What is the welcome ceremony in French citizenship?

Verified 11 December 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The welcoming ceremony in French citizenship concerns people who have just acquired French nationality.

The prefect of the department (in Paris, the prefect of the police, abroad, the competent consular authority) organizes the welcoming ceremony in French citizenship.

The mayor, in his capacity of registrarmay be authorized to organize the ceremony.

You must be invited to a welcoming ceremony in French citizenship if you have just acquired French nationality.

However, this ceremony does not concern you if you made a declaration of French nationality because of your state possession of French.

The welcoming ceremony in French citizenship is in principle organized within 6 months from the acquisition of French nationality.

The deadline shall be:

If you are an employed person, you and your spouse have the right to benefit from a leave of at least half a day to attend the ceremony.

You must present to your employer the invitation to the welcome ceremony in French citizenship.

The duration of this leave cannot be deducted from your annual paid leave.

You receive a French citizenship application.

This folder contains the following documents:

  • Welcome letter from the President of the Republic
  • Information leaflet on the organization of public authorities and the rights and duties of citizens (charter of rights and duties of french citizens.)
  • Declaration of Human and Citizen’s Rights of 1789
  • Extracts from the Constitution of the Fifth Republic
  • Text of the national anthem.

According to the prefectures, French citizenship certificates and civil status documents can be handed over at the reception ceremony in French citizenship.

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