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How do I apply for student accommodation at the Crous?
Verified 19 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
You are a student or higher education professional and you want to be housed in a Crous: titleContent ? We explain the conditions to be met and the steps to be taken to benefit from this type of housing.
What applies to you ?

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For the academic year (or more than one month)
You must be student to benefit from accommodation at the Crous: titleContent. Accommodation is allocated according to the following criteria:
- Your personal situation. The criteria are the same as for the calculation of scholarships (your income and that of your parents, family composition, geographic remoteness, and academic achievement).
- The vacant accommodation
The residences of Crous: titleContent consist of individual dwellings at moderate prices, which allow you to receive a housing allowance.
They are located near the study sites and have access to public transport (bus, tram or metro depending on the city).
There are 2 types of university residences: traditional residences and conventional residences.
Traditional residence
Possible types of accommodation:
- Furnished room of 9 m² with washbasin (the kitchens, showers and communal toilets are outside the accommodation)
- Furnished room of 10 m² with shower, sink, refrigerator, WC (the collective kitchen is outside the accommodation)
- Furnished room of 14 m² with shower, sink, microwave, refrigerator (sometimes WC) and with communal kitchen outside the accommodation
- Furnished studio from 15 to 20 m² with kitchenette, shower, sink, fridge, WC
The price is €200 to €500 per month, depending on the type of accommodation.
The housing allows you to receive social housing allowance (SLA).
Agreed residence
Possible accommodation types: furnished apartment, studio to T3 (with kitchenette, shower, sink, fridge, WC)
Example of average rent: €400 per month for a T1.
The housing allows you to receive housing assistance (LPA).
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
You live in France
1. Building your Student Social Record (SSR)
From 1er march to may 31, you must complete your Student Social Record (SSR) and check the "I am applying for housing" box. To do this, you must connect to an online service:
2. Participate in the housing allocation procedure
The allocation of housing is carried out in two phases. One main phase is intended primarily for fellows and a complementary phase is open to all students.
Main phase
You have to make your vows online from 7 May on an online service:
Please note
Available accommodation offers are online from the May 2.
You can make a total of 4 wishes, in the same city or different cities and crous.
There are 4 housing allotment towers from 11 June to 2 July.
After each round, you can modify your wishes to better adjust them according to your orientation results, your study choices.
Allocation round | Entering or Editing Wishes | Validating greetings | Results |
Tower 1 | From 7 May | June 10 at 10 am | June 11 |
Tower 2 | From 14 June | June 17 at 10am | June 18 |
Tower 3 | From 21 June | June 24 at 10am | June 25 |
Tower 4 | From 28 June | 1str july at 10am | July 2 |
If your requests for accommodation have not been met, you must re-validate your wishes to participate in the next round.
Complementary phase
From July 9, you can check the remaining accommodation offers available and book. You should do this in the following online service:
New offers are put online throughout the summer depending on withdrawals and departures. There is no waiting list.
You're from the foreigner
From July 9, you must apply for accommodation in the following online service:
You can also do the following:
- Contact your future institution to find out if other housing solutions exist
- Consult Lokaviz (apartments rented by individuals)
You are notified by SMS and email of the result of the housing assignments.
Please note
Be sure to check the email address you provided when creating your EHR.
You must confirm your choice within 48 hours according to the decision to allocate the accommodation.
For that, you have to pay €100 booking fees on your account My student services (City U' section). This amount will be deducted from your 1er rent.
You must also complete, sign and send to the university residence the documents presented in the award decision. Rules and regulations These include the act of joint and several guarantee.
You can ask Housing action to be your guarantor, that is to say to vouch for you. It's about the Visale guarantee.
You must also pay the security deposit.
The keys to the accommodation are given to you.
You must pay on 1er rent, net of the royalty advance already paid (€100).
You must also submit the following documents:
- Certificate of insurance against rental risks (fire, water damage, civil liability)
- Student card or certificate of enrollment for the academic year for which you obtained the accommodation
If you are already staying in the residence of the Crous: titleContent and you want to keep the same unit for the next academic year, so you have to renew your application.
To do this, you need to connect to the space City U from your account My student services, according to the calendar provided by your residence:
For less than a month
You can be housed in a university residence if you are in one of the following situations:
- Student
- Researcher or teacher-researcher
- Member of the administrative staff of higher education
You can be accommodated for professional or personal reasons.
Your stay can last a few days (from 1 night to less than a month) and can be booked on flexible dates (arrival and departure day on weekdays or weekends).
You can book accommodation up to 6 months in advance.
You can book a room or studio, including Wi-Fi, laundry, bike garage and parking.
These accommodations are located in the major university cities, close to public transport and examination, competition or conference centers.
The price charged includes the following services:
- Rental of accommodation
- Taxes
- Provision of bed linen and towels
Breakfast can be served depending on the Crous: titleContent concerned.
To find out what accommodation is available and how to book, you can use this site:
Bed&Crous: book a Crous accommodation for a short or medium stay
You can book accommodation up to 6 months in advance.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
For more information
Regional Center for University and School Works (Crous)To find out if other housing solutions exist
Higher education institution
Online service
Online service
Search tools
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
National Center for Academic and Educational Works (Cnous)
Ministry of Education
National Center for Academic and Educational Works (Cnous)
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education
Fact sheets by life event
Dossier social étudiant (DSE) : demande de bourse et de logement
Publié le 26 février 2024