To which social security body is there a link for health insurance?
Verified 16 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The social security body to which you are attached in terms of health insurance depends on your professional activity, regardless of your nationality.
Please note
Any person who deliberately refuses to become affiliated or who persists in not committing the procedure for compulsory membership of a social security scheme shall be punishable by six months' imprisonment and a fine of €15,000, or only one of those two penalties.
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Private sector employee
You are covered by the general social security scheme, unless your activity is of an agricultural nature.
Your contact is the Primary Health Insurance Fund (CPAM) of your place of residence habitual residence.
The persons concerned are in particular the following:
- Private sector employee
- Non-permanent official of the public sector
- Maternal assistant
- Home worker or salesperson
- Traveler and Commercial Representative (VRP)
- Freelance professional journalist
- Performing artist and model
- Theater, cinema and other entertainment establishments
- Person who has taken out a civic service
- Hotel employee, cafe, restaurant.
Please note
The artist-writers (literary, musical, graphic, plastic works, etc.) are also part of the social system of artist-authors. This scheme is a branch of the general scheme of social security for employees.
In the event of a change of professional situation (retirement, change of activity, etc.), contact your Social Security organization to know the steps to be taken.
In the event of a change of organization providing for your health care costs, the old organization continues to provide for your health care costs until the new organization does.
When you are attached to a new organization, the new organization must make the change by means of an online service (or, in the absence of a form).
You are informed of your new connection within one month.
You are attached to the special scheme for civil servants.
Your contact varies depending on whether you are a public servant:
In the event of a change of professional situation (retirement, change of activity, etc.), contact your Social Security organization to know the steps to be taken.
In the event of a change of organization providing for your health care costs, the old organization continues to provide for your health care costs until the new organization does.
When you are attached to a new organization, the new organization must make the change by means of an online service (or, in the absence of a form).
You are informed of your new connection within one month.
Agricultural activity
You're attached to the farm plan.
From the moment you are attached to the agricultural system, your interlocutor is the fund of the Agricultural Social Mutual Society (MSA) of your actual place of work.
If you are employed by a company that does not have an establishment in France, your interlocutor is the MSA of Alsace.
In the event of a change of professional situation (retirement, change of activity, etc.), contact your Social Security organization to know the steps to be taken.
In the event of a change of organization providing for your health care costs, the old organization continues to provide for your health care costs until the new organization does.
When you are attached to a new organization, the new organization must make the change by means of an online service (or, in the absence of a form).
You are informed of your new connection within one month.
The social security of the self-employed is managed by the general social security system.
The sickness insurance fund of your place of residence is responsible for your health costs.
If you have any questions about your social protection, you can continue to visit the website of the Social Security of the Self-Employed.
Who shall I contact
All self-employed workers, both active and retired, are affected in particular :
- Craftsmen and traders
- Micro-entrepreneurs
- Liberal professionals
- Individual contractors
- Managers and partners of SNC and EURL
- Majority managers of SARL.
The minority or egalitarian managers of SARL and the directors of SA and SAS shall be treated as employees and depend on the general social security system.
In the event of a change of professional situation (retirement, change of activity, etc.), contact your Social Security organization to know the steps to be taken.
In the event of a change of organization providing for your health care costs, the old organization continues to provide for your health care costs until the new organization does.
When you are attached to a new organization, the new organization must make the change by means of an online service (or, in the absence of a form).
You are informed of your new connection within one month.
You're attached to the special military regime.
Your interlocutor is the National Military Social Security Fund (CNMSS) regardless of your place of residence.
Who shall I contact
National Military Social Security Fund (CNMSS)
special social protection scheme for military personnel and their families.
By telephone for insured persons and health professionals
+33 (0)4 94 16 36 00
Open from Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm
By telephone for invalidity pensioners, injured in service, victims of terrorism, applicants for or beneficiaries of cash or recurrent allowance and health professionals
+ 33 (0)4 94 16 96 20
By E-mail
Contact forms available on CNMSS website
By post for active or retired military insured
National Military Social Security Fund
247 Jacques Cartier Avenue
By post for recipients of invalidity pension or injured in service, for applicants for or beneficiaries of cash benefits or a recurrent allowance
National Military Social Security Fund
Department of Care and Follow-up of Injured and Pensioner (DSBP)
247 Jacques Cartier Avenue
By a reception point
In the event of a change of professional situation (retirement, change of activity, etc.), contact your Social Security organization to know the steps to be taken.
In the event of a change of organization providing for your health care costs, the old organization continues to provide for your health care costs until the new organization does.
When you are attached to a new organization, the new organization must make the change by means of an online service (or, in the absence of a form).
You are informed of your new connection within one month.
Ambulant activities
If you are employed or similar, without a permanent residence and employed by fairground merchants, traveling circuses and theater touring organizations, you note:
- If travel is from a fixed point, the Primary Health Insurance Fund or the General Social Security Fund on which that point depends
- If the trips are usually made in a region, the Primary Health Insurance Fund or the General Social Security Fund on which the center of that region depends
- If the trips take place throughout the territory, from the Caisse primaire d'assurance santé de Paris.
In the event of a change of professional situation (retirement, change of activity, etc.), contact your Social Security organization to know the steps to be taken.
In the event of a change of organization providing for your health care costs, the old organization continues to provide for your health care costs until the new organization does.
When you are attached to a new organization, the new organization must make the change by means of an online service (or, in the absence of a form).
You are informed of your new connection within one month.
Special Statutes
You remain subject to a special social security organization, if you have a special scheme under a field of activity or company:
Field of activity or company | Competent body for sickness insurance |
Sailor | |
Mining personnel | National Autonomous Fund for Social Security in Mines (CANSSM) |
SNCF staff | |
RATP staff | |
EDF/GDF staff | Health insurance fund for the electrical and gas industries (Camieg) |
Please note
The same is true for those working at the National Theater of the Paris Opera and the Comédie Française.
In the event of a change of professional situation (retirement, change of activity, etc.), contact your Social Security organization to know the steps to be taken.
In the event of a change of organization providing for your health care costs, the old organization continues to provide for your health care costs until the new organization does.
When you are attached to a new organization, the new organization must make the change by means of an online service (or, in the absence of a form).
You are informed of your new connection within one month.
Other situation
If you are not covered by any occupational scheme, you may, under conditions, be affiliated to the general scheme on the basis of residence.
Affiliation to the CPAM of the place of habitual residence (Article R312-1)
Bodies subject to a special social security scheme
Change of organization responsible for health costs
Persons affiliated to the general social security scheme
Affiliations of IHR persons to the general scheme
Self-Employed Persons Scheme (IHR)
Implementation of agricultural social protection by the agricultural social mutual society (Article L721-1)
Self-employed persons affiliated to the agricultural scheme
Employed persons affiliated to the agricultural scheme
Bodies responsible for covering health costs by sector of activity (civil servants, military personnel, self-employed non-agricultural workers, etc.)civil servants and military personnel
Affiliation of officials
Ministry of Social Affairs
National Union of Special Schemes (UNRS)
Mutual public service
National Military Social Security Fund (CNMSS)
Naval Disabled National Institution (NIMI)
National Autonomous Fund for Social Security in Mines (CANSSM)
Caisse de Prévoyance et de Retirement des Personnel de la SNCF
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP)
Health insurance fund for the electrical and gas industries (Camieg)