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Energy Transition
MaPrimeRénov’ evolves: new provisions for 2024
Publié le 07 février 2024 - Mise à jour le 06 mai 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
MaPrimeRénov' is a state aid that allows you to finance the energy renovation of your home when you own, live in this property or offer it for rent. The scheme shall evolve as from 15 May 2024. provides you with the terms and conditions to benefit from MaPrimeRénov' in 2024.
Since 1er January 2024, MaPrimeRénov' is divided into 2 axes:
- MaPrimeRénov' Path by gesture (if you want to carry out one or more insulation, ventilation, heating work...);
- MaPrimeRénov' Accompanied route (if you are planning a major renovation).
From May 15, 2024, and until December 31, 2024, to benefit from MaPrimeRénov’ Path by gesture you are no longer required to provide a energy performance diagnostics (EDP).
Please note
if you are a co-owner, you can benefit from MaPrimeRenovation' Condominium ; this is aid for work on common areas and private areas declared to be of common interest to a condominium.
How to benefit from MaPrimeRénov' Parcours accompanied?
MaPrimeRénov' Parcours accompanied is dedicated to major renovations. In order to benefit from this scheme, it is necessary in particular to:
- that your project includes at least 2 gestures of thermal insulation at the walls, roof, floors or windows;
- that your site is carried out by a craftsman with the “recognized environmental guarantee - EGR” label (for work connecting to a heat and/or cold network, the choice of an EGR professional is not required);
- an energy audit is carried out by a professional before and after the work in order to justify the energy classification of your home;
- that your project results in an energy saving of at least 2 levels on the energy performance diagnosis of your dwelling (the EPD, classified from A to G, gives information on the energy and climate performance of a dwelling or building);
- that you use the MyCompanionRenovo’ device (you can contact an advisor France Rénov' in order to find your “Renovation Attendant”).
The amount of aid you can receive depends on the resources of your household and the number of levels your work project saves on the energy performance diagnosis of your home. For example, for "very low-income" households that renovate a dwelling that can be considered an "energy colander" (a dwelling with an EPD rated F or G), care can now reach up to 90% of €70,000 of work excluding taxes (compared to 50% of €35,000 in 2023).
You can find here is a table of the maximum resources MaPrimeRénov' as well as the rate of support possible for your work according to your resources and the gain of levels on the EPD of your accommodation allowed by the service.
Please note
MaPrimeRénov' Accompanied course does not apply overseas.
What works are eligible for MaPrimeRénov' Accompanied course?
Among the works included in the MaPrimeRénov' Accompanied route device are:
- thermal insulation (insulation of walls from outside or inside, insulation of roof terrace...);
- work on openings (installation of an insulating entrance door, installation of double or triple glazed windows, etc.);
- work related to heating (installation of an air/water heat pump, heating regulation and programming system, or thermostatic valves...);
- so-called “summer comfort” work (installation of solar protection for windows or installation of fixed air vents).
What are the provisions of MaPrimeRénov' Route by gesture?
The list of works and services eligible for this scheme is not exactly the same if your accommodation is in metropolitan France or if it is overseas. Among the benefits eligible for MaPrimeRénov' Course by gesture are:
- work on heating and domestic hot water (installation of an automatic boiler using wood or other biomass, installation of equipment for supplying domestic hot water using solar thermal energy, etc.);
- thermal insulation (insulation of walls in front or pinion, insulation of roof creeks and roof ceilings...).
You can find it here a table with all the works eligible for MaPrimeRénov’ Route by gesture according to the geographical location of your accommodation (in metropolitan France or overseas), as well as the MaPrimeRénov’ Path per gesture resource ceilings and the possible amount of aid you can receive depending on your level of resources and the geographical location of your accommodation.
From 15 May 2024 until 31 December 2024, you can take advantage of the facility to carry out single-gesture jobs (one energy renovation operation at a time) without having to settle a decarbonized domestic heating or hot water system at the same time.
Please note
MaPrimeRénov' Path by Gesture does not apply to households "with higher resources" (the maximum resources depends in particular on the number of people making up the household).
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