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Carte grise Vehicle to be destroyed and
Verified 12 November 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Vehicle not without its essential elements (engine, catalytic converter...) and not containing non-approved equipment
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If you decide to have your vehicle destroyed, including a car, van or 2-wheel, you must hand it over to an authorized VHU center. This vehicle must be whole.
What applies to you ?
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Vehicle registered in France
You must contact an End of Life Vehicle (ELV) center. As used vehicles are considered to be waste, only the VHU centers are authorized to destroy them.
Ouvrir l’image dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Logo of centers involved in the destruction of end-of-life vehicles
You can recognize a VHU center by its logo:
Who shall I contact
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Carte grise You have the
- You must write the entry in a very legible and unalterable manner Sold on (day/month/year) for destruction or Released on (day/month/year) for destruction and your signature.
If there were more than one co-owner, it must be signed by all (unless one of the owners has the power of attorney to do so).
Carte grise When the machine has a detachable coupon, you must complete, cut and keep it.
Carte grise When the method includes the corner to be cut in the upper right corner, you must cut and destroy it.
- Certificate of administrative status less than 15 days old
- Form cerfa no. 15776 filled in, on which the contact details of the VHU center and, if possible, its approval number are indicated. Put copy 2 back in the center.
The VHU certified center will give you a certificate of destruction.
Carte grise You don't have the
You lost her
- Form of declaration of loss
- Certificate of administrative status less than 15 days old
- Form cerfa no. 15776 filled in, on which the contact details of the VHU center and, if possible, its VHU approval number are indicated. Put copy 2 back in the center.
The VHU certified center will give you a certificate of destruction.
It was stolen from you
- Form of flight declaration that must have been deposited with the gendarmerie or the police
- Certificate of administrative status less than 15 days old
- Form cerfa no. 15776 filled in, on which the contact details of the VHU center and, if possible, its VHU approval number are indicated. Put copy 2 back in the center.
The VHU certified center will give you a certificate of destruction.
Your card has been removed because your vehicle has been damaged
- Notice of withdrawal of the certificate of registration (issued by the police or gendarmerie)
- Certificate of administrative status less than 15 days old
- Form cerfa no. 15776 filled in, on which the contact details of the VHU center and, if possible, its VHU approval number are indicated. Put copy 2 back in the center.
The VHU certified center will give you a certificate of destruction.
The delivery of your complete vehicle at the VHU center is free. However, you may be responsible for any transportation to the VHU center.
In most cases, this declaration can be directly registered with the VHU center that takes the vehicle back from you.
Alternatively, you can report the sale online via the online service below:
Declare delivery of a vehicle to an End of Life Vehicle Center (ELV)
You must identify yourself via France Connect.
A digital copy device (scanner, digital camera, smartphone or tablet equipped with a photo function) is required.
You must have a digital copy (photo or scan) of copy No. 1 of the completed Cerfa Form No. 15776, on which the contact details of the VHU center and, if possible, its approval number are indicated.
Of numeric dots (with computers, printers and scanners) are available in each prefecture and in most sub-prefectures. You can do the walk there. You can be assisted by digital mediators if you have difficulties using the Internet.
You can also be accompanied in your approach by a France Services house :
it is no longer possible to file the declaration with prefectures and sub-prefectures (or send it by post).
Inform your insurance company of the destruction of the vehicle. This information is used to terminate the contract.
Foreign registered vehicle
You must contact an End of Life Vehicle (ELV) center. As used vehicles are considered to be waste, only the VHU centers are authorized to destroy them.
Ouvrir l’image dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Logo of centers involved in the destruction of end-of-life vehicles
You can recognize a VHU center by its logo:
Who shall I contact
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Carte grise You have the
Carte grise You must deliver the vehicle dose to the VHU center.
The VHU certified center will give you a certificate of destruction.
Carte grise You don't have the
You lost her
Carte grise You must contact the administrative authorities of the country in which the vehicle was registered to know the steps to be taken to obtain a copy of your vehicle.
Carte grise You must deliver the copy of the vehicle to the VHU center.
The VHU certified center will give you a certificate of destruction.
It was stolen from you
You have to make a flight declaration to the gendarmerie or the police station.
Carte grise You must then contact the administrative authorities of the country in which the vehicle was registered to know the steps to be taken to obtain a copy of your vehicle.
Carte grise You must deliver the copy of the vehicle to the VHU center.
The VHU certified center will give you a certificate of destruction.
Your card has been removed because your vehicle has been damaged
You must have the following documents:
- Notice of withdrawal of the certificate of registration (issued by the police or gendarmerie) or the certificate of delivery
- Form cerfa no. 15776 filled in, on which the contact details of the VHU center and, if possible, its VHU approval number are indicated
hand over copy 2 of the cerfa form n°15776 to the VHU center.
The VHU certified center will give you a certificate of destruction.
The delivery of your complete vehicle at the VHU center is free. However, you may be responsible for any transportation to the VHU center.
Inform your insurance company of the destruction of the vehicle.
Ministry of the Interior