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Single parent RSA
Verified 01 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Registration of beneficiaries of active solidarity income (RSA) with France Travail
From 1er january 2025, each person receiving the SSA
- will be mandatory and automatically registered in France Travail
- and will then have to sign a contract of employment containing an action plan specifying its objectives of social and professional integration.
A lone parent may benefit from the RSA: titleContent it meets several conditions. The calculation of the amount depends on the resources and composition of the household. To obtain the RSA, it is necessary to make a first request, then update the situation every quarter. The procedure varies according to the affiliation fund (CAF or CMSA).
What applies to you ?
You must meet the following conditions:
- Fulfill certain resource requirements
- Reside in France in a stable and effective manner
- Be a single parent, i.e. single, divorced, separated, widowed with dependent children or pregnant woman not living in a declared and permanent relationship and not sharing her resources.
if you are geographically separated from your partner (spouse, Civil partnership partner, cohabiting partner or cohabiting partner), you are not considered a single parent.
A lone parent is a single, divorced, separated or widowed person with dependent or pregnant children who is not living in a declared and permanent relationship and who does not share his or her income and responsibilities with a Civil partnership, partner or common-law partner.
You can apply for the RSA if you live in France in a stable and effective manner even if:
- you are a student, student or intern,
- you are on parental leave, sabbatical, unpaid or on standby.
You must also meet certain conditions of stay.
if you are geographically separated from your partner (spouse, Civil partnership partner, cohabiting partner or cohabiting partner), you are not considered a single parent.
Nationality of the beneficiary | Conditions to be fulfilled |
European |
Foreigner of another country |
one EEA citizen or Swiss, who entered France to look for a job there, and who stays there for that reason alone, is not entitled to the RSA.
The amounts shown on this page apply as of the 1er April 2024.
You can estimate your entitlements using the calculation simulator.
The SSA amount shall be calculated taking into account:
- a lump sum payment that varies according to the composition of the household and the number of dependent children
- the resources taken into account by the household
The calculation formula is as follows: lump sum - resources taken into account for the household.
Lump sum
Number of children | SSA Amount |
0 | €816.32 |
1 | €1,088.43 |
2 | €1,360.54 |
Per additional child | €272.10 |
The guaranteed lump sum is increased. This increase is also called increase.
This increased lump sum shall be granted from the month in which one of the following events occurs:
- Declaration of pregnancy
- Birth of child
- Care of a child
- Separation, widowhood
The increased lump sum may be granted for 12 months, continuous or discontinuous, during a period of 18 months following the event.
If your youngest dependent child is under 3 years of age, the increased lump sum is granted until the age of 3.
Resources taken into account
The SSA amount is equal to the difference between the lump sum and all of your resources. The amount of resources retained corresponds to the monthly average of the resources received during the 3 months preceding your request.
Certain resources (RWA, daily allowances, housing allowances, family benefits, investment income, etc.) shall be taken into account, and others don't.
If you touch a housing aid or if you are hosted for free or proprietor of your accommodation, a lump sum is added to your resources. This package depends on the number of people in the household.
Number of persons at home | Accommodation Package |
1 | €76.28 |
2 | €152.57 |
3 or more | €188.80 |
Example :
For 1 lone parent with 2 dependent children without working income but receiving housing assistance and family allowances, the amount of the SSA is equal to €1,023.22 (€1,360.54-€188.80-€148.52).
Please note
if another person pays your rent, you receive a benefit that results in a lump sum valuation deductible from the SSA amount.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
On the spot
You can make the request to your Cof, department services, CCAS: titleContent from your home (in some cases) or from an association authorized by the department.
In all cases, check with these organizations beforehand if they are competent to process your request.
Depending on the department, you can drop off your file on site or send it by mail. In all cases, you will be offered an appointment to proceed with the processing of your request.
You must fill out the forms cerfa n°15481 (or n°15482 if you are self-employed) and cerfa n°14130.
The list of documents to be provided is on the last page of the form.
Application for RSA or Activity Premium
RSA - Additional application for a young person under 25 years of age
Please note
if you do not have a fixed or stable home, you should application for domiciliation.
By mail
You must fill in the forms cerfa n°15481 (or n°15482 if you are self-employed) and cerfa n°14130 and send to your Caf.
Application for RSA or Activity Premium
RSA - Additional application for a young person under 25 years of age
After your file has been reviewed by the department, you will receive a notification for a period of 3 months. The qualifying period is the quarter prior to the quarter in which you receive the RSA.
The RSA is paid to you from 1er the day of the month in which you filed your application. It is paid monthly, in due course by your department's FAC: for example, the RSA for the month of March is paid in April.
The RSA is not taxable.
advances may be granted by the department to ensure that the award procedure does not delay the payment of the RSA.
Every quarter, you have to declare your resources.
The rules differ depending on your home department:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Departments of Alpes-Maritimes, Aube, Hérault, Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Vendée
RSA - Report quarterly resources
Please note
From 1er october 2024 and until 1er march 2025 and experimentally, your quarterly online reporting of resources is evolving. From now on, your wages, replacement income or other benefits (unemployment, pensions, pensions, sick leave, etc.) are pre-filled in net social amount for your entire life. hearth. All you have to do is look at your pre-filled resources, validate them and, if necessary, complete your return with your other resources collected over the period (child support for example).
The 3 months of resources you have to report change. For example, in October 2024, you will have to report resources paid for June, July and August 2024 (instead of July, August and September), and so on. Then in January 2025, you will have to report the resources collected for the months of September, October and November 2024. To help you, the months to fill in will be indicated in your return.
By mail
You must fill out the cerfa form n°14129 and send it to the Caf.
Other Departments
By mail
You must fill out the cerfa form n°14129 and send it to the Caf.
In the event of a change of residence, family or professional situation, you must inform your Caf: titleContent. If you no longer qualify for the SSA, the payment ceases from 1er the day of the month when you no longer fill them out.
Obligation to seek employment
If your household resources are, on average, less than €500 per month, you must:
- looking for a job,
- or take the necessary steps to create your company,
- or follow the insertion actions that are offered.
These obligations are set out in your personalized project for access to employment (PPAE)established with your France Travail adviser (formerly Pôle emploi).
You may not refuse more than 2 reasonable job offers as defined in your PPAE.
the person you live with as a couple is subject to the same rights and obligations as you.
Right to professional or social support
The department's services should direct you to the most appropriate support for your situation:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You can work
If you can immediately resume a job, you are referred to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) or another placement agency (for example: a job center).
The organization to which you are referred is a sole referent (advisor France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) or advisor on vocational integration) in charge of your support.
You must regularly develop and update your PPAE with them.
You must make regular job search steps and accept reasonable job offers.
If you are referred to an employment agency other than France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi), you must conclude, within 1 month with the department's services, a contract specifying the following information:
- Nature and characteristics of the job you are looking for
- Job-search acts that you undertake to carry out
- Actions that the investment firm undertakes to implement
Other situation
If you cannot immediately return to a job (housing or health problems), you are referred to the department's social services or to an integration agency.
The organization to which you are referred is a sole referent (a social worker) responsible for your support.
You may be referred to the department’s social services or an integration agency. In this case, you must conclude a contract with the department's services, within 2 months, which determines your obligations regarding professional integration.
If you have not been redirected to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) (or another placement agency) after a period of 6 months to 1 year, your situation is examined by the department's services. Your insertion contract can be revised.
Suspension of payment of the SSA
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In case of non-compliance with your obligations
Department departments may decide to reduce your RSA: titleContent, if you are:
- For your own good and without any legitimate reason, your personalized project for access to employment (PPAE) or your contract of reciprocal commitments are not established within the time limits laid down or are not renewed
- You do not comply, without legitimate reason, with the provisions set out in your PPAE or your contract of reciprocal commitments
- You are removed by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) from the list of jobseekers
- You refuse to submit to the planned controls.
You are then invited to present your observations to a multidisciplinary team with the person of your choice.
This team is made up in particular of France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) staff, representatives of the departments, professionals of social and professional integration (for example, social assistant).
The reduction in the SSA can only take place after your comments have been submitted.
The department may decide to resume the payment of the RSA from the date of conclusion of the PPAE or one of the contracts of employment.
On 1re penalty, the amount of your RSA can be reduced up to 80% for 1 to 3 months.
In the case of subsequent sanctions, the percentage reduction is fixed by the department's departments for 1 to 4 months.
However, the reduction may not exceed 50%, in the 2 cases, if your home includes people other than yourself.
At the end of a reduction period, department departments may remove you from the list of SSA recipients.
In case of hospitalization
The amount of your RSA is reduced by 50% if you meet the following 3 conditions:
- You are hospitalized in a health care facility for more than 60 days
- You are covered by health insurance
- You don't live in pairs or you don't have a dependent.
If you are pregnant, this reduction does not apply.
This reduction takes effect on 2e Quarterly review of your RSA after your hospitalization begins.
In case of imprisonment
Your RSA is suspended effective 2e quarterly review after you start incarceration if you meet the following 2 conditions:
- You are incarcerated for more than 60 days
- You don't live in pairs and you have no dependants
If you live as a couple or have a dependent, their entitlement to the SSA is reviewed. You are no longer considered a member of the household.
Payment of the SSA shall resume as from 1er the day of the month in which your incarceration ends.
You are not affected by this suspension if you have one or more dependent children.
Complaint and overpayment
When all the RSA allowances you were entitled to have not been paid to you, you can claim them for 2 years.
When you have received an overpayment from RSA, your Caf: titleContent can ask you for a refund for 2 years. The overpayment is recovered by deductions from the future RSA.
If you no longer collect the SSA, the refund of the amounts wrongly collected is done by:
- deduction from monthly payments of other future benefits (family benefits, disabled adult allowance, housing allowances),
- transfer to the account of the CAF,
- check payable to Mr. Cfa accounting officer,
- mandate to the Banque Postale on the account number of your Cof or in cash.
Deductions are based on the composition of your home, your resources and your housing expenses.
Below €77However, the money wrongly collected is not recovered.
You can send a letter to your Cfa's Amicable Appeals Board requesting debt forgiveness.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Other department
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
Grand Est
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Lower Rhine
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Other department
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Other department
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
Pays de la Loire
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Maine and Loire
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Other department
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
Other region
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
Change in family situation
You must quickly declare your change of situation.
Family Allowances and Benefits - Situation Statement (Cf)
even if you are not currently a recipient of family benefits, marrying up can give you new rights. Inquire with your Caf: titleContent.
Change of domicile
You can report your change of address using the online change of address service:
From 1er january 2025, SSA beneficiaries are enrolled in France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).
This listing is obligatory and automaticHowever, there is no action to be taken.
Registration for France Travail has no impact on the payment of the RSA.
You should continue to file your quarterly income tax return with the FCA indicating any changes in circumstances that could impact your SSA payment.
You must sign a contract of employment including an action plan specifying your objectives for social and professional integration.
It is the employment contract that will determine the level of intensity of support for each person and the number of hours of weekly activity that must be completed by the jobseeker.
As part of this, RSA beneficiaries are expected to work 15 to 20 hours per week
These 15 to 20 hours of activity can include the following:
- Immersion in company to refine your professional project
- of obtaining a driving license
- taking steps to access rights
- participation in activities in the voluntary sector
Please note
Some SSA beneficiaries may benefit from a reduction in the number of hours to be worked if they are facing difficulties in their personal and family life (disability, single parent disability of a child under 12).
The President of the Departmental Council may decide to suspend, in whole or in part and for a period which he shall determine, the payment of the active solidarity income where, without legitimate reason, the beneficiary: refuses to draw up or update the contract of employment or fails to comply with all or part of the obligations set out in that contract.
A lone parent is a single, divorced, separated or widowed person with dependent or pregnant children who is not living in a declared and permanent relationship and who does not share his or her income and responsibilities with a Civil partnership, partner or common-law partner.
You can apply for the RSA if you live in France in a stable and effective manner even if:
- you are a student, student or intern,
- you are on parental leave, sabbatical, unpaid or on standby.
if you are geographically separated from your partner (spouse, Civil partnership partner, cohabiting partner or cohabiting partner), you are not considered a single parent.
A lone parent is a single, divorced, separated or widowed person with dependent or pregnant children who is not living in a declared and permanent relationship and who does not share his or her income and responsibilities with a Civil partnership, partner or common-law partner.
You can apply for the RSA if you live in France in a stable and effective manner even if:
- you are a student, student or intern,
- you are on parental leave, sabbatical, unpaid or on standby.
You must also meet certain conditions of stay.
if you are geographically separated from your partner (spouse, Civil partnership partner, cohabiting partner or cohabiting partner), you are not considered a single parent.
Nationality of the beneficiary | Conditions to be fulfilled |
European |
Foreigner of another country |
one EEA citizen or Swiss, who entered France to look for a job there, and who stays there for that reason alone, is not entitled to the RSA.
The amounts shown on this page apply as of the 1er April 2024.
The SSA amount shall be calculated taking into account:
- a lump sum payment that varies according to the composition of the household and the number of dependent children
- the resources taken into account by the household
The calculation formula is as follows: lump sum - resources taken into account for the household.
Lump sum
Number of children | SSA Amount |
0 | €816.32 |
1 | €1,088.43 |
2 | €1,360.54 |
Per additional child | €272.10 |
Resources taken into account
The SSA amount is equal to the difference between the lump sum and all of your resources. The amount of resources retained corresponds to the monthly average of the resources received during the 3 months preceding your request.
Certain resources (RWA, daily allowances, housing allowances, family benefits, investment income, etc.) shall be taken into account, and others don't.
If you touch a housing aid or if you are hosted for free or proprietor of your accommodation, a lump sum is added to your resources. This package depends on the number of people in the household.
Number of persons at home | Accommodation Package |
1 | €76.28 |
2 | €152.57 |
3 or more | €188.80 |
Example :
For 1 lone parent with 2 dependent children without working income but receiving housing assistance and family allowances, the amount of the SSA is equal to €1,023.22 (€1,360.54-€188.80-€148.52).
Please note
if another person pays your rent, you receive a benefit that results in a lump sum valuation deductible from the SSA amount.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
On the spot
You can apply at:
- of your MSA: titleContent,
- or department departments,
- or the CCAS: titleContent from your home (if its board of directors has decided to hear RSA's applications, it is advisable to inquire in advance),
- or an association authorized by the departments of the department.
In all cases, check with these organizations beforehand if they are competent to process your request.
Depending on the department, you can drop off your file on site or send it by mail. In all cases, you will be offered an appointment to proceed with the processing of your request.
You must fill out the forms cerfa n°15481 (or n°15482 if you are self-employed) and cerfa n°14130.
The list of documents to be provided is on the last page of the form.
Application for RSA or Activity Premium
RSA - Additional application for a young person under 25 years of age
Please note
if you do not have a fixed or stable home, you should application for domiciliation.
By mail
You must complete the forms cerfa n°15481 (or n°15482 if you are self-employed) and cerfa n°14130 and send to your MSA: titleContent.
Application for RSA or Activity Premium
RSA - Additional application for a young person under 25 years of age
After your file has been reviewed by the department, you will receive a notification for a period of 3 months. The qualifying period is the quarter prior to the quarter in which you receive the RSA.
The RSA is paid to you from 1er the day of the month in which you filed your application. It is paid monthly, in due course by the MSA of your department: for example, the RSA of the month of March is paid in April.
The RSA is not taxable.
advances may be granted by the department to ensure that the award procedure does not delay the payment of the RSA.
Every quarter, you have to declare your resources.
The rules differ depending on your home department:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
Departments of Alpes-Maritimes, Aube, Hérault, Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Vendée
RSA - Report quarterly resources
Please note
From 1er october 2024 and until 1er march 2025 and experimentally, your quarterly online reporting of resources is evolving. From now on, your wages, replacement income or other benefits (unemployment, pensions, pensions, sick leave, etc.) are pre-filled in net social amount for your entire life. hearth. All you have to do is look at your pre-filled resources, validate them and, if necessary, complete your return with your other resources collected over the period (child support for example).
The 3 months of resources you have to report change. For example, in October 2024, you will have to report resources paid for June, July and August 2024 (instead of July, August and September), and so on. Then in January 2025, you will have to report the resources collected for the months of September, October and November 2024. To help you, the months to fill in will be indicated in your return.
By mail
You must fill out the cerfa form n°14129 and send it to the Caf.
Other Departments
By mail
You must fill out the cerfa form n°14129 and send it to the Caf.
In the event of a change of residence, family or professional situation, you must inform your Caf: titleContent. If you no longer qualify for the SSA, the payment ceases from 1er the day of the month when you no longer fill them out.
Obligation to seek employment
If your household resources are, on average, less than €500 per month, you must:
- looking for a job,
- or take the necessary steps to create your company,
- or follow the insertion actions that are offered.
These obligations are set out in your personalized project for access to employment (PPAE)established with your France Travail adviser (formerly Pôle emploi).
You may not refuse more than 2 reasonable job offers as defined in your PPAE.
the person you live with as a couple is subject to the same rights and obligations as you.
Right to professional or social support
The department's services should direct you to the most appropriate support for your situation:
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You can work
If you can immediately resume a job, you are referred to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) or another placement agency (for example: a job center).
The organization to which you are referred is a sole referent (advisor France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) or advisor on vocational integration) in charge of your support.
You must regularly develop and update your PPAE with them.
You must make regular job search steps and accept reasonable job offers.
If you are referred to an employment agency other than France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi), you must conclude, within 1 month with the department's services, a contract specifying the following information:
- Nature and characteristics of the job you are looking for
- Job-search acts that you undertake to carry out
- Actions that the investment firm undertakes to implement
Other situation
If you cannot immediately return to a job (housing or health problems), you are referred to the department's social services or to an integration agency.
The organization to which you are referred is a sole referent (a social worker) responsible for your support.
You may be referred to the department’s social services or an integration agency. In this case, you must conclude a contract with the department's services, within 2 months, which determines your obligations regarding professional integration.
If you have not been redirected to France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) (or another placement agency) after a period of 6 months to 1 year, your situation is examined by the department's services. Your insertion contract can be revised.
Suspension of payment of the SSA
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
In case of non-compliance with your obligations
Department departments may decide to reduce your RSA: titleContent, if you are:
- For your own good and without any legitimate reason, your personalized project for access to employment (PPAE) or your contract of reciprocal commitments are not established within the time limits laid down or are not renewed
- You do not comply, without legitimate reason, with the provisions set out in your PPAE or your contract of reciprocal commitments
- You are removed by France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) from the list of jobseekers
- You refuse to submit to the planned controls.
You are then invited to present your observations to a multidisciplinary team with the person of your choice.
This team is made up in particular of France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) staff, representatives of the departments, professionals of social and professional integration (for example, social assistant).
The reduction in the SSA can only take place after your comments have been submitted.
The department may decide to resume the payment of the RSA from the date of conclusion of the PPAE or one of the contracts of employment.
On 1re penalty, the amount of your RSA can be reduced up to 80% for 1 to 3 months.
In the case of subsequent sanctions, the percentage reduction is fixed by the department's departments for 1 to 4 months.
However, the reduction may not exceed 50%, in the 2 cases, if your home includes people other than yourself.
At the end of a reduction period, department departments may remove you from the list of SSA recipients.
In case of hospitalization
The amount of your RSA is reduced by 50% if you meet the following 3 conditions:
- You are hospitalized in a health care facility for more than 60 days
- You are covered by health insurance
- You don't live in pairs or you don't have a dependent.
If you are pregnant, this reduction does not apply.
This reduction takes effect on 2e Quarterly review of your RSA after your hospitalization begins.
In case of imprisonment
Your RSA is suspended effective 2e quarterly review after you start incarceration if you meet the following 2 conditions:
- You are incarcerated for more than 60 days
- You don't live in pairs and you have no dependants
If you live as a couple or have a dependent, their entitlement to the SSA is reviewed. You are no longer considered a member of the household.
Payment of the SSA shall resume as from 1er the day of the month in which your incarceration ends.
You are not affected by this suspension if you have one or more dependent children.
Complaint and overpayment
When all the RSA allowances you were entitled to have not been paid to you, you can claim them for 2 years.
When you have received an overpayment from RSA, your MSA: titleContent can ask you for a refund for 2 years. The overpayment is recovered by deductions from the future RSA.
If you no longer collect the SSA, the refund of the amounts wrongly collected is done by:
- deduction from monthly payments of other future benefits (family benefits, disabled adult allowance, housing allowances),
- transfer to the account of the MSA,
- check payable to Mr. MSA accounting officer,
- mandate to the Postal Bank on your CMSA account number or in cash.
Deductions are based on the composition of your home, your resources and your housing expenses.
Below €77However, the money wrongly collected is not recovered.
You can send a letter to your MSA's Amicable Appeals Board requesting debt forgiveness.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Other department
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
Grand Est
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Lower Rhine
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Other department
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Other department
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
Pays de la Loire
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Maine and Loire
To challenge a RSA decision (denial of award, challenge of award amount, etc.), you must follow the following steps:
- Prior appeal to the president of the department preferably by registered post with notice of receipt (your letter must indicate the subject of the dispute and you must attach the contested decision)
- Mandatory mediation before the Defender of Rights in case of failure
- Actions before the Court of Justice administrative tribunal
Other department
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
Other region
In order to challenge a decision on the RSA (refusal of allocation, challenge of the amount allocated, etc.), you must first address an administrative appeal to the president of the department.
If the answer is unfavorable, you can then present a contentious appeal to the administrative court.
Change in family situation
Your change of situation should be reported promptly.
You can also go on site or submit the form cerfa no. 11423 by post
even if you are not currently a recipient of family benefits, marrying up can give you new rights. Inquire with yourMSA: titleContent .
Change of domicile
You can report your change of address using the online change of address service:
Please note
if you change your department, the MSA of your home will automatically transfer the file to your new cash register. This transfer will take place as soon as your new address is registered.
From 1er january 2025, SSA beneficiaries are enrolled in France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi).
This listing is obligatory and automaticHowever, there is no action to be taken.
Registration for France Travail has no impact on the payment of the RSA.
You should continue to file your quarterly resource report with the AMM indicating any changes in circumstances that could impact your AMR. payment.
You must sign a contract of employment including an action plan specifying your objectives for social and professional integration.
It is the employment contract that will determine the level of intensity of support for each person and the number of hours of weekly activity that must be completed by the jobseeker.
As part of this, RSA beneficiaries are expected to work 15 to 20 hours per week
These 15 to 20 hours of activity can include the following:
- Immersion in company to refine your professional project
- of obtaining a driving license
- taking steps to access rights
- participation in activities in the voluntary sector
Please note
Some SSA beneficiaries may benefit from a reduction in the number of hours to be worked if they are facing difficulties in their personal and family life (disability, single parent disability of a child under 12).
The President of the Departmental Council may decide to suspend, in whole or in part and for a period which he shall determine, the payment of the active solidarity income where, without legitimate reason, the beneficiary: refuses to draw up or update the contract of employment or fails to comply with all or part of the obligations set out in that contract.
Conditions for the award of the RSA
Rights and duties of the beneficiary of the SSA
Reduction and suspension
Recourse and recovery
Ministry of Social Affairs