What is the recognition of disabled worker status (RQTH)?

Verified 15 February 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

The recognition of the status of disabled worker (RQTH) is an administrative decision which allows for the benefit of a set of measures favoring retention in employment or access to new employment. You are affected if your opportunities to obtain or keep your job are reduced due to the degradation of at least one physical, sensory, mental or psychological function.

The RQTH provides a set of measures to access, retain or consider a new job:


RQTH is not required for work or training, but it makes your daily work easier.

To obtain QTH, the following conditions must be met:

  • Your chances of getting or keeping your job are reduced due to the degradation of at least one physical, sensory, mental or psychological function
  • You are over 16 years of age (or even 15, if you are authorized to start an apprenticeship)

RQTH's request is personal. So it's up to you to request it; your employer can't step in to make the request for you.

The process differs depending on whether you are also applying to collect or renew Disabled Adult Allowance (DAA).

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1st AAH application or renewal application

An RQTH procedure is systematically initiated. Therefore, you do not have to make a specific request to benefit from RQTH.

In the absence of a request for an AAH

You must apply for the RQTH from the departmental home for disabled people (MDPH) of your department.

The request can be made online through an online service, if the MDPH: titleContent of your place of residence offers it:

Application for MDPH benefits (AAH, PCH, ...) and renewal

You can also apply by post through a form:

Application or renewal of disability benefits (AAH, PCH, CMI, Accommodation, ...)

You must contact supporting documents mentioned in connection with your online application or on the form.

Documents must be sent to the MDPH: titleContent where you live (or scanned if you apply online).

Who shall I contact

The RQTH is granted by the Commission des droits et de l'autonomie des personnes ABhals (CDAPH).

The decision is rendered within a period varying from one department to another.

When RQTH is granted, you receive a letter certifying that you are a disabled worker recognized by the CDAPH. This letter is also accompanied by an orientation towards the labor market in ordinary environment or to a establishment or work-related support service (State) or to a vocational rehabilitation centre.

The RQTH shall be assigned for a period of 1 to 10 years.

RQTH is renewable.

However, it may be assignedfor life if your disability cannot develop favorably.

The letter from the CDAPH granting you the RQTH specifies its duration of award (or the absence of a duration limitation).


The letter notifying you of the allocation of the RQTH is a personal and confidential document. It's up to you to decide whether or not to talk to the employer who is hosting you for an internship, a work-linked training or a job.

Renewal is not automatic pitch. You must request it on the paper form or directly online (as for the original RQTH request).


If the CDAPH has granted you the RQTH for life, you do not have to apply for renewal.

The request can be made online through an online service, if the MDPH: titleContent of your place of residence offers it:

Application for MDPH benefits (AAH, PCH, ...) and renewal

You can also apply by post through a form:

Application or renewal of disability benefits (AAH, PCH, CMI, Accommodation, ...)

You must contact supporting documents mentioned in connection with your online application or on the form.

Documents must be sent to the MDPH: titleContent where you live (or scanned if you apply online).

Who shall I contact

The request for renewal must be made before the end date of allocation mentioned on the letter of the CDAPH.

Please note

Your application extends the RQTH until the decision of the CDAPH on its renewal is rendered, to avoid a breach of your rights.

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