I want to work in administration
Verified 22 April 2020 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The administration offers a wide variety of jobs with specific recruitment conditions, including by competition. To target the jobs that match your professional choices, you need to learn about the different public services (state, territorial or hospital) and their professions. You must also select the access method that corresponds to your situation or your career development projects.
What are the different public services?
I'm looking into the different public service (State, territorial and hospital civil service) in particular to know the different public employers.
What are the jobs of the 3 public services?
To find out about the different jobs in the public sector, I consult the register of occupations in the three public services.
Who can access it?
To be able to work in the administration, you have to fill out certain conditions (diploma, absence of conviction...).
a foreigner may have access to a job in the administration in some cases.
How to access it?
The majority of public service jobs are accessible through competition and are therefore exercised by officials.
However, it does exist other recruitment methods (non-competitive) to work as a contractual, or even as civil servant.
Please note
an administration can accommodate a student on an internship.
I inquire about the dates and conditions of registration in the competition to allow me to access the job I wish to perform.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In the State Civil Service
I'm looking at the website of the State civil service.
I find out about the preparation for the competition I have registered for, in particular by consulting the website of the National Center for Distance Learning (Cned), under the heading Public Service Competition.
If I'm pregnant, I'll find out about the possibility to pass the different tests of the competition.
if i have a disability, i can benefit from special measures for employment in the public service.
In the territorial civil service
I visit the following websites:
I find out about the preparation for the competition I have registered for, in particular by consulting the website of the National Center for Distance Learning (Cned), under the heading Public Service Competition.
If I'm pregnant, I'll find out about the possibility of passing the different tests of the competition.
if i have a disability, i can benefit from special measures for employment in the public service.
In the hospital public service
I visit the following websites:
I find out about the preparation for the competition I have registered for, in particular by consulting the website of the National Center for Distance Learning (Cned), under the heading Public Service Competition.
If I'm pregnant, I'll find out about the possibility of passing the different tests of the competition.
if i have a disability, i can benefit from special measures for employment in the public service.
Certain positions of category C of simple execution (e.g. administrative assistants) shall be accessible without competition, in particular through the Public Service Career Path (Pact).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In the State Civil Service (EPF)
I can look at the list of positions without competition in the EPF.
In the territorial public service (FPT)
I can consult:
- the list of positions without competition in the F/P/T,
- advertisements in the press,
- and the posts proposed by Pôle emploi.
In the hospital public service (FPH)
I can inquire:
- on the premises and on the websites of the hospitals which carry out the recruitment,
- from Pôle emploi,
- and in the local press.
I can apply for a job offer by contract (without competition).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In the State Civil Service
I can go to the website of the Place de l'emploi publique (formerly the Interministerial Public Employment Fellowship).
In the territorial public service (FPT)
I can consult:
- the website of Territorial Public Service Employment Scholarship
- the local press or the Pôle emploi.
In the hospital public service (FPH)
I can consult:
- the website of Hospital Public Service Employment Scholarship
- the local press or the Pôle emploi.
For example, you can sign a project contract.
Online service
Ministry of Public Service
Ministry of Public Service
National Federation of Territorial Public Service Management Centers (FNCDG)
National Center for Territorial Public Service (CNFPT)
National Federation of Territorial Public Service Management Centers (FNCDG)
City of Paris
Ministry of Health
Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP)
National Center for Distance Learning (Cned)
National Federation of Territorial Public Service Management Centers (FNCDG)
Hospital Federation of France
Ministry of Public Service