Internship bonus
Verified 29 July 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Your child is a scholarship holder and attends a boarding school (in middle school or high school)? You can receive the bonus at the boarding school. It is automatically allocated on a quarterly basis, net of pension costs. The residency grant may be combined with other aid. Here's the information you need to know.
This bonus is intended for national scholarship students attending boarding school (in middle school or high school).
Students enrolled in boarding schools for success and in Regional Adaptive Education Institution (Éréa) are also concerned.
The premium shall be awarded automatically. You don't have to take any steps.
The amount of the premium varies according to your level of college or high school scholarship.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You're in middle school
Step | Amount |
1 | €327 |
2 | €396 |
3 | €465 |
You're in high school
Step | Amount |
1 | €327 |
2 | €396 |
3 | €465 |
4 | €534 |
5 | €603 |
6 | €672 |
The premium is awarded in 3 installments, each quarter, after deduction of the pension costs bill.
The boarding school bonus must be combined with a college scholarship or a high school scholarship.
In addition, it may be combined, subject to conditions, with the following aid:
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