Disability Compensation Benefit (DCP)

Verified 03 May 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Do you have expenses related to your loss of autonomy? You can receive the Disability Compensation Benefit (DCP) under certain conditions. We present you with the information you need to know.

To receive the PCH, you must meet certain conditions of loss of autonomy, ofage, of resources and residence.


You must be in one of the following situations:

  • You're having a problem absolute for the performance of an important daily activity among a repository of activities (for example, bathing). The difficulty is qualified as absolute if you cannot perform the activity at all.
  • You're having a problem serious for the performance of at least 2 important daily activities among a repository of activities (for example, bathing and walking). Difficulty in performing these activities is considered serious if you have difficulty in performing these activities.


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20 years or older

You must be under 60 to apply for PCH.

However, you can apply for PCH beyond the age of 60 and without an age limit if you already met the eligibility criteria before the age of 60 or if you continue working.

Under 20

You may benefit from PCH if your child is under 20 years of age and you receive Education allowance for disabled children (AEEH).


The PCH shall be awarded without a means test. However, your resources are taken into account to determine the rate of coverage of your expenses to compensate for your disability situation.

Thus, your expenses are covered at 100% of their rate if your annual resources are less than or equal to €30,398.54, or 80% if they are superior.


You can receive the PCH if you live at home or in an institution.


if you are homeless, you should to make an application for domicile in order to obtain the PCH.

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At home

To receive PCH, you must be resident in France.

If you are a foreigner, you must have resided in France for at least 3 months. This 3-month condition is not required if you are a student or in vocational training.

You must also have a valid residence permit.

Accommodation in an establishment

You can obtain the PCH if you are housed in a social or medico-social facility or hospitalized in a health facility.

If you have not been able to obtain an establishment in France and you are staying in an establishment located in Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy or Spain, you can also collect the PCH.

The Committee on the Rights and Autonomy of Persons with Disabilities (CDAPH) must decide on your accommodation in one of these countries.

Your stay must be between 1 and 5 years and must be covered by the health insurance or social assistance of the department.

The request for PCH is made before you leave France.

The request can be made online through an online service, if the MDPH: titleContent of your place of residence offers it:

Application for MDPH benefits (AAH, PCH, ...) and renewal

You can also apply by post through a form:

Application or renewal of disability benefits (AAH, PCH, CMI, Accommodation, ...)

You must contact supporting documents mentioned in connection with your online application or on the form.

Documents must be sent to the MDPH: titleContent where you live (or scanned if you apply online).

Who shall I contact

The CDAPH is meeting to decide on your application for PCH.

His reply usually takes place within 4 months from the date of submission of your application.

If no response is seen beyond 4 months, the application shall be considered as rejected.

The PCH comprises 5 forms of aid:

  • Human
  • Technical
  • Accommodation or vehicle fitting-out, or additional transport costs
  • Specific or exceptional charges related to disability
  • Animal Handler

Human aid

Human assistance is used to cover the intervention of a third person, provided by a family caregiver (a family member who is not employed for this assistance), an employee or a service providing home help.

Tableau - Rate of support for human aid


Full rate support

Partial Rate Support

Direct employment of a third party

100% up to

€17.70 the time or €18.05 in the event of the performance of care-related acts, or endotracheal aspirates

80% up to €17.70 the time or €18.05 in the event of the performance of care-related acts, or endotracheal aspirates

Proxy Service

100% up to €19.47 or €19.85 in the event of the performance of care-related acts, or endotracheal aspirates

80% up to €19.47 or €19.85 in the event of the performance of care-related acts, or endotracheal aspirates

Authorized service provider

100% up to €23.50the time or within the limit of the amount fixed between the service provider and the department

80% within the limit €23.50the time or within the limit of the amount fixed between the service provider and the department


100% and compensation up to €4.59 the time or €6.89 the time if the caregiver is reducing or leaving work

80% and compensation up to €4.59 the time or €6.89 the time if the caregiver is reducing or leaving work

In addition, since 1er january 2023 human aid can be awarded if you experience difficulties such as:

  • Managing your stress in the face of the unexpected
  • Managing social interactions
  • Plan, organize, initiate, execute, and manage time for routine or unusual activities
  • Perform multiple daily tasks, such as preparing a meal or attending a medical appointment

You can also be accompanied on transport.

The human aid time can reach 3 hours per day. It is allocated in the form of a time credit capitalized over a period of 12 months. This time consists in supporting you in the realization of these activities, without carrying them out for you.

Human aid also includes the possibility of pay someone to help you with the everyday tasks of raising your child if you have a disability.

Finally, if you have deafness more than 70 decibels and you need a communication device that requires someone to help you, you can get help from €468.39 per month.

If you have blindness (you have no central vision or less than 1/20 of normal vision), you can benefit from a 50-hour monthly package, either €780.65 per month.


since 1 er january 2023, if you have 2 impairments (deafness and blindness) you can receive a human aid package corresponding to an aid time of 30, 50 or 80 hours per month.

Technical Help

Technical assistance is intended for the purchase or rental of equipment to compensate for your disability (e.g. wheelchair).

The level of reimbursement differs depending on whether the aid is on the list of refundable products and benefits (RPPA) by Social Security. To find out, you need to ask your health insurance fund.

Tableau - Support rate for technical assistance


Full rate support

Partial Rate Support

Help on the PBDA

TO 100% up to €13,200 per 10 years. Where technical assistance is priced at least €3,000, that limit shall be increased by the amounts of the tariffs concerned after deduction of the support granted by the Social Security.

TO 80% up to €13,200 per 10-year period

Aid not listed on the PBDA

TO 75% up to €13,200 per 10-year period

TO 75% up to €13,200 per 10-year period

Technical assistance shall also include the possibility of take charge of childcare equipment (e.g. changing table, stroller) for your child from birth to 3rd and 6th birthday.

Housing development assistance

The housing adjustment assistance is intended to cover part of the work of your accommodation to compensate for your disability situation.

If you are accommodated, the fitting out of the home of the person hosting you can also be taken care of. To do this, you must be in one of the following situations:

  • You reside at a ascendant, descendant or a collateral up to 4e degree
  • You reside with an ascendant, descendant or collateral until 4e degree of your spouse, cohabiting partner or Civil partnership partner

Removal costs may also be covered.

Accommodation development
Tableau - Rates of housing development support


Full rate support

Partial Rate Support

Work up to €1,500

TO 100% up to €10,000 per 10-year period

TO 80% up to €10,000 per 10-year period

Work greater than €1,500

TO 50% up to €10,000 per 10-year period

TO 50% up to €10,000 per 10-year period

In case of necessity of moving

When accommodation is not possible or too expensive and you choose to move to a housing that meets accessibility standards, the cost can be covered. This support is at most €3,000 per 10 years.

Transport aid 

The aid includes the fitting-out of your vehicle and the additional costs associated with the journeys.

To benefit from it, you must hold a license bearing the restrictive mention of a suitable driving position.

Additional travel costs may also be covered in the case of either:

  • Regular, frequent or annual trips on leave
  • Trips between your home and the medical and social institution when they are made by a third party or when the return distance is more than 50 km
Tableau - Take-over rate of transport aid


Full rate support

Partial Rate Support

Vehicle fit-up costs up to €1,500

TO 100%

TO 80%

Vehicle fit-up costs beyond €1,500

TO 75% within the maximum of €10,000 over 10 years

TO 75% up to €10,000 over 10 years

Extra cost for private car travel

TO 100% up to €0.50 per km and €24,000 over 10 years

TO 80% up to €0.50 per km and €24,000 over 10 years

Extra cost of traveling with other means of transport

TO 75% up to €10,000 over 10 years

TO 75% up to €10,000 over 10 years

Specific or exceptional aid

Specific expenses are permanent and predictable expenses related to disability and not taken into account by any other element of the PCH. For example, it may be the cost of maintaining a wheelchair.

Exceptional expenses are one-off expenses related to disability and not covered by any other element of the PCH. For example, it may be a cost of repairing a medical bed.

Tableau - Rate of support for specific or exceptional aid


Partial and full rate support

Specific charges

TO 75% up to €100 per month

Exceptional charges

TO 75% up to €6,000 per 10-year period

Animal aid

The animal aid is intended for the acquisition and maintenance of an animal (e.g. a blind dog). In this case, the animal must have been educated by qualified educators.

Reimbursement may be up to 100% charges in the case of full-rate support (80% at partial rate) up to €6,000 per 10 years.

The PCH shall be allocated for life if your health cannot improve.

Otherwise, it is granted for a maximum of 10 years.

The amounts paid to you do not have to be repaid by your heirs upon your death.

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