Can you be exempted from wearing a seat belt?
Verified 07 April 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)
You can be dispensed the wearing of seat belts for reasons of medical or professional.
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Medical Reasons
You are dispensed of the wearing of seat belts if you are in any of the following 2 situations:
- Your body shape is clearly unsuitable for wearing a belt
- You have a medical certificate exemption issued by an approved doctor.
The medical certificate shall state its period of validity.
In case of control, you have to present it to the police.
Business reasons
You are dispensed the wearing of seat belts if you are in any of the following :
- Driver of taxi in service
- Driver or passenger of a priority vehicle of general interest or a ambulance, in emergency response
- Driver or passenger of a utility vehicle constrained by the need to provide stop frequently in built-up area
- Driver or passenger of a vehicle performing deliveries door-to-door built-up area
You have no no gait to be dispensed.
in circulation, the use of seat belts is obligatory for the driver and passengers. Failure to comply with this obligation shall be punished by a fine of up to €750. In general, it is a flat-rate fine of €135. In addition, the driver risks the 3-point indentation his driver's license.
Equipment for vehicle users
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