High school enrollment
Verified 03 June 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Your child is going to go to high school and you wonder how to enroll him in his future school? At the end of college, your child can continue his/her education in a general and technological school or a vocational school. He is, in principle, assigned to the public high school in your area. You can also request a waiver to enroll him in another public high school. If you want to register it privately, you must contact the chosen high school.
The assignment process depends on your situation.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Transition from public school to public high school
The decision to assign to general and technological high schools or vocational high schools is taken by the Dasen: titleContent.
It shall take into account the guidance decision taken by the 3rd class council and opportunities to host secondary schools in the area.
The assignment decision shall indicate whether the pupil is continuing his education:
- in a high school of general and technological education, in 2nde general or technological,
- or a vocational high school in 2nde professional baccalaureate,
- or a vocational school in 1re year of certificate of professional competence (CAP).
In principle, your child is affected in the secondary school in its sector according to the school card. This is usually the school closest to your home.
Transition from private to public high school
Private College under contract
You must first contact the Dasen: titleContent to find out about the assignment high school:
You must then follow the valid registration procedure for the transition from public school to public high school.
Non-Contract Private College
Your child will have to pass an entrance examination to enroll in a public high school.
Contact the departmental department of national education of your place of residence to know the procedures and the date of the examination.
Foreign-domiciled parents
If you are domiciled abroad, your child must be registered in one of the following municipalities:
- Municipality where you have a residence
- Municipality of the home of the person who has custody of it
- Municipality in which there is an establishment especially for French children living abroad
Contact the departmental department of national education of the child's place of residence to find out about his or her assigned high school.
if you change your home before the start of the school year (for example if you move during the summer holidays), you must ask to enroll your child in the sector high school of the future home.
Request for derogation
If you want your child to be admitted to a public high school other than the one in your area, you must apply for a waiver of the Dasen: titleContent.
You must make the request for exemption before registering your child in the desired establishment.
You must apply using a form. You can pick up the document from the Department of National Education Services of your place of residence.
The application must be submitted, as appropriate, to your child's school or to the department of national education of your place of residence.
In some departments, the request is made online on the website of the Directorate of Departmental Services of National Education.
Processing of the request for derogation
Your request will be accepted if the desired establishment has sufficient capacity.
If the number of applications exceeds the capacity of an establishment, derogations shall be granted in the following indicative order of priority:
- Student with a disability, who is given top priority
- Pupil requiring significant medical attention near the requested high school
- Student merit scholar
- Student scholarship on social grounds
- Student who must follow a particular educational path
- Pupil whose brother or sister is already enrolled in the desired high school
- Pupil whose home is located on the edge of the sector and close to the desired high school.
Acceptance of the derogation may also depend on the passing of aptitude tests.
You can specify multiple reasons simultaneously in the waiver request.
The steps differ depending on the type of registration.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Registration for entry to high school
You must enroll your child in high school in a time limit specified by the assignment decision. Failure to do so may result in loss of the benefit of the condition.
At the time of registration, you can give your consent to the automatic study of your right to the high school scholarship.
You can register with the school's secretariat. Some schools also offer online registration. Check with the school to find out if you are offered this opportunity.
At the high school secretariat
The composition of the registration file varies from one institution to another.
Get in touch with the high school's secretariat.
This file may consist of the following documents:
- Application Form
- Council's policy decision
- Certificate of exit of the head of the establishment of origin indicating the year-end decision
- Quarterly newsletters from last year
- Proof of domicile(s)
- Photos of the child's identity
Some high schools offer to register online.
You must log in to the EduConnect portal. Prepare your FranceConnect IDs or EduConnect.
Online registration allows you to do the following
- Enroll your child administratively in his or her secondary school of assignment
- Express your wish for optional education and accommodation (day school, half board, boarding school)
- Verify and complete your and your child's administrative information
- Ask For the automatic study of your right to the high school scholarship
- Read additional documents, some of which are to be returned to the school.
- File the requested documents (if the institution has opened this possibility).
When the registration is validated, theanother child's legal representative can log in to do the following
- Read the details of your child's registration (training, options...)
- Verify and update, as necessary, its own administrative information
- Request automatic study of his/her scholarship, if you have not already done so.
Please note
At the end of the process, an email is sent to you. It confirms that the registration has been taken into account, summarizes your wishes and specifies the documents to be provided.
Re-enrollment in the same school
When your child does not change school, re-registration for the following year is automatic.
However, you need to update some information about your personal situation. You can also choose optional courses, if the school offers them.
You can also agree to the automatic study of your right to the high school scholarship.
This information may be transmitted to the secretariat of the establishment in paper format. You receive a file, called shuttle plug, which tells you what information to provide.
You can do it too online by logging into the EduConnect portal. Prepare your FranceConnect IDs or EduConnect.
Change of school
At the end of the school year, if you want to enroll your child in a school other than the one in your area, you must first obtain a waiver from the Dasen: titleContent.
Once the waiver has been obtained, you must then register your child by withdrawing a registration file with the school's secretariat.
The composition of the registration file varies from one institution to another.
You have to complete it and hand it over to the high school secretariat.
This file may consist of the following documents:
- Application Form
- Parent and child identification
- Photocopy of the family booklet
- Proof of domicile
- Photos of the child's identity
At the time of registration, you can give your consent to the automatic study of your right to the high school scholarship.
Please note
the procedure is different if your child needs to change of establishment in the course of the year.

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Entry to high school
6 key questions about your child's assignment
Is your kid going to go to high school? Assignment, override, registration... Overview of key information in 6 questions answers
My child is going into general or technological second. Will he be posted to a high school near our home?
Yeah. Yeah. Your child will be assigned to the high school in your area, according to the school map of your department (we also talk about sectorization). This is usually the school closest to your home.
And if he continues his education in a professional way, is he guaranteed to be in a high school close to home?
No, no, no. There is no sectorization because the assignment in vocational high school depends mainly on the degree chosen. When making your orientation vows, you must take into account geographical proximity.
Can I choose a public general and technological high school other than my sector?
Yeah. Yeah. At the end of the last quarter of 3rd, together with your posting wishes, you must make a request for derogation to the Academic Director of National Education Services (Dasen). But the place is not guaranteed until his definitive answer.
Can I apply for a waiver directly on the internet?
Yes and no. Depending on your department, you need to fill out a paper or online document called "School Card Flexibility Form". It's on your academy's website.
Will my request for a derogation necessarily be accepted?
No, no, no. It depends on the capacity of the target school. If the derogations are more numerous than the places available, there is an order of priority (health, resource, family, educational path criteria).
Once I know which school my child will go to, will he be registered automatically?
No, no, no. Once the Dasen decides on the assignment in the sector high school or another high school (derogation), you must register online or at the school's secretariat.
To enroll your child in private education, you must directly contact the school you have chosen.
The school will tell you the registration procedure to follow.
In particular, you must provide the following documents:
- Guidance Decision
- Quarterly bulletins for the past year
- Mandatory vaccination certificates
- Fact Sheet (Parents)
- Proof of domicile
Please note
the procedure is different if your child needs to change of establishment in the course of the year.
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Educational obligation
Registration Control
Second degree sectors and districts
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