Do I need to register a trailer or caravan?

Verified 16 May 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

It all depends on the total laden weight of the vehicle (TCCA), i.e. the maximum permissible weight: the weight of the vehicle and what it carries (people, goods, etc.).

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PTAC over 500 kg

Carte grise If your trailer has a TCCA greater than 500 kg, you must make a request for a TCCA in order for the trailer to be allowed to travel.

The procedures are identical to those for private vehicles new or used.

The caravan or trailer must then carry a number plate carte grise with the registration number of sa.

L'territorial identifier may be different from that of the towed vehicle.

PTAC less than or equal to 500 kg

General case

Carte grise The caravan or trailer does not need a clean one. However, it must have a number plate, identical to that of the vehicle pulling it.

Trailer less than 500 kg made in house

Carte grise The trailer does not need a clean one. However, it must have a registration plate, identical to that of the vehicle pulling it.

If you've built a trailer that weighs less than 500 kg, you have to certify it to be able to run it. For certification, you must contact the Dreal: titleContent on which you depend:

Attention: if you live in departments 75, 77, 78, 91, 92, 93, 94 and 95, you must make the request to DRIEE Île-de-France's regional vehicle reception platform.