What financial assistance can be received to carry out work in one's home?
Verified 19 March 2024 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Financial assistance can be paid for work in your home. They are addressed, as appropriate, to owner-occupants, landlords, tenants.
One simulator shows the different financial support you can receive:
Search for aids for the renovation of housing
To define the most useful and profitable work for your home, it is recommended to call upon a specialist advisor in the renovation of housing:
Who shall I contact
Specialist advisors on housing renovation works (France Rénov')
Allows you to be accompanied for free in its renovation work by specialized advisors of France Rénov'
By telephone
0 808 800 700
Open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm. You must have your last tax notice.
Free service + cost of a call
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You are the owner occupant
You can benefit from the following aids (if you meet the award conditions):
- MaPrimeRenovate'
- Energy saving certificates (EEC)
- Premium Helpful Heating
- Prime Boost Connected heating control room by room
- Prime Coup de pouce Performance renovation of a detached house
- Zero-interest Eco-loan
- Ready to improve the housing of the Family Allowance Fund (Caf)
- MaPrimeAdapt' or the tax credit for accommodation adapted to age or disability
- Help to soundproof your accommodation near an airport
Some of this aid may be cumulated.
You can benefit from the following aids (if you meet the award conditions):
Some of this aid may be cumulated.
You can benefit from the following aids (if you meet the award conditions):
- MaPrimeAdapt' or the tax credit for capital expenditures for seniors and persons with disabilities
- Energy saving certificates (EEC)
- Premium Helpful Heating
Some of this aid may be cumulated.
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
Specialist advisors on housing renovation works (France Rénov')
Allows you to be accompanied for free in its renovation work by specialized advisors of France Rénov'
By telephone
0 808 800 700
Open from Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm. You must have your last tax notice.
Free service + cost of a call
National Housing Agency (Anah)
National Housing Agency (Anah)
National Housing Agency (Anah)
National Housing Agency (Anah)