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Aid for energy renovation
MaPrimeRénov' evolves: new products in 2023
Publié le 06 février 2023 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
This year, are you planning insulation work, window replacement, boiler work? At 1er In February 2023, the renovation work ceilings that can be financed by MaPrimeRénov and the public support program for energy renovation are increased to take account of higher prices. informs you about the main new features of 2023.
The 2023 budget law and the decree of 29 December 2022 bring about changes in the funding of energy renovation works and increase the budget envelope for the MaPrimeRénov' scheme.
The scheme that replaced the ISCED (Energy Transition Tax Credit) in 2021 provides financial assistance to homeowners to finance energy retrofits in their main dwelling. All households can benefit from it, regardless of their income level, whether they are landlords or co-owners. The amount of the premium depends on the household's resources and the nature of the work.
The scheme aims to encourage low-income households to renovate in an eco-responsible way, by promoting work to improve the energy performance of dwellings.
For 2023, the aim is to promote the most efficient renovations and to increase support for modest households.
Please note
Around one million households, mainly of modest income, have already benefited from the aid for energy renovation, the main work on heating systems (70%), insulation (21%) and ventilation (4%).
New amounts as of February 1, 2023
New resource ceilings were introduced on 1er January 2023. You can view the resource limits on the fact sheet Prime energy "MaPrimeRénov'".
Several changes take place as of 1er February 2023.
My Bonus Renovation Serenity
The work ceilings for which this premium is granted are upgraded from €30 000 to €35 000. My Bonus Renovation Serenity for owner-occupants with modest or very modest incomes who are considering renovation works that will save at least 35% energy.
Ma Prime Rénov Condominiums
This premium is used to finance comprehensive energy renovation works (at least 35% gain) on the common areas of condominiums. The ceilings are increased from €15,000 to €25,000. The additional individual premiums paid to households residing in the condominium are doubled to €3,000 for very modest owners and €1,500 for modest owners.
Comprehensive Renovation Packages
In order to encourage the French to renovate their dwellings in a comprehensive manner, the "global renovation" package increases for households with intermediate (purple) and higher (pink) resources. These packages are increased from €7,000 to €10,000 and €3,500 to €5,000 respectively.
Decrease in some premiums for the most modest households
From 1er In February 2023, premiums for the installation of a pellet stove and a dual-flow VMC decreased by €500. This decrease is only for households with modest and very modest incomes:
- Pellet stove: 2 000 € for modest households; 2 500 € for very modest households.
- Dual flow VMC: €2,000 for modest households; €2,500 for very modest households.
The overall renovation consists of carrying out a set of renovation works necessary to improve the energy performance of your home.
Since 1er January 2023, it is mandatory to be accompanied by a trusted third party the Renovo's Accompanying Person, if you want to use MaPrimeRénov’ Serenity help.
End of eligibility for MaPrimeRénov' in 2023
- The premium no longer applies to the purchase of a gas boiler, including those with very high energy performance (condensation) since 1er January 2023.
- End of aid for certain ‘monotasking’ insulation projects for households with higher resources: attic installations, roof-terrace insulation, insulation of walls from the outside (ITE) or from the inside (ITI) from 1er April 2023.
- End of the bonus of €1,000 paid for the replacement of an oil or gas boiler with renewable energy equipment from 1er April 2023.
Work supported by MaPrimeRénov 2023
The list of works expenses eligible for MaPrimeRénov is set out in Annex 1 of Decree No. 2020-26 of 14 January 2020 as amended. Discover the list of works eligible for the scheme.
The card Prime energy "Ma Prime Rénov" allows you to tour MaPrimeRenovo' financial assistance according to your needs and profile.
To learn more about so-called financial assistance MaPrimeRénov' Serenity for a complete renovation of your home, see the fact sheet Overall renovation: MaPrimeRenovation' Serenity.
Learn more on the new features of the system in 2023.
Apply for MaPrimeRénov' 2023
All information is available on the France Rénov'.
Search a Consulting Space France Rénov' throughout the territory.
You will also find EGR list of approved professional craftsmen (recognized guarantor of the environment) and a simulator allowing you to see how much help you are entitled to in order to finance your work.
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