What are the differences between personal housing assistance (PLA, ALF, ALS)?

Verified 05 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

It exists 3 types of aid personal accommodation:

The aid is intended to shrink the amount of your rent (or royalty if you live in a household).

These aids are distinguished by their conditions of award and not by their method of calculation.

Their amount depends in particular on your household's resources.


Such aid shall not be cumulative steps between them.

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The PLA is paid because of your accommodation (regardless of your family situation: single, married, with or without a dependent).

More often than not, it is a contracted housing which you rent (most low-cost housing units are contracted).


The ALF is paid because of your family situation if you are in any of the following situations:

  • You benefit from family benefits or Education allowance for disabled children (AEEH)
  • You have 1 dependent child up to 21 years of age, but you are not entitled to family benefits or the EHIB
  • You are married, with no dependent children, you can receive assistance for a period of 5 years from the date of your marriage
  • You are expecting a child, alone without dependants from 1er day of the calendar month following 4e month of pregnancy to the calendar month of birth of your child
  • You have a ascendant over the age of 65 (or 60, if unfit for work, deported veteran or veteran) and have no resources above the Solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa)
  • You have an ascendant in charge, descendant or 2nd- or 3rd-degree collateral with a disability resulting in permanent incapacity of at least 80% who, having regard to his handicap, is unable to CDAPH: titleContentto have a job.


The SLA is paid if you are not eligible for the PLA or ALF.

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