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What is the new pre-second class?
Publié le 14 mai 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The preparatory class for the second class is intended for third-graders admitted to the second class but who have not obtained their certificates. It is being implemented on an experimental basis, as of the September 2024 school year. Admission to this class is based on the voluntary service of the pupils concerned.
Preparatory classes for the second class, also called prepa-second classes, are set up within high schools. In each department, at least one establishment offers one. You can consult the map of high schools opening a pre-second class (it is possible to search by department to find the school or schools by offering one closest to you).
To enter pre-second class, a student must:
- have been admitted to the second-general and technological class, to the second-stage class of the technological series ‘science and technology in the hotel and restaurant industry’ or to the second-professional class;
- have not obtained the national diploma of the patent (general or professional series);
- have been identified by the educational team at their institution as being likely to benefit from such training;
- Volunteer to join this class.
The families of the pupils identified by the teaching team shall be informed before the last third-grade class council:
- the objectives of this training;
- the conditions to be met in order to qualify;
- the nearest high school offering the scheme.
The families indicate to the principal of the school whether they wish to benefit from the preparatory class for the second class if their child does not obtain the patent. Immediately after the results of the examination, if the pupil fails, the families who indicated their interest in the pre-second class are informed of whether or not the pupil has been admitted to this training.
Please note
If the number of student volunteers exceeds the capacity, after exchanges with their teaching team, school leaders identify with the DASEN (Academic Director of National Education Services) the pupils for whom the pre-second class would be most beneficial.
As the pre-second class only concerns student volunteers, a junior high school student who did not obtain the certificate may choose to enroll directly in the second-level class rather than first completing a year in this preparatory training.
What lessons will be given in pre-second class?
Students will have 27 hours of classes per week, broken down as follows:
- 20 hours of consolidation of the expected end of middle school and preparation for the second class (French, history-geography, mathematics, science and technology, modern languages...);
- 7 hours of reinforcement of working methods or of discovery of trades and training (the nature of these lessons will not be the same depending on whether the student has been admitted as a second professional or as a second general and technological).
Students will also be required to carry out one or more class projects, for example in connection with:
- theater, cultural practice or the discovery of cultural institutions;
- the economic world (immersion, company visits, etc.);
- international exchanges (reflections on studying abroad...);
- science (questions about the links between knowledge in the scientific field and certain aspects of everyday life).
At the end of their (non-renewable) pre-second school year, students will continue their second-class education in the training and school to which they were admitted at the end of the third grade. A change of orientation will also be possible, after the advice of the class council, upon written request of the parents of the student or the latter if he is of age.
Please note
The class preparatory to the second class does not apply to:
- pupils taking apprenticeship training or enrolled in PCA;
- students who wish to benefit from a gateway to a second class of the general and technological pathway or the professional pathway after another course in high school.
On the other hand, apprenticeship candidates who have not managed to sign a contract within the 3-month period available to them will be able to attend pre-second classes after the start of the school year.
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