Training for young people: establishment for integration into employment (Epidemic)

Verified 01 April 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

You are between 17 and 25 years old, without a diploma or professional qualification, and you encounter difficulties in finding a job or training?

You can, subject to conditions, integrate an establishment for integration into employment (Epide).

This structure accompanies you, for a period of about 8 months, to facilitate your professional integration.

We present you with the information you need to know.

The Epide centers offer you support to facilitate your professional integration.

There are 20 Epide centers throughout France.


in overseas departments and communities where there is no Epide center, a comparable training pathway, called the adapted military service (ADM), can be performed.

If you decide to embark on an Epide journey, you must sign a volunteer contract for integration. This contract is not an employment contract.

You can apply for the device if you meet all of the following conditions:

  • You are between 17 and 25 years old
  • You are of French or foreign nationality (in regular situation for more than 1 year with permission to work)
  • You have a maximum CAP or BEP level or have dropped out of high school before graduation
  • You have made or will soon make your Defense and Citizenship Day (JDC)
  • You can't find a job

The Epid's journey can include the following activities:

  • Implementation of a professional project in accordance with your tastes and abilities
  • Training related to a proposed occupation
  • Preparing for a driving license to facilitate entry into working life
  • Sports activities
  • Solidarity actions

Rules and regulations The centers welcome you in boarding schools and impose discipline and stricts.


You can apply using the following online service:

Application to an Epidemic Center

By mail

You must complete the following registration form:

Application form for an Epidemic Center

You can also collect the form from the following organizations:

  • Local Mission
  • The national office or service center you depend on
  • Local Agence France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi)
  • Communal Social Action Center.

Once the form has been completed, you can send it by mail to the center concerned.

The center you applied to attend will call you to a pre-admission day. You must pass and pass an interview. It is designed to assess your motivation.

If you are selected, you are invited to an admission day.

Accommodation and food are free. However, you will have to pay for transport.

Sickness, maternity and disability costs are covered.

You receive an allowance of €460 per month. It is tax-free.

A premium of €68 per month is also paid to you if you find a sustainable job or a qualifying training after leaving the episode. You're getting that premium 3 months after the end of your journey.

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