What assistance can be received to carry out work in your home?
Verified 29 October 2021 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Financial assistance can be paid if you undertake work in your home. They are for tenants or owner-occupiers.
A simulator shows the financial assistance you can receive for energy renovation of your home:
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You can benefit from the following aids (if you meet the conditions for the award):
- Premium Helpful Heating
- Energy saving certificates (EEC) "Standard"
- Loan from your family allowance fund
- Tax credit for capital expenditures designed for seniors or persons with disabilities
- Help from your pension fund
- Aid from the National Housing Agency (Anah)
Some of this aid may be cumulated.
Owner Occupant
You can benefit from the following aids (if you meet the conditions for the award):
- MaPrimeRenovate'
- MaPrimeRénov' Serenity
- Premium Helpful Heating
- Prime Coup de pouce Performance renovation of a detached house
- Energy saving certificates (EEC) "Standard"
- Loan from your family allowance fund
- Tax credit for capital expenditures designed for seniors or persons with disabilities
- Aid from the National Housing Agency (Anah)
- Help from your pension fund
- Help to soundproof your accommodation near an airport
- Tax credit for technology risk prevention expenses in your home
- Zero-interest Eco-loan
Some of this aid may be cumulated.
To help you choose your work, you can call on a specialist habitat renovation consultant for free:
Who shall I contact
Specialist advisors on housing renovation works (France Rénov')
Allows you to be accompanied for free in its renovation work by specialized advisors of France Rénov'
By telephone
0 808 800 700
Open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm. You must have your last tax notice.
Free service + cost of a call
National Housing Agency (Anah)
National Housing Agency (Anah)