At what age can an employee retire?

Verified 01 September 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

Age from which you can to retire depends on your date of birth.

Tableau - Age at which you can retire

You were born:

You can retire from:

Before 1er september 1961

62 yrs

Between 1er September 1961 and December 31, 1961

62 years and 3 months

In 1962

62 years and 6 months

In 1963

62 years and 9 months

In 1964

63 yrs

In 1965

63 years and 3 months

In 1966

63 years and 6 months

In 1967

63 years and 9 months

From 1er january 1968

64 yrs

He is possible to retire early before the minimum age of departure if you are in any of the following and fill in the conditions required :

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