Is it forbidden to honk your car?

Verified 08 September 2023 - Legal and Administrative Information Directorate (Prime Minister)

The rules differ depending on whether the vehicle is being driven in built up areas or out of built-up area.

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In town (built-up area)

In town, you can use the horn (audible warning device) only in case of immediate danger.

For example, when another road user has not seen you and there is an immediate risk of a collision.

The abuse of horns shall be sanctioned by a fine up to €150.

In general, it is a flat-rate fine of €35.

Outside built-up areas


Daytime and out of built-up area, you can use the horn (audible warning device) only to give the necessary warnings to other road users.

For example, to signal your presence when approaching a blind turn.

The abuse of horns shall be sanctioned by a fine up to €150.

In general, it is a flat-rate fine of €35.

At night

At night, the warning of other users must be done by call of headlights.

You can use the horn (audible warning device) only when absolutely necessary.

The abuse of horns shall be sanctioned by a fine up to €150.

In general, it is a flat-rate fine of €35.

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