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Family allowances (family of 2 or more children)
Verified 01 April 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Income of the same category (wages, income from land, etc.) less taxes and tax allowances (10% reduction for expenses, etc.)
Family allowances are paid to persons with at least 2 children under the age of 20. The amount of benefits depends on your resources, the number of dependent children and their age. We present you with the information you need to know.
What applies to you ?
The rules are different in the overseas departments.
To find out if you are entitled to family allowances and if so for what amount, you can use a simulator.
Know what social benefits you may be entitled to
Dependent children
You must have at least 2 dependent children under 20.
Residence in France
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You're French
You must be in one of the following situations:
- Have your habitual residence in France
- Stay in France for more than 6 months of the year (consecutive or not)
Your child must also reside in France. If he leaves the country for more than 3 months even alone, the benefits are suspended.
But they are maintained if the child has any of the following:
- He makes one or more visits abroad to study or receive medical care in a border country and he regularly returns to his family (for example, the family lives in Alsace and the child attends a German school)
- He or she is abroad to learn a foreign language, receive medical care, pursue his or her studies or vocational training (company learning, etc.)
You're a foreigner
You must be in one of the following situations:
- Have your habitual residence in France
- Stay in France for more than 6 months of the year (consecutive or not)
You must also complete some conditions related to the regularity of your stay.
Your child must also reside in France. If he leaves the country for more than 3 months even alone, the benefits are suspended. But they are maintained if the child has any of the following:
- He makes one or more visits abroad to study or receive medical care in a border country and he returns regularly to his family (for example, the family lives in Alsace and the child attends studies in Germany)
- He or she is abroad to learn a foreign language, receive medical care, pursue his or her studies or vocational training (company learning, etc.)
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General case (Cf)
You're already a beneficiary
The FCA automatically awards family allowances as soon as it becomes aware of a 2e dependent child. You must declare the child's birth (by sending a copy of the child's family record or birth certificate).
You're not a recipient yet
You must complete the cerfa forms n°11423 and n°10397 and send them to your Caf: titleContent. Please specify your place of residence before downloading the forms.
Agricultural Scheme (AMM)
You're already a beneficiary
The MSA automatically awards family allowances as soon as it becomes aware of a 2e dependent child. You must declare the child's birth (by sending a copy of the child's family record or birth certificate).
You're not a recipient yet
You must register online on the MSA website.
The amount of allowances varies depending on your resources. It's the categorical net income of 2022 which is taken into account for the review of your rights for the year 2024. It must not exceed a limit that varies according to your situation.
Basic amount and any increase
When your child reaches the age of 14, you receive a monthly increase.
However, if you have only 2 dependent children, you will not receive a premium for the senior.
- You have 2 children aged 15 and 16 years: you receive a surcharge only for the one who is 15 years old.
- You have 3 dependent children: you receive this increase for each child from 14 years of age.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
2 children
3 children
4 children
Large family (3 or more children): temporary lump sum allowance
When a child reaches the age of 20, he or she ceases to be counted as a dependent child.
For a family of at least 3 children, loss may be significant. To mitigate this reduction, a provisional flat-rate allowance is paid if the following 3 conditions are met:
- The 20-year-old must still live in the recipient's home
- He must not earn more than €1,082.87
- In the month preceding her 20th birthday, family allowances were paid for at least 3 children
The provisional lump sum allowance shall be paid automatically until the month preceding the 21ste child's birthday.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
3 children
4 children
Decreasing supplement
A degressive supplement shall be paid if the family's resources are only slightly above the ceiling applicable to it.
The difference between the ceiling exceeded and the resources must not exceed 12 times the monthly amount of family allowances.
Example :
A family with 3 children has €82,000 per year.
Its resources exceed the €81,212, in order to obtain the maximum family allowances of €338.81.
The difference between family resources and the exceeded ceiling is €788.
This difference is less than 12 x €338.81So the family can receive the degressive supplement.
To calculate the degressive complement, a formula applies:
(Ceiling exceeded + 12 x amount of family allowances - family resources)/12
Example :
For the family with 3 children who have €82,000per year:
[€81,212 + (12 x €338.81) - €82,000]/12 = €258.24
The family can therefore receive a child benefit €273.14 per month.
You are entitled to family allowances from the month following the birth or reception of a 2e child, of a 3e child, etc.
Example :
If your second child is born on January 15, the right will be open on January 1er February.
The age supplement shall be paid from the month following the 14the child's birthday.
Allowances are paid monthly, with a term due.
Example :
Your second child is born on January 15. The allowances to which you are entitled for the month of February are paid to you in early March.
Payment of the allowances shall cease as soon as the conditions are no longer met.
Change in family situation
Quickly report any changes in your family situation (e.g. birth of a child, marital relationship, separation, unemployment).
Change of domicile
You can report your change of address using the online change of address service:
Change in family situation
Quickly report any changes in your family situation (e.g. birth of a child, marital relationship, separation, unemployment).
Example :
Being in a couple can open up new rights. Inquire with your MSA: titleContent.
You can also go on site or submit the form cerfa no. 11423 by mail.
Change of domicile
You can report your change of address using the online change of address service:
Please note
if you change your department, the MSA of your home will automatically transfer the file to your new cash register. This transfer will take place as soon as your new address is registered.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
If you are dependent on the general diet
Family Allowance Fund (Caf)If you are dependent on the farm plan
Mutual Social Agricultural Organization (MSA)
Conditions of award
Allocation of mark-up
Monthly payment of family benefits (start and end of entitlement)
Limits on the allocation of certain family benefits (page 171)
National Fund for Family Allowances (Cnaf)
Allocations familiales : les plafonds de ressources applicables en 2024
Publié le 19 janvier 2024