
Weapons holders: access to the weapons information system (AIS)

The owners of major private weapons The following must create an account in the AIS:

  • Person with a hunting permit, who possesses a weapon, or who wishes to acquire and possess a weapon
  • Person who holds or has held a license from the Fédération française de tir to practice shooting, ball-trap or biathlon, gun owner, or interested in acquiring and owning a gun
  • Person wishing to keep a legacy or found weapon
  • Person holding or wishing to acquire certain category C weapons and not licensed to hunt or practice shooting, ball-trap or biathlon. These are category weapons C3 (a firearm manufactured for firing a bullet or several non-metallic projectiles), of category C9 (Class A, B or C firearm neutralized) and C12 (alarm and signaling weapon).

The AIS allows you to do your business online and access its digital rack.

This page will be updated as the AIS is opened to other specific weapons owners.

Weapons are classified into 4 categories based on their dangerousness. Category A is prohibited with certain exceptions. Category B is subject to authorization. Category C is subject to reporting. Category D can be bought and held freely. The rules for purchasing, carrying, transporting and holding a firearm vary according to category A, B, C or D.