly in your particular space online:
For certain home services performed in 2025, you can claim the immediate payment of the tax credit.
Your situation depends on:
- Type of service
- Direct employment of the employee or use of an organization or company of personal services
- Payment of the PCH: titleContent or theApa: titleContent.
The refund of your tax benefit depends on your situation:
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You're a child care worker
Your situation varies according to the age of the child:
Child under 6 years
A deposit of 60% will be paid in january 2026, based on the amount of the tax credit received in 2025.
The balance will be paid to you in the summer, based on your actual expenses.
If you receive too large a deposit in January, you will have to repay the overpayment in September.
Please note
The possibility of an immediate advance of the tax credit is provided for on 1er july 2026 at the latest.
Child over 6 years
You are concerned if you have your child over the age of 6 at home, for whom you can no longer benefit from the free choice of custody complement. The refund of your tax benefit varies depending on whether you directly employ your employee or use an intermediary.
You employ the employee directly
The refund of your tax benefit varies depending on whether or not you have subscribed to the Cesu + service.
Your situation varies depending on whether or not you opt for an immediate advance.
The immediate advance of the tax credit allows you to directly pay part of the salary and expenses owed for your employee at home.
The supplement is charged directly to your account.
You must activate the immediate advance of the tax credit from your Cesu + account.
Complete the form.
The service will be active after a minimum of 24 hours.
If you want to opt for the immediate advance of the tax credit, you must ask the employee's agreement.
A deposit of 60% will be paid in january 2026, based on the amount of the tax credit received in 2025.
The balance will be paid to you in the summer, based on your actual expenses.
If you receive too large a deposit in January, you will have to repay the overpayment in September.
A deposit of 60% will be paid in january 2026, based on the amount of the tax credit received in 2025.
The balance will be paid to you in the summer, based on your actual expenses.
If you receive too large a deposit in January, you will have to repay the overpayment in September.
You are using an organization or company of personal services
Your situation varies depending on whether or not you opt for an immediate advance.
You are concerned if you use an intermediate body under the following conditions:
- Department provider
- Department representative
- Connecting platform.
The intermediary may be an association, a company or an authorized self-contractor.
Your personal care organization may offer you the immediate advance the tax credit.
He is the one who takes the steps to allow you to access it.
In this case, the amount of your tax credit is deducted from the amount of benefits.
You are concerned if you use an intermediate body under the following conditions:
- Department provider
- Department representative
- Connecting platform.
The intermediary may be an association, a company or an authorized self-contractor.
A deposit of 60% will be paid in january 2026, based on the amount of the tax credit received in 2025.
The balance will be paid to you in the summer, based on your actual expenses.
If you receive too large a deposit in January, you will have to repay the overpayment in September.
You are receiving Custom Autonomy Allowance (APA)
A deposit of 60% will be paid in january 2026, based on the amount of the tax credit received in 2025.
The balance will be paid to you in the summer, based on your actual expenses.
If you receive too large a deposit in January, you will have to repay the overpayment in September.
Please note
The possibility of an immediate advance of the tax credit is provided for on 1er july 2027 at the latest.
You are receiving the Disability Compensation Benefit (DCP)
A deposit of 60% will be paid in january 2026, based on the amount of the tax credit received in 2025.
The balance will be paid to you in the summer, based on your actual expenses.
If you receive too large a deposit in January, you will have to repay the overpayment in September.
Please note
The possibility of an immediate advance of the tax credit is provided for on 1er july 2027 at the latest.
Other situations
The refund of your tax benefit varies depending on whether you directly employ your employee or use an intermediary.
You employ the employee directly
The refund of your tax benefit varies depending on whether or not you have subscribed to the Cesu + service.
You have subscribed to the Cesu + service
Your situation varies depending on whether or not you opt for an immediate advance.
The immediate advance of the tax credit allows you to directly pay part of the salary and expenses owed for your employee at home.
The supplement is charged directly to your account.
You must activate the immediate advance of the tax credit from your Cesu + account.
Complete the form.
The service will be active after a minimum of 24 hours.
If you want to opt for the immediate advance of the tax credit, you must ask the employee's agreement.
A deposit of 60% will be paid in january 2026, based on the amount of the tax credit received in 2025.
The balance will be paid to you in the summer, based on your actual expenses.
If you receive too large a deposit in January, you will have to repay the overpayment in September.
You have not subscribed to the Cesu + service
A deposit of 60% will be paid in january 2026, based on the amount of the tax credit received in 2025.
The balance will be paid to you in the summer, based on your actual expenses.
If you receive too large a deposit in January, you will have to repay the overpayment in September.
You are using an organization or company of personal services
Your situation varies depending on whether or not you opt for an immediate advance.
You opt for an immediate advance of the tax credit
You are concerned if you use an intermediate body under the following conditions:
- Department provider
- Department representative
- Connecting platform.
The intermediary may be an association, a company or an authorized self-contractor.
Your personal care organization may offer you the immediate advance the tax credit.
He is the one who takes the steps to allow you to access it.
In this case, the amount of your tax credit is deducted from the amount of benefits.
You don't go for an immediate advance on the tax credit
You are concerned if you use an intermediate body under the following conditions:
- Department provider
- Department representative
- Connecting platform.
The intermediary may be an association, a company or an authorized self-contractor.
A deposit of 60% will be paid in january 2026, based on the amount of the tax credit received in 2025.
The balance will be paid to you in the summer, based on your actual expenses.
If you receive too large a deposit in January, you will have to repay the overpayment in September.
The terms and conditions depend on your situation:
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You employ an employee on-line
You have to have a Cesu account.
If you don't have a Cesu account, you can create it:
Join the Universal Service Employment Check (Uses)
You must also meet the following conditions:
- Have a tax number corresponding to your marital status
- Have filed at least one tax return.
If you do not meet these conditions, you must contact the tax services.
Who shall I contact
Then you need to subscribe to the Cesu+ service.
Join the Cesu + service online
You can go to the "Tax Benefit" section of your personal space.
For these steps, you must ask your employee's consent.
You are using an organization or company of personal services
Your personal care organization may offer to provide you with the immediate advance.
He must be empowered to do so.
If you agree, it proceeds for free upon registration.
It provides theUrssaf: titleContent the following information:
- Last name, first name
- Date and place of birth
- Mobile phone number, email address and mailing address
- Bank details.
You must also meet the following conditions:
- Have a tax number corresponding to your marital status
- Have filed at least one tax return.
If you do not meet these conditions, you must contact the tax services.
Who shall I contact
If these conditions are met, you will receive an email from theUrssaf: titleContent for activate your Cesu account.
Please note
If you don't have a Cesu account, you can create it through a link in the email of theUrssaf: titleContent .
The immediate benefit does not replace the tax credit.
It is paid within the limit of the tax credit you can receive.
The amount of the immediate advance is also capped for your tax shelter depending on your situation:
- €10,000 for persons with disabilities
- €6,000 in other cases.
The ceiling €6,000 is increased by €750, in particular for each of the following persons:
- Dependent child
- Member of the tax household over the age of 65.
The ceiling is limited to €7,500.
When you finalize your 2024 income tax calculation, the immediate tax credit advance will be deducted from the tax credit to which you are entitled for your 2024 expenses.
If you received the immediate advance of the Home Employment Tax Credit in 2024, the amount collected from that advance will be pre-filled in your return of income in spring 2025.
You can only benefit from the immediate advance if you pay the amounts due to the home-based employee you employ (salary, social contributions).
In the event of a total or partial default, you lose the right to an immediate advance.
You will be informed of the decision to exclude or suspend, as well as the conditions to be fulfilled in order to be able to use the device again.
You must submit the supporting documents of payment requested from you. The absence of supporting documents means that you lose the benefit of the immediate advance.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
For general information
Tax Information Service
By telephone:
0809 401 401
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 7 pm, excluding public holidays.
Free service + call price
To contact the local service managing your folder
Department in charge of taxes (treasury, tax department...)Immediate Advance Contacts
Gets information.
If you are a customer of a personal care organization
By phone: 0806 806 028
Via Internet:
Deposit on the amount of tax advantages (Article 1665a)
Immediate payment of the tax credit (section 13)
Online service
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Finance