Online Address Change (Online Service)
Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Dila) - Prime Minister
To declare your new contact information, simultaneously with several government departments and some private organizations:
- Energy suppliers (EDF, Engie, ENERCOOP)
- Pôle emploi
- Social security: health insurance, family allowances and pension funds (Agirc-Arco: titleContent, Truck: titleContent, Carsat: titleContent, CGSS: titleContent, MSA: titleContent, Caf: titleContent, Cnav: titleContent, CNMSS: titleContent, CNRACL: titleContent, CPAM: titleContent, Crav: titleContent, Enim: titleContent, FSPOEIE: titleContent, Ircantec: titleContent, Mines: titleContent, RAFP: titleContent, SASPA: titleContent)
- Tax Department
- Services supporting greycards (SIV: titleContent)
You can also use this online service to report a change of email address and phone number (landline or mobile), except for the Caf, MSA, CPAM and CGSS.
Remember to have your credentials for each of the organizations involved.
- If you are going to settle abroad, this online service allows you to declare your departure to the health insurance fund (CPAM: titleContent) and in the tax department.
- If you are an expatriate returning to settle in France, you cannot use this online service to declare your return to France.
This online service can be used whatever your nationality.
It is only available in French.
It's a free service.
Verified 11 December 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
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