Energy renovation

What is My Accompaniment Renov'?

Publié le null - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You want to soon carry out efficient or comprehensive energy renovation work in your home and benefit from MaPrimeRenovate' ? Know that a trusted third party, the Renovation Accompanying Person, will become mandatory from 2023 to benefit from grants for energy renovation works of a certain amount. introduces you to this new device.

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Image 1Crédits: © pitb_1 -

The decree of July 23, 2022 specifies the modalities for setting up the national network of France Rénov' guides, provided for in the Climate and Resilience Law of August 22, 2021.

The granting of MaPrimeRénov' and aid for energy renovation by the National Housing Agency (Anah) is progressively conditional on the use of support for certain “efficient or comprehensive” energy renovations.

What role for the coach Renovo'?

Mon Accompanying Rénov' is a project management assistant or an operator approved by the State or designated by a local authority. Supported by the Anah, this professional is responsible for assisting individuals in their energy renovation project.

Its tasks:

  • definition of work: visit, diagnosis, recommendations for adapted work;
  • company selection tips and quoting;
  • support for administrative procedures;
  • specific aid for households in precarious situations;
  • mobilizing financing;
  • advice at the end of the work.

3 mandatory steps

The aim of the system is to simplify the renovation process with personalized support and to treat each stage of the project in its different dimensions: technical, social, administrative or financial. The accompanying document must have three stages:

  • an assessment of the housing situation and the household situation;
  • an energy audit or the presentation of an existing energy audit;
  • preparing and supporting the project.

In which cases will the support be mandatory?

The work subject to compulsory accompaniment is as follows:

  • From 1er January 2023: works benefiting from Anah's energy renovation aid conditional on an improvement in the overall energy performance of the dwelling(MaPrimeRénov' Serenity). The aid application must be lodged as from 1er January 2023 and its cost exceeds €5,000 including VAT (aid granted to modest households for work that results in an energy saving of at least 35%).
  • From 1er September 2023: works for two or more gestures eligible for the energy transition premium (Decree No 2020-26 of 14 January 2020), the cost of which is above €5 000 including VAT and which are the subject of an application for aid (MaPrimeRenovate') exceeding EUR 10 000.
  • This also applies to works for which separate aid applications exceed these thresholds and which take place within three years of the first aid application.


coaching can be free if your community has dedicated funding for coaching. You can contact a France Rénov' advisor to find out if you are eligible: france-ré

If the community has not set up dedicated funding, Anah co-finances the support with a package of up to €875 depending on your project and your resources.

On the directory of you will find consulting rooms France Rénov' across France.
