How to consult the cadastre?
Verified 02 August 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The cadastral documentation consists of cadastral plan and the cadastral matrix real estate.
Everybody may request those documents. However, alone the owners receive the full information their properties.
Issuance of cadastral information can be paid for, as appropriate.
The cadastral map has a tax value. It does not set property limits. The name of owners don't figure not. To delineate the boundaries of a land, you must have a bounding by an expert surveyor.
You can consult the cadastre on the internet, at the tax center or at the city hall.
On the Internet
You can view extracts from the cadastral plan and order them on the internet.
You have the search tool of the cadastral plan consultation service.
Search, consultation and order of sheets of the cadastral plan
Pricing of the delivery of the cadastral plan depends on the form and nature of the requested documents.
On paper
The information cadastral records issued on leaves in format A3 or A4 is free.
The reproduction on a leaf format integer A0 on support paper cost €9.50 and on support plastic €18.
In digital form
Number of sheets | Unit price |
From 1 to 200 sheets | €5.50 |
From 201 to 2,500 sheets | €3.30 |
2,501 to 5,000 sheets | €2.20 |
5,001 to 10,000 sheets | €0.90 |
Over 10,000 sheets | €0.25 |
At the center of taxes
On the spot, you can only a simple consultation the cadastral plan and the parcel sheets in your property tax center.
You can also request cadastral information by mail (simple or recommended). This request must include your names and first names or your corporate name if you are applying as a representative of a legal person. You must also provide the name of the municipality the situation of the immovable property or properties concerned.
Pricing of the delivery of the cadastral plan depends on the form and nature of the requested documents.
On paper
The information cadastral records issued on leaves in format A3 or A4 is free.
The reproduction on a leaf format integer A0 on support paper cost €9.50 and on support plastic €18.
In digital form
Number of sheets | Unit price |
From 1 to 200 sheets | €5.50 |
From 201 to 2,500 sheets | €3.30 |
2,501 to 5,000 sheets | €2.20 |
5,001 to 10,000 sheets | €0.90 |
Over 10,000 sheets | €0.25 |
You can consult the cadastral matrix in property tax centre.
You can search for crosstab extracts from the name of the proprietor or cadastral references a plot or a building. The search is limited to one commune or to a district for Paris, Lyon and Marseille.
You ask a cadastral matrix extract through a form.
Request for cadastral matrix extract
This form is sent to the tax center by post (simple or recommended).
Only the owners parcels receive in its entirety information tax services (including the date and place of birth of the owner and the reasons for tax exemption).
You can get free extracts of the cadastral matrix on an ad hoc basis with the services of property taxes.
To the town hall
You can consult the documentation of the cadastral plan in the town hall.
You can also request cadastral information by mail (simple or recommended). This request includes your names and first names or your corporate name, if you are applying as a representative of a legal person. You must also provide the name of the municipality the situation of the immovable property or properties concerned.
You search by skill or by cadastral references. You cannot search by parcel owner name. The information shall be communicated to you by mail (or by electronic channel if requested).
The fee for issuing the cadastral plan depends on the form and nature of the documents requested.
On paper
The information cadastral records issued on leaves in format A3 or A4 is free.
The reproduction on a leaf format integer A0 on support paper cost €9.50 and on support plastic €18.
In digital form
Number of sheets | Unit price |
From 1 to 200 sheets | €5.50 |
From 201 to 2,500 sheets | €3.30 |
2,501 to 5,000 sheets | €2.20 |
5,001 to 10,000 sheets | €0.90 |
Over 10,000 sheets | €0.25 |
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
Tax Information Service
By telephone:
0809 401 401
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 7 pm, excluding public holidays.
Free service + call price
Reporting of cadastral information
Issuance of documents to taxpayers
National Institute for Geographical and Forestry Information (IGN)
Ministry of Finance