Can a miner have a gun?
Verified 01 January 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Does your child have the right to have a gun if he or she is engaged in a sport shooting or hunting activity? We indicate the minimum age to have a weapon according to the sport practiced (sport shooting or hunting) and the category of the weapon.
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Between 16 and 18 years old
To hunt
A minor of plus 16 years may have a firearm category C andD if it meets the following 2 conditions:
- Have the authorization of a person exercising parental authority not entered in the FINIADA: titleContent
- Have a hunting permit, issued in France or abroad, or a foreigner hunting permit document, accompanied by the posting current or previous year
Failure to comply with these regulations is punishable by a fine of up to €750.
For sport shooting, ball-strap or biathlon
Category D weapon
A minor of 16 years or older may possess the following weapon category D : weapon or launcher the projectile of which is propelled in a non-pyrotechnic manner with an energy in the mouth of between 2 and 20 joules.
For example, a paint ball launcher, a compressed air rifle.
The young person has to fill out the 2 conditions following:
- Have the authorization of a person exercising parental authority not entered in the FINIADA: titleContent
- Have a valid license from the French shooting, ball-trap or biathlon federation
Category C weapon
A minor of 16 years or older may have a category C weapon if he fills the 2 conditions following:
- Have the authorization of a person exercising parental authority not entered in the FINIADA: titleContent
- Have a valid license from the French shooting, ball-trap or biathlon federation
Category A and B weapons (international shooting competitions)
A minor of 16 years or older may be authorized possess certain Class A and B firearms (handguns, long guns...) if they meet all of the following conditions:
- Be selected to participate in international shooting competitions
- Being a member of a approved sports association
- Have a valid license of the French Shooting Federation
- Have the favorable opinion of the Fédération française de tir. This notice is related to regular shooting.
The young person may detain up to 15 weapons authorized to practice sport shooting.
If the young person has more than 15 weapons, he has until December 31, 2024, to regularize his situation (divestment or neutralization).
1-shot ring-percussion handgun (category B)
A minor of 16 years or older may be authorized possess a 1-shot ring-percussion handgun (classified as category B) if it meets all of the following conditions:
- Have the authorization of a person exercising parental authority not entered in the FINIADA: titleContent attesting that the weapon is being held for the purpose of sport shooting by a minor not participating in international competitions
- Being a member of a approved sports association
- Have a valid license of the French Shooting Federation
- Have the favorable opinion of the Fédération française de tir
The young person may detain up to 3 weapons 1-stroke ring-percussion handfire.
Between 12 and 16 years
Category D weapon
A minor of 12 years or older may possess the following weapon category D : weapon or launcher the projectile of which is propelled in a non-pyrotechnic manner with an energy in the mouth of between 2 and 20 joules.
For example, a paint ball launcher, a compressed air rifle.
The young person has to fill out the 2 conditions following:
- Have the authorization of a person exercising parental authority not entered in the FINIADA: titleContent
- Have a valid license from the French shooting, ball-trap or biathlon federation
Failure to comply with these regulations is punishable by a fine of up to €750.
Category C weapon
A minor of over 12 years may have a category C weapon if he fills the 2 conditions following:
- Have the authorization of a person exercising parental authority not entered in the FINIADA: titleContent
- Have a valid license from the French shooting, ball-trap or biathlon federation
Failure to comply with these regulations is punishable by a fine of up to €750.
Category A or B weapon (international shooting competitions)
A minor of 12 years or older may be authorized possess certain Class A and B firearms (handguns, long guns...) if they meet all of the following conditions:
- Be selected to participate in international shooting competitions
- Being a member of a approved sports association
- Have a valid license of the French Shooting Federation
- Have the favorable opinion of the Fédération française de tir. This notice is related to regular shooting.
The young person may detain up to 15 weapons authorized to practice sport shooting.
If the young person has more than 15 weapons, he has until December 31, 2024, to regularize his situation (divestment or neutralization).
Failure to comply with these regulations is punishable by a fine of up to €750.
Single-shot ring percussion handgun (category B)
A minor of 12 years or older may be authorized possess a 1-shot ring-percussion handgun (classified as category B) if it fulfills all of the following conditions:
- Have the authorization of a person exercising parental authority not entered in the FINIADA: titleContent attesting that the weapon is being held for the purpose of sport shooting by a minor not participating in international competitions
- Being a member of a approved sports association
- Have a valid license of the French Shooting Federation
- Have the favorable opinion of the Fédération française de tir
The young person may detain up to 3 weapons 1-stroke ring-percussion handfire.
Failure to comply with these regulations is punishable by a fine of up to €750.
Between 9 and 12 years
A minor of over 9 years may only possess the following weapon of category D : weapon or launcher the projectile of which is propelled in a non-pyrotechnic manner with an energy in the mouth of between 2 and 20 joules.
For example, a paint ball launcher, a compressed air rifle.
The child must complete the 2 conditions following:
- Have the authorization of a person exercising parental authority not entered in the FINIADA: titleContent
- Have a valid license from the Fédération française de tir or the ball-trap
Failure to comply with these regulations is punishable by a fine of up to €750.
Classification of weapons
Age requirement (Article L312-1)
Classification of war materials, weapons and ammunition
Acquisition ban for minors
Sports Shooting
Rules for the acquisition and possession of weapons
Penalties for the purchase and possession of weapons (Article R317-1)