Sick leave for public service contractor

Verified 01 September 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

As a contractual in the public service, you may be placed on serious sick leave if you suffer from an illness that renders you unable to work, requires prolonged treatment and care, and is disabling and of proven severity. We present the rules applicable to this leave according to your public service of origin (State - FPE, territorial - FPT, hospital - FPH).


If you are active and justifyat least 4 months of services, you can apply to be placed on serious sick leave.

To do this you must have a disease:

  • Putting you in the impossibility of exercising your activity
  • Requiring a treatment and long-term care
  • And presenting a disabling character and confirmed severity.

You can be placed on serious sick leave no matter what you are on a permanent contract or a permanent contract.

You are not in operation when you are in any of the following situations:

  • Parental Leave
  • Unpaid leave to travel overseas or abroad to adopt one or more children
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Unpaid leave to raise a child under the age of 12
  • Unpaid leave to care for a dependent child, your spouse or care partner Civil partnerships: titleContent or to a ascendant following an accident or serious illness or a disability requiring the presence of a third person
  • Unpaid leave to follow a Civil partnership or partner who is forced to move for work reasons
  • Parental leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for family reasons
  • Leave for personal reasons
  • Leave to create or resume a company.

The 4-month period of service required to be entitled to sick leave is calculated taking into account all the public services you have performed in the public service (State, territorial or hospital).

In case of interruption of functions, the services are taken into account if the interruption has not exceeded 4 months.

If you have to stop working for health reasons without having at least 4 months' seniority, you are placed on unpaid sick leave for a maximum period of one year.

You're collecting sickness benefit of the Social Security, if you meet the conditions to take advantage of it.

First request

You must apply to your employer administration for sick leave, accompanied by a medical certificate from your treating physician.

Your leave of absence for serious illness is pronounced after opinion of the medical council.

Your treating physician will send a summary of his observations and any supporting documentation directly to the Medical Council Secretariat.

Procedure for investigation by the medical council

During the investigation of your file, the medical council can call on the expertise of a licensed doctor.

An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.

At least 10 working days before the date of the medical council meeting, the medical council secretariat informs you of this date and of your following rights:

  • Consult your file
  • Provide written submissions and medical certificates
  • Be accompanied or represented, if desired, by a person of your choice at all stages of the procedure.

The Medical Council Secretariat will also inform you of the possible avenues of challenge before the higher medical council.

You and your employer administration can have the doctor of your choice heard by the medical council.

The medical council may ask to hear you if it deems it useful.

The working doctor of your administration is informed of the meeting of the medical council. They can ask for your medical records and can make written submissions or attend the meeting without voting.

The medical council sends its opinion to you and also to your administration.

If you are applying for serious sick leave during a sick leave, the start date of your sick leave is the date of 1re medical assessment of your disease. Your sick leave is reclassified as serious sick leave.

Request for renewal

During your 1re year of serious sick leave (paid at full pay), the renewal of your serious sick leave is pronounced at your request without reference to the medical council.

You must submit an application accompanied by a medical certificate from your doctor stating that the leave initially granted must be extended and specifying the duration of this extension.

When you ask for the extending your leave for serious illness beyond one year, that is to say, beyond the period paid at full pay, the extension shall again be granted after consulting the medical council.

Your administration should be examined by an accredited doctor at least once a year.

If you refuse to submit to these examinations, your remuneration is no longer paid.

If you or your employer's administration disagree with the medical officer's opinion, you may refer the matter to the medical council.

The maximum duration of leave for serious illness shall be Three years.

Serious sick leave may be granted for periods of 3 to 6 months.

After 3 years of serious sick leave, you can take another period of serious sick leave provided that you have been in office for at least 1 year.

The different elements of remuneration are paid to you under the following conditions:

Tableau - Conditions for remuneration of State contractors on serious sick leave

Compensation Elements

Conditions for payment

Index treatment

100% for 1 year, then 60% the next 2 years

Residence allowance

100% during the period of leave

Family Treatment Supplement (FTS)

100% during the period of leave

Premiums and allowances

33% for 1 year, then 60% the next 2 years

During your leave of absence due to serious illness, you are entitled to Social Security Sickness Allowance (SSA).

The amount of these daily allowances shall be deducted from index processing amount which is due to you.

In practice, your employer's administration pays you the full amount of the index salary due to you and receives a refund from Social Security of the amount of the daily allowances when the index salary due to you is at least equal to the amount of the daily allowances.


The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.

During your work stoppage, you must meet the following obligations:

  • Follow the doctor's prescriptions
  • Submit to the medical check-ups requested by your administration or Social Security
  • Not engaging in unauthorized activity
  • Inform the Commission without delay CPAM: titleContent any resumption of activity before the end of the work stoppage.

Serious sick leave shall be taken into account in calculating the length of service required to be able to apply for a part-time and shall be entitled in particular to the following leave:

Other leave shall not result in the loss of seniority acquired before it was granted.

The annual leave not taken as at 31 december due to prolonged absence for health reasons may be postponed under certain conditions.

Periods of serious sick leave reduce the number of RTT days.

Serious sick leave is taken into account to calculate the length of service required to review your remuneration and to determine your training entitlements.

It is also taken into account to calculate the seniority required to stand for internal competitions and when you rank in case of success in a competition for access to a public service corps or job cadre.

Your situation at the end of your sick leave differs depending on whether you are fit to resume your duties.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Suitable for resumption of duties

If you are fit to resume your duties at the end of your sick leave, you are re-employed on your previous job to the extent permitted by the service.

If you cannot be reassigned to your previous job, you are priority for re-employment in a similar job for an equivalent remuneration.

Temporarily unfit for resumption of duties

If you stay temporarily unfit upon resuming your duties at the end of your leave of absence for serious illness, you shall be placed in unpaid leave for a maximum duration of one year.

This one-year unpaid leave may be extended by 6 months if it is the result of a medical opinion that your state of health may develop favorably during this additional period of 6 months.

At the end of this unpaid leave, if you are fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be re-employed on your previous employment to the extent permitted by the service.

If you cannot be reassigned to your previous job, you have a priority to be re-employed on a similar job with equivalent pay.

If the duration of your unpaid leave is 1 year or more, you can only be re-employed if you request it by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt at least 1 month before the end of your leave. In the absence of such a request within the time limit, you shall be considered to have resigned.

At the end of your unpaid leave, if it is medically established by an authorized doctor that you are permanently unfit to occupy your job, you can apply to be reclassified.

Your application for reclassification will be reviewed if you have been recruited on a permanent contract or permanent contract if the termination of your contract is after the date of your application for reclassification. reclassification.

The reclassification job is then offered for the period remaining before the end of your CDD.

If your reclassification is not possible, you are licensee for physical incapacity.

Permanently unfit for resumption of duties

At the end of your sick leave, if it is medically established by a licensed medical practitioner that you are permanently unfit for employment, you may apply to be reclassified.

Your request for reclassification will be reviewed if you were recruited on a permanent contract or permanent contract if the termination of your contract is later than the date of your request for reclassification.

The reclassification job is then offered for the period remaining before the end of your CDD.

If your reclassification is not possible, you are licensee for physical incapacity.


If you are active and justifyat least 3 years of service, you can apply to be placed on serious sick leave.

To do this, you must have a disease:

  • Putting you in theinability to carry on your business
  • Requiring a treatment and long-term care
  • And presenting a disabling character and confirmed severity.

You may be placed on serious sick leave whether you are on CDD or CDI.

You are not active when you are in any of the following situations:

  • Parental Leave
  • Unpaid leave to travel overseas or abroad to adopt one or more children
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Unpaid leave to raise a child under the age of 12
  • Unpaid leave to care for a dependent child, your spouse or care partner Civil partnerships: titleContent or to a ascendant following an accident or serious illness or a disability requiring the presence of a third person
  • Unpaid leave to follow a Civil partnership or partner who is forced to move for work reasons
  • Parental leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for family reasons
  • Leave for personal reasons
  • Leave to create or resume a company.

The required 3-year period of service to be eligible for sick leave is calculated taking into account all the services you have performed with the community that recruited you.

In case of interruption of functions, the services are taken into account if the interruption has not exceeded 4 months.


If you have not been in service for at least 3 years, you can be placed in sick leave paid or unpaid according to your seniority.

First request

You must apply to your employer community for serious sick leave, accompanied by a medical certificate from your treating physician.

Your leave of absence for serious illness is pronounced after opinion of the medical council.

Your treating physician addresses the Secretariat of the medical advice a summary of their observations and any supporting documentation.

Procedure for investigation by the medical council

During the investigation of your file, the medical council can call on the expertise of a licensed doctor.

An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.

At least 10 working days before the date of the medical council meeting, the medical council secretariat informs you of this date and of your following rights:

  • Consult your file
  • Provide written submissions and medical certificates
  • Be accompanied or represented, if desired, by a person of your choice at all stages of the procedure.

The Medical Council Secretariat will also inform you of the possible avenues of challenge before the higher medical council.

You and your employer community can have the doctor of your choice heard by the medical council.

The medical council may ask to hear you if it deems it useful.

The working doctor of your administration is informed of the meeting of the medical council. They can ask for your medical records and can make written submissions or attend the meeting without voting.

The medical council sends its opinion to you and also to your administration.

If you are applying for serious sick leave during a sick leave, the start date of your sick leave is the date of 1re medical assessment of your disease. Your sick leave is reclassified as serious sick leave.

Request for renewal

During your 1re year of serious sick leave (paid at full pay), the renewal of your serious sick leave is pronounced at your request without reference to the medical council.

You must submit an application accompanied by a medical certificate from your doctor stating that the leave initially granted must be extended and specifying the duration of this extension.

When you ask for the extending your leave for serious illness beyond one year, that is to say, beyond the period paid at full pay, the extension shall again be granted after consulting the medical council.

Your administration should be examined by an accredited doctor at least once a year.

If you refuse to submit to these examinations, your remuneration is no longer paid.

If you or your employer authority disagrees with the medical officer's opinion, you may enter the medical advice.

The maximum duration of leave for serious illness shall be Three years.

Serious sick leave may be granted for periods of 3 to 6 months.

After 3 years of serious sick leave, you can take another period of serious sick leave provided that you have been in office for at least 1 year.

The different elements of remuneration are paid to you under the following conditions:

Tableau - Conditions governing the remuneration of territorial contractors on serious sick leave

Compensation Elements

Payment condition

Index treatment

100% for 1 year, then 50% the next 2 years

Residence allowance

100% throughout the leave period

Family Treatment Supplement (FTS)

100% throughout the leave period

Premiums and allowances

The conditions for suspending or maintaining premiums shall be determined by deliberation

During your leave of absence due to serious illness, you are entitled to Social Security Sickness Allowance (SSA).

The amount of these daily allowances shall be deducted from your full or half-salary.

In practice, either your employer community pays you, in addition to the daily subsistence allowance, the share of the index salary due to you up to the full or half salary.

Either your employer community pays you all of your full or half salary and is reimbursed the amount of daily allowances by the Social Security.

If you are receiving per diem payments from your CPAM: titleContentHowever, you have to communicate the amount to your community so that they can pay you your index salary, in addition, up to your full or half salary. Your administration may suspend the payment of your salary until the transmission of this information.


The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.

During your work stoppage, you must meet the following obligations:

  • Follow the doctor's prescriptions
  • Submit to medical check-ups requested by your community or Social Security
  • Not engaging in unauthorized activity
  • Inform the Commission without delay CPAM: titleContent any resumption of activity before the end of the work stoppage.

Serious sick leave shall be taken into account in calculating the length of service required to be able to apply for a part-time and shall be entitled in particular to the following leave:

Other leave shall not result in the loss of seniority acquired before it was granted.

The annual leave not taken as at 31 december due to prolonged absence for health reasons may be postponed under certain conditions.

Periods of leave for health reasons reduce the number of RTT days.

The length of sick leave is taken into account when calculating the length of service required to review your remuneration and to determine your training entitlements.

It is also taken into account when calculating the seniority required to stand for internal competitions and when ranking you in case of success in a competition for access to a public service corps or job cadre.

Your situation at the end of your sick leave differs depending on whether you are fit to resume your duties.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Suitable for resumption of duties

If you are fit to resume your duties at the end of your sick leave, you are re-employed on your previous job to the extent permitted by the service.

If you cannot be reassigned to your previous job, you are priority to be re-employed on a similar job with equivalent pay.

Temporarily unfit for resumption of duties

If you stay temporarily unfit upon resuming your duties at the end of your leave of absence for serious illness, you shall be placed in unpaid leave for a maximum duration of one year.

This one-year unpaid leave may be extended by 6 months if it is the result of a medical opinion that your state of health may develop favorably during this additional period of 6 months.

At the end of this unpaid leave, if you are fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be re-employed on your previous employment to the extent permitted by the service.

If you cannot be reassigned to your previous job, you have a priority to be re-employed on a similar job with equivalent pay.

If the duration of your unpaid leave is equal to or greater than 1 year, you can only be re-employed if you request it by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt at least 1 month before the end of your leave. In the absence of such a request within the time limit, you shall be considered to have resigned.

At the end of your unpaid leave, if it is medically established by an authorized doctor that you are permanently unfit to occupy your job, you can apply to be reclassified.

Your application for reclassification will be reviewed if you have been recruited on a permanent contract or permanent contract if the termination of your contract is after the date of your application for reclassification. reclassification.

The reclassification job is then offered for the period remaining before the end of your CDD.

If your reclassification is not possible, you are licensee for physical incapacity.

Permanently unfit for resumption of duties

At the end of your sick leave, if it is medically established by a licensed medical practitioner that you are permanently unfit for employment, you may apply to be reclassified.

Your request for reclassification will be reviewed if you were recruited on a permanent contract or permanent contract if the termination of your contract is later than the date of your request for reclassification.

The reclassification job is then offered for the period remaining before the end of your CDD.

If your reclassification is not possible, you are licensee for physical incapacity.


If you are active and justifyat least 3 years of service, you can apply to be placed on serious sick leave.

To do this, you must have a disease:

  • Putting you in theinability to carry on your business
  • Requiring a treatment and long-term care
  • And presenting a disabling character and confirmed severity.

You may be placed on serious sick leave whether you are on CDD or CDI.

You are not active when you are in any of the following situations:

  • Parental Leave
  • Unpaid leave to travel overseas or abroad to adopt one or more children
  • Family Solidarity Leave
  • Unpaid leave to raise a child under the age of 12
  • Unpaid leave to care for a dependent child, your spouse or care partner Civil partnerships: titleContent or to a ascendant following an accident or serious illness or a disability requiring the presence of a third person
  • Unpaid leave to follow a Civil partnership or partner who is forced to move for work reasons
  • Parental leave
  • Caregiver leave
  • Leave for family reasons
  • Leave for personal reasons
  • Leave to create or resume a company.

The 3-year period of service required to qualify for sick leave shall be calculated from the date of 1er recruitment in your employer institution.

In case of interruption of functions, services are taken into account if the interruption did not exceed 1 year when it was involuntary and 4 months when it was voluntary.

Services performed prior to dismissal on disciplinary grounds are never considered.


If you have not been in service for at least 3 years, you can be placed in sick leave paid or unpaid according to your seniority.

First request

You must apply to your employer administration for sick leave, accompanied by a medical certificate from your treating physician.

Your leave of absence for serious illness is pronounced on opinion of the medical council.

Your treating physician addresses the Secretariat of the medical advice a summary of their observations and any supporting documentation.

Procedure for investigation by the medical council

During the investigation of your file, the medical council can call on the expertise of a licensed doctor.

An approved doctor is a general practitioner or specialist on a list drawn up in each department by the prefect on a proposal from the Regional Health Agency, after consulting the Departmental Council of the Medical Association. One of the roles of a licensed medical practitioner is to conduct counter-visits and expert examinations.

At least 10 working days before the date of the medical council meeting, the medical council secretariat informs you of this date and of your following rights:

  • Consult your file
  • Provide written submissions and medical certificates
  • Be accompanied or represented, if desired, by a person of your choice at all stages of the procedure

The Medical Council Secretariat will also inform you of the possible avenues of challenge before the higher medical council.

You and your employing institution can have the doctor of your choice heard by the medical council.

The medical council may ask to hear you if it deems it useful.

The working doctor of your administration is informed of the meeting of the medical council. They can ask for your medical records and can make written submissions or attend the meeting without voting.

The medical council sends its opinion to you and also to your institution.

If you are applying for serious sick leave during a sick leave, the start date of your sick leave is the date of 1re medical assessment of your disease. Your sick leave is reclassified as serious sick leave.

Request for renewal

During your 1re year of serious sick leave (paid at full pay), the renewal of your leave of absence for serious illness, is pronounced at your request without reference to the medical council.

You must submit an application accompanied by a medical certificate from your doctor stating that the leave initially granted must be extended and specifying the duration of this extension.

When you ask for the extending your leave for serious illness beyond one year, that is to say, beyond the period of full pay, the extension shall again be decided on the advice of the medical council.

Your administration should be examined by an accredited doctor at least once a year.

If you refuse to submit to these examinations, your remuneration is no longer paid.

If you or your employer authority disagrees with the medical officer's opinion, you may enter the medical advice.

The maximum duration of leave for serious illness shall be Three years.

Serious sick leave may be granted for periods of 3 to 6 months.

After 3 years of serious sick leave, you can take another period of serious sick leave provided that you have been in office for at least 1 year.

The different elements of remuneration are paid to you under the following conditions:

Tableau - Conditions governing the remuneration of hospital contractors on serious sick leave

Compensation Elements

Payment condition

Index treatment

100% for 1 year, then 50% the next 2 years

Residence allowance

100% throughout the leave period

Family Treatment Supplement (FTS)

100% throughout the leave period

Special hardship allowance

100% for 1 year, then 50% the next 2 years

During your leave of absence due to serious illness, you are entitled to Social Security Sickness Allowance (SSA).

The amount of these daily allowances shall be deducted from your full or half-salary.

In practice, either your employer institution pays you, in addition to the daily subsistence allowance, the share of index salary due to you, up to the full or half salary.

Either your employer institution pays you all of your full or half salary and receives a refund of the daily allowances from the Social Security.

If you are receiving per diem payments from your CPAM: titleContent, you must communicate the amount to your institution so that it pays you your index salary, in addition, up to your full or half salary. Your institution can suspend the payment of your salary until the transmission of this information.


The fees and other medical expenses resulting from examinations requested by your administration, the fees of a licensed medical practitioner and any transportation expenses to you to these examinations are supported by your administration. Transport costs shall be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents enabling them to be verified as necessary and in connection with the medical examinations carried out.

During your work stoppage, you must meet the following obligations:

  • Follow the doctor's prescriptions
  • Submit to the medical check-ups requested by your administration or Social Security
  • Not engaging in unauthorized activity
  • Inform the Commission without delay CPAM: titleContent any resumption of activity before the end of the work stoppage.

Serious sick leave shall be taken into account in calculating the length of service required to be able to apply for a part-time and shall be entitled in particular to the following leave:

Other leave shall not result in the loss of seniority acquired before it was granted.

The annual leave not taken as at 31 december due to prolonged absence for health reasons may be postponed under certain conditions.

Periods of leave for health reasons reduce the number of RTT days.

The length of sick leave is taken into account when calculating the length of service required to review your remuneration and to determine your training entitlements.

It is also taken into account when calculating the seniority required to stand for internal competitions and when ranking you in case of success in a competition for access to a public service corps or job cadre.

Your situation at the end of your sick leave differs depending on whether you are fit to resume your duties.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Suitable for resumption of duties

If you are fit to resume your duties at the end of your sick leave, you are re-employed on your previous job to the extent permitted by the service.

If you cannot be reassigned to your previous job, you are licenseeand have a re-use priority in your institution to perform similar functions for equivalent remuneration.

Temporarily unfit for resumption of duties

If you stay temporarily unfit upon resuming your duties at the end of your leave of absence for serious illness, you shall be placed in unpaid leave for a maximum duration of one year.

This unpaid leave of one year may be extended by 6 months if it is the result of a medical opinion that your state of health may develop favorably during this additional period of 6 months.

At the end of this unpaid leave, if you are fit upon resumption of your duties, you shall be re-employed on your previous employment to the extent permitted by the service.

If you cannot be reassigned in your previous job, you are dismissed and have a priority for re-employment in your institution to perform similar duties with equivalent remuneration.

At the end of your unpaid leave, if it is medically established by an authorized doctor that you are permanently unfit to occupy your job, you can apply to be reclassified.

Your application for reclassification will be reviewed if you have been recruited on a permanent contract or permanent contract if the termination of your contract is after the date of your application for reclassification. reclassification.

The reclassification job is then offered for the period remaining before the end of your CDD.

If your reclassification is not possible, you are licensee for physical incapacity.

Permanently unfit for resumption of duties

At the end of your sick leave, if it is medically established by a licensed medical practitioner that you are permanently unfit for employment, you may apply to be reclassified.

Your request for reclassification will be reviewed if you were recruited on a permanent contract or permanent contract if the termination of your contract is later than the date of your request for reclassification.

The reclassification job is then offered for the period remaining before the end of your CDD.

If your reclassification is not possible, you are licensee for physical incapacity.