College and high school: supervision of pupils

Verified 23 November 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The school must supervise the pupils entrusted to it. Supervision must be carried out throughout the school period, i.e. during the period when your child is placed in the care of the school. Students are supervised by school staff, both inside and outside the school, during optional and compulsory activities. The obligation to supervise is more flexible in secondary school than in middle school.

In middle school

All personnel of the school shall provide supervision of the pupils.

The head of establishment is responsible for the order, safety and security of persons and property in the institution. It shall ensure that the rights and duties of all members of the school community are respected and that the rules and regulations.

The Senior Advisor for Education (SCE) organizes the service of supervisory staff (the educational assistants, also called supervisors). Rules and regulations Together, they ensure that students adhere to discipline and practice outside of school hours.

The teachers must supervise students during school hours and other activities supervised by them.

Other people to whom pupils are entrusted also have a duty of supervision when they participate in the supervision of pupils. For example: a communal officer placed at the disposal of the establishment, an external worker during a sporting activity, a volunteer escort during a school trip.

Student supervision must be provided during all school time, i.e. throughout the period of time the pupil is entrusted to the institution. This period is determined by the student's schedule.

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For external

The duration of supervision corresponds to the half-day of school activity, defined by the schedule of time for each day of the week.

For half-boarders

Supervision must be provided from the beginning to the end of the school activities of each day scheduled in the timetable.

For interns

The obligation to supervise is permanent outside school holidays.

Monitoring should be continuous.

Supervised activities may be mandatory or optional and may take place inside or outside the institution.

Pupil Entries and Exits

The school must inform you, via the correspondence book, of any foreseeable changes in your child's entry and exit times. For example, in the absence of a teacher.

If this prior information is not provided, the school must supervise the pupils at the usual school hours. This monitoring is generally organized in the form of hours of duty or supervised studies.

In case of unexpected absence of a teacher at the end of the school period (half-day for external students, day for half-boarders), you can allow your child to leave the school. This authorization must be in writing. The rules and regulations specify the classes concerned and the conditions of such authorization.

During school periods fixed by the timetable, pupils may not leave the school, even if these periods include free time.

School activities within the institution

Students should be monitored for all school activities which take place in the establishment.

Monitoring must therefore be carried out during the compulsory and optional courses to which the pupil is enrolled.

It should also be provided during supervised or supervised studies, tenure, recreation, interclass, meals (except for outsiders), and overnight stays for inmates.

Travel outside the institution

Students must also be supervised during group trips outside the school.

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Travel during school time

During school time, the movement of students between the school and the place of a school activity (for example: the swimming pool, the gymnasium, the conservatory) must be supervised.

However, if the rules and regulations As provided for, you can allow your child to go there or to return alone when the activity takes place at the beginning or end of school time.

The journey from home to the place of work is then considered to be the usual journey between home and the college.

School trips and trips

Students must be monitored throughout the field trip or school trip.

Surveillance of pupils involves immediate vigilance and preventive measures.

The expected supervision is not the same depending on the age of the students and the nature of the activities. The younger the students, the greater the need for supervision. It has to be direct and continuous for young students in middle school. Thus, a teacher must not leave a class of 6 without guidancee.

However, supervision does not consist in permanently placing each student individually under the gaze of the staff of the institution.

During risky periods of school time (entrances and exits, recreation, interclasses) and certain activities (e.g. practical workshops, sports activities), supervision should be reinforced.

If your child is the victim of harm caused by a lack of supervision, you can seek redress in court. Depending on the circumstances (fault of the staff member, lack of organization, etc.), it is the staff member's or the State's responsibility that will be brought before the civil courts or administrative.

In exceptional cases, it may be brought before the criminal court.

Compensation may be awarded to your child to repair the damage caused (injuries, damaged property, etc.).

In high school

The rules and regulations defines the conditions for the supervision of pupils.

Rules and regulations Adult students must respect the

All personnel of the school shall provide supervision of the pupils.

The head of establishment is responsible for the order, safety and security of persons and property in the institution. It shall ensure that the rights and duties of all members of the school community are respected and that the rules and regulations.

The Senior Advisor for Education (SCE) organizes the service of supervisory staff (the educational assistants, also called supervisors). Rules and regulations Together, they ensure that students adhere to discipline and practice outside of school hours.

The teachers must supervise students during school hours and other activities supervised by them.

Other people to whom pupils are entrusted also have a duty of supervision when they participate in the supervision of pupils. For example: a communal officer placed at the disposal of the establishment, an external worker during a sporting activity, a volunteer escort during a school trip.

Student supervision must be provided during all school time, i.e. throughout the period of time the pupil is entrusted to the institution. This period is determined by the student's schedule.

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For external

The duration of supervision corresponds to the half-day of school activity, defined by the schedule of time for each day of the week.

For half-boarders

Supervision must be provided from the beginning to the end of the school activities of each day scheduled in the timetable.

For interns

The obligation to supervise is permanent outside school holidays.

Monitoring must be continuous.

Supervised activities may be mandatory or optional and may take place inside or outside the institution.

Pupil Entries and Exits

The school must inform you, via the correspondence book, of any foreseeable changes in your child's entry and exit times. For example, in the absence of a teacher.

If this prior information is not provided, the school must supervise the pupils at the usual school hours. This monitoring is generally organized in the form of hours of duty or supervised studies.

In case of unexpected absence of a teacher at the end of the school period (half-day for external students, day for half-boarders), you can allow your child to leave the school. This authorization must be in writing. The rules and regulations specify the classes concerned and the conditions of such authorization.

Rules and regulations In addition, the doctor can arrange for students to leave during the free time between classes.

School activities within the institution

Students should be monitored for all school activities which take place in the establishment.

Monitoring must therefore be carried out during the compulsory and optional courses to which the pupil is enrolled.

It should also be provided during supervised or supervised studies, tenure, recreation, interclass, meals (except for outsiders), and overnight stays for inmates.

Travel outside the institution

The rules and regulations defines the conditions for the supervision of pupils during their movements and outings outside the school.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Travel during school time

Rules and regulations The person concerned may arrange for pupils to carry out only short-distance journeys between the school and the place of a school activity (for example: the swimming pool, the gymnasium, the conservatory).

These trips can be made according to the usual mode of transportation of the students.

Each student is responsible for his or her own behavior.

School trips and trips

The head of school may authorize pupils to take trips outside the school during school time for the purpose of teaching-related activities. For example, to conduct a survey or research.

The authorization shall provide for the organization of pupil groups and the exit plan, including means of travel, timetables and routes.

A list of the pupils in each group must be drawn up. It must contain the addresses and telephone numbers of their legal or corresponding managers.

This list shall be given to one of the members of the group, designated as responsible, who shall receive written instructions to be followed in the event of an accident.

The school trips are optional school trips consisting of 1 or more nights. They are organized by the head of the establishment. Students must be monitored throughout the trip.

Surveillance of pupils involves immediate vigilance and preventive measures. However, supervision does not consist in permanently placing each student individually under the gaze of the staff of the institution.

Monitoring should be adapted to the age of the students and the nature of the activities.

The younger the students, the greater the need for supervision. Students 16 years of age or older have sufficient discernment to monitor themselves. Thus, leave a class of 2nde without supervision for a short period of time is not a fault.

During risky periods of school time (entrances and exits, recreation, interclasses) and certain activities (e.g. practical workshops, sports activities), supervision should be reinforced.

If your child is the victim of harm caused by a lack of supervision, you can seek redress in court. Depending on the circumstances (fault of the staff member, lack of organization, etc.), it is the staff member's or the State's responsibility that will be brought before the civil courts or administrative.

In exceptional cases, it may be brought before the criminal court.

Compensation may be awarded to your child to repair the damage caused (injuries, damaged property, etc.).