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What's New
What changes on January 1, 2020
Publié le 20 janvier 2020 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Smic, purchasing power premium, civil servants, retirement pensions, generic medicines, taxes, gas tariffs, legal interest rate, balances, plastics, justice reform, wage foreclosures, PTZ, purchase of housing HLM, bonuses and ecological malus, associations... Find in our file a first selection of the new products that are implemented from 1er January 2020.
Smic, purchasing power premium, civil servants, retirement pensions and social security ceiling
Smic amount
At 1er January 2020, the minimum interprofessional growth wage (Smic) increases by 1.2% (against 1.5% to 1er January 2019).
Smic: 1.2% increase as of 1 January 2020
Purchasing power premium
Under certain conditions, employers may pay employees an exceptional purchasing power premium up to €1,000 per beneficiary.
Purchasing power premium: for which employees?
As part of the law of 6 August 2019 on the transformation of the public service, three decrees have just been published in the Official Journal of 1er January 2020 concerning both the opening of certain posts to non-officials and the experimentation in the 3 public functions of the conventional break.
What's New in the Public Service
Retirement pensions
The amount of most pensions is increased by 0.3%. Retirement and invalidity pensions with a gross amount in December 2019 of €2,000 increase their share by 1% (based on inflation at 1er January 2020).
Retirement pensions, social benefits, exceptional purchasing power premium: planned for 2020
Social security ceiling
Accident at work Calculation of the amount of invalidity pensions, daily sickness benefits, maternity benefits... From 1er January 2020, the social security ceiling is upgraded.
Conditions for prescription and reimbursement of medicinal products, reimbursement of eyeglasses, dental and hearing aids, homeopathy, end of free access to certain medicinal products in pharmacies, State medical aid, bisphenol A, food additive, pesticides
Drugs: Management is evolving
The conditions for prescribing and reimbursing drugs where generic alternatives are available change on 1er January 2020, as provided for in the Social Security Financing Act for 2019.
Reimbursement for glasses, dentures and hearing aids
In the context of the reform known as " 100% health”, a decree issued in Official Journal of 12 January 2019 lays down the detailed rules for the gradual introduction of the full reimbursement (zero-cost remainder) by the Social Security and health supplements, in particular of certain glasses and dental prostheses.
Since 1er January 2020, policyholders choosing hearing aids included in the device “ 100% health” will benefit from a reduction of €250 and the rest is charged per ear.
Full reimbursement of certain dental glasses and prostheses
Hearing aids: new support in 2020
Reimbursement of homeopathy
Reimbursement of homeopathic preparations will be increased from a 25% to 30% at a rate of 10% to 15% as of 1er January 2020.
Homeopathy: List of products that will no longer be reimbursed as of January 1, 2021
End of free access to certain medicines in pharmacies
In order to secure the use of paracetamol but also of certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen and aspirin), some medicines will no longer be freely available in pharmacies by the end of January 2020.
Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin: Behind pharmacists' counters in January 2020
State medical aid
The conditions for access to State medical aid (AME) will change with the introduction of a 3-month ‘waiting period’ to be eligible for it (Article 264 of the 2020 Finance Law).
State medical aid: modification of access conditions
Bisphenol A
In view of the risks for pregnant women handling receipts, bisphenol A (endocrine disruptor) is no longer present on receipts.
Ecological transition: what changes on January 1, 2020
Food additive E171
An order published in Official Journal of 25 April 2019 suspend the placing on the market of foodstuffs containing the additive E171 (titanium dioxide) for a period of one year from 1er January 2020.
Additive E171: Titanium dioxide banned in food on 1 January 2020
To better protect residents from pesticides, distances of 5 to 20 meters must now be respected between areas of application and dwellings (depending on the type of crop and the nature of the products).
Taxes, withholding tax for home workers and childcare workers, gas tariffs, cigarette prices, stamp tariffs, legal interest rate, sales, disposable plastic products
Income tax, housing tax, green transition tax credit (CITE), car malus: an overview of the 2020 budget law.
Income tax, housing tax, tax credit, malus: what's new 2020
Withholding tax for home workers and childminders
You are an individual employer and, from 1er January 2020, you will have to take care of the payroll deduction for your home employee or maternal assistant. Visit to learn how to manage the collection and repayment of withholding tax from tax authorities.
Individual employer: what steps should be taken for the levy at source in 2020?
Gas tariffs
Engie's regulated gas sales rates drop by 0.9% on average at 1er january 2020 in relation to the scale applicable since 1er December 2019.
Regulated gas tariffs: - 0,9 % on 1 January 2020
Cigarette prices
From 1er in january 2020, the price of certain cigarettes will increase.
Cigarettes and Rolling Tobacco: Prices Change on January 1, 2020
Stamp rates
Postal stamp rates for individuals increase from 1er January 2020.
Stamp price: increase on 1 January 2020
Legal interest rate
The statutory interest rates applicable to the 1er semester 2020 were set by an order published in the Official Journal of 26 December 2019.
Legal interest rates for the first half of 2020: what developments?
Winter 2020 sales last 4 weeks (compared to 6 weeks before). An order of May 27, 2019, now sets the dates and times of the beginning of the sales and their duration.
Winter sales dates department by department
Disposable plastic products
Disposable plates, cups or cotton buds: certain single-use plastic products are prohibited from sale from 1er January 2020 according to Article L541-10-5 of the Environment Code.
Judicial reform, seizures on remuneration
Judicial reform: changes in civil procedure
A decree issued in Official Journal 12 December 2019 details the content of the reform of the civil procedure, including, as a single entry point to justice, the creation of the judicial tribunal resulting from the merger of the High Court (TGI) and the Court of First Instance (TI).
Judicial reform: changes in civil procedure
Wage Entries
From 1er in january 2020, new scales apply for wage attachments. These seizures allow a creditor to recover the amounts due through the employer who makes a deduction from the seizable portion of the employee's salary.
Zero-interest loans and low-cost housing
Zero-interest loan
The terms of the improvement work conditioning the granting of the PTZ in the former for first-time homebuyers are specified by decree. This text is supplemented by an order indicating the supporting documents to be provided. These regulatory measures apply to offers of loans issued on or after 1er January 2020.
PTZ for old housing: new conditions
A decree published in the Official Journal of 8 May 2019 provides for a system whereby the new owner of a low-cost housing unit is not immediately required to bear all the costs of co-ownership.
Purchase of low-cost housing: deferred payment of condominium charges
Ecological bonuses and maluses, fiscal horse, 1 euro license and radar cars
Update on the Decree of 30 December 2019 concerning the acquisition or rental of electric or hydrogen cars which entered into force on 1er January 2020.
Since 1er january 2020, a new car malus scale applies (article 69 of the 2020 finance law). Malus is a tax to be paid when registering certain particularly polluting vehicles.
Malus automobile 2020: the rules have changed
Fiscal horse
The regional tax is one of the taxes that make up the cost of the registration certificate. To calculate the amount of the regional tax, you have to multiply the rate of a tax horse (CV or horse steam) in the region where you live by the tax power of the vehicle.
Carte grise: tax horse tariffs 2020
Permit at 1 euro
From 1er January 2020 (and no later than 1er march 2020), the ‘permit to €1 per day” will only be accessible to driving schools and associations with the label “quality of training in driving schools”.
1 Euro per day license: reserved for driving schools labeled from 2020
Radar cars
After the first radar cars in Normandy were put into service in April 2018, this privately managed device will be extended to the Brittany, Pays de la Loire and Center-Val de Loire regions from January 2020.
Publications at JOAFE
All publications in the Official Journal of company associations and foundations (JOAFE), as well as those related to the annual accounts of associations and trade unions and professional organizations, have been free of charge since 1er January 2020.
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