Debt recovery in France: order for payment and simplified procedure
Verified 21 February 2024 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister), Ministry of Justice
You have not managed to obtain the amicable payment of a sum of money (invoice, recognition of debt...)? You can apply to the judge for an order to pay. If your claim does not exceed €5,000, a simplified procedure for overlay small claims can be implemented by a commissioner of justice (formerly bailiff). We present you with the information you need to know.
Order to pay
If an individual or a merchant owes you money (unpaid bill, unquestionable debt...) and you can't get payment, you can ask the judge for an order to pay. It's a simplified and accelerated procedure that allows you to get a enforceable title.
The order for payment procedure may be initiated, whatever the amount, in one of the following:
- The claim is from a contract. The amount of the debt must be entered in the contract. For example, it may be a purchase from a merchant, a loan, an unpaid invoice, a bank overdraft, an acknowledgement of debt, an unpaid rent, a surety.
- The claim is derived from a statutory obligation. For example, condominium expenses or membership in an organization that is required to be a member by statute, such as a pension fund.
- The claim is derived from a commercial act. It can be a bill of exchange, one promissory note, an assignment of a business receivable (Dailly slip).
The claim shall not be prescribed. It must be certain, liquid and payable, i.e. it cannot reasonably be contested by the debtor. It must have expired and its amount must be determined.
There are specific recovery procedures for obtaining payment of a maintenance or a NSF check.
You can use a cerfa form to apply to the court.
The form to use depends on your claim.
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General case (contract...)
You must complete the following form:
Application for an order for payment before the President of the Court of Justice
Unpaid rents and charges
You must complete the following form:
Application for an order for payment before the protection litigation judge
Consumer credit
You must complete the following form:
Application for an order for payment before the protection litigation judge
Commercial debt between professionals (trader, craftsman...)
If the claim is commercial nature, you must address the request to commercial court.
Debt is commercial when the creditor like the debtor are traders or when the debt arises from a commercial act.
Online application for an order for payment before the Commercial Court
For a commercial debt in Alsace-Moselle, the request must be addressed to the president of the commercial chamber of the judicial tribunal.
By paper form
You must complete the following form:
Application for an order for payment to the President of the Commercial Court
For a commercial debt in Alsace-Moselle, the request must be addressed to the president of the commercial chamber of the judicial tribunal.
The form must contain the following information:
- For the applicant natural person, surname, forename, occupation, domicile, nationality, date and place of birth
- For the applicant legal person, form of the business, name, legal representative and address of the registered office
- Name and permanent address of the person against whom the application is made, or, in the case of a legal person, his name and address of his registered office
- Subject matter of the request
- Amount of the sum claimed with the statement of the various elements of your claim (interest, penalty payment...) and the reason for it
The form must be accompanied by a list of supporting documents proving the validity of the request (purchase order, contract, unpaid invoice, letter of formal notice, e-mail, recovery letter, etc.).
If any of the particulars is missing, the application may be rejected.
If you wish, you may request that the case be referred directly to the court you consider competent in the event of opposition of your debtor.
If your order for payment concerns more than one debtor, you can also apply for a conviction joint and several.
The request must be sent or submitted to the graft of the competent court.
The competent court depends on the dispute:
- If the dispute concerns private individuals or a individual and professional, the competent court shall be the court of law.
- If the dispute concerns 2 professionals (traders, craftsmen...) the competent court is the commercial court.
For a commercial dispute in Alsace-MoselleOh, that's the commercial chamber of the judicial tribunal who is competent.
You can make the request yourself or load a lawyer, one Commissioner of Justice or a representative to do it for you.
Who shall I contact
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General case (contract...)
The form must be sent to president of the judicial tribunal.
The court having jurisdiction shall be that of the domicile (or registered office) of debtor or one of the debtors.
Who shall I contact
Please note
There are exceptions, such as of outstanding co-ownership charges, the competent court shall be that of the place where the building is located.
Rents and unpaid
The request must be addressed to the protection litigation judge.
The court with territorial jurisdiction shall be that of the domicile of the debtor.
Who shall I contact
Consumer credit
The request must be addressed to the protection litigation judge.
The court with territorial jurisdiction shall be that of the domicile of the debtor or one of the debtors.
Who shall I contact
Commercial debt
If the claim is of a commercial nature (debt between traders), the request must be addressed to the president of the commercial court.
The competent court shall be that of the registered office of the debtor.
Please note
If the claim is in Alsace-Moselle (debt between traders), the request must be addressed to the president of the commercial chamber of the judicial tribunal.
Who shall I contact
There's no no audience and the procedure is pitch contradictory, that is, the judge makes a decision based solely on the produced items by the creditor, without hearing the debtor's arguments.
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The judge shall grant the application
The judge may decide to grant the application in whole or in part. He's giving a order for payment for the amount he's holding back. The order is not reasoned.
The Registry shall provide the creditor with a certified copy of the application and a copy of the order for payment containing the enforcement order. This decision is a enforceable title.
If the judge upholds the case in part upon request, the creditor may decide
- waive the order for payment procedure. In this case, he will not means not the order for payment, but he can hire a standard judicial procedure.
- or to continue to enforce the order for payment by serving the order. In this case, the order is without recourse and the creditor can no longer initiate another procedure to obtain the surplus.
The creditor cannot appeal an order for payment.
The judge dismisses the application
The creditor has no recourse. He can't appeal, but he can hire a standard judicial procedure.
The creditor must signify the application and the order for payment by a Commissioner of Justice, to each debtor.
The debtor may access for free the supporting documents annexed to the request by electronic means via the following platform:
If these documents cannot be made available on the platform, the Commissioner of Justice must attach them to the application when it is served.
The document of service shall contain in particular the following information:
- Summation to pay to the creditor the amount specified in the order and the interest and costs
- Time limit and form of opposition
- Court before which an opposition may be brought
- Warning to the debtor that he can read the documents at the Registry
- Information that, in the absence of opposition within the time limit, he may no longer appeal.
The order for payment is deciduous (i.e. canceled) if it has not been served within 6 months of its date.
The debtor has1 month from significance the order for an injunction to opposition to the court.
If service has not been effected on the person, this period of 1 month shall begin from the date of the document of execution (e.g. a notice of seizure on a bank account).
The opposition period shall be execution suspensive, i.e. during the period of 1 month from service, the debtor does not have to enforce the judgment.
Opposition must be made to the court that issued the decision :
- or by going to graft,
- or by sending in RAR: titleContent one request (on free paper or using the form cerfa no. 15602).
All relevant documents (copy of the order received, references on the decision, etc.) must be attached.
An objection to an order for payment must be made by a lawyer for claims exceeding €10,000 before the court of law or the commercial court.
On the other hand, the lawyer is not obligatory before the protection litigation judge, whatever the amount.
The court shall summon the parties and examine the application.
After attempting to reconcile the parties, the court issues a judgment that replaces the order for payment.
The parties may contest the judgment in appealing, if the amount of the request is greater than €5,000.
If the amount does not exceed €5,000, they may to appeal before the Court of Cassation.
If the debtor does not contest the order for payment at the end of the period of 1 month after service, the creditor may enforce the order.
The creditor may apply to the court registry for a certificate of absence of opposition. This certificate shall certify that the decision may be execution.
Application for a certificate of non-opposition
The debtor may pay on his own initiative or at the request of the creditor.
If the creditor encounters difficulties in recovering his claim, he must contact a Commissioner of Justice for the implementation of the order. For example, the Commissioner of Justice conducts a seizure of movable property or to a bank account entry.
In case of difficulty in enforcing the order, it is possible to contact the enforcement judge of the court of justice.
Order for payment procedure
The lawyer is not required to make an order for payment.
Objection to the order for payment
In the event of opposition for claims exceeding €10,000, the lawyer is obligatory to defend themselves before the court of justice or the commercial court.
However, it is not mandatory before the protection litigation judge, regardless of the amount.
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General case
Query is free.
If the application is filed by a lawyer, a commissioner of justice or an agent, fees are due.
Service of an order for payment made to the debtor involves the costs of the Commissioner of Justice.
The costs of a lawyer and a Commissioner of Justice may be met by legal aid in case of insufficient resources.
Commercial Court
The creditor must pay the costs of €33.47 in the 15 days following the submission of the request.
If a lawyer or Commissioner of Justice files the application, fees are due.
The costs of a lawyer and a Commissioner of Justice may be met by legal aid in case of insufficient resources.
Service of an order for payment made to the debtor involves the costs of the Commissioner of Justice.
The debtor's objection shall be received free of charge by the Registrar.
The request is free for a commercial dispute in Alsace-Moselle.
Simplified procedure
The simplified procedure for the recovery of small claims is a quick procedure implemented by a commissioner of justice (formerly bailiff) at the request of a creditor. It allows the Commissioner of Justice who has received agreement of creditor and debtor to deliver a enforceable title.
The simplified recovery procedure may be initiated for the recovery of small debts in particular in the following cases:
- It must originate in a contract (purchase, borrowing...) or result from an obligation of a statutory nature (compulsory contribution...).
- The amount of the sum due and the interest shall not exceed €5,000.
The claim shall not be prescribed.
It must be certain, liquid and payable, i.e. it cannot reasonably be challenged by the debtor. It must have expired and its amount must be determined.
There are specific recovery procedures in the following cases:
- to obtain payment of a maintenance
- for NSF checks,
Filing of the file by the creditor
The creditor may directly implement the procedure through the Small Claims Processing Platform:
Small Claims Processing Platform
The competent Commissioner of Justice is the one for the Court of Appeal of the domicile of the debtor.
Who shall I contact
The creditor must provide the Commissioner with the following information:
- Identity of the debtor
- Proof of unpaid (invoice, loan agreement, lease agreement...)
- He leaves the Commissioner of Justice room to negotiate to recover the debt from the debtor
Debtor invited to participate by the Commissioner of Justice
The Commissioner of Justice sends the debtor a letter RAR: titleContent or an electronic message inviting him to participate in the simplified recovery procedure.
A sample letter is available:
Model letter inviting the debtor to participate in the simplified recovery procedure
The debtor has 1 month to make a decision.
After sending to the debtor, no payment can take place before the Commissioner of Justice declares the end of this procedure.
Decision of the debtor accepting or refusing the procedure
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Acceptance of the debtor
If the debtor accepts the simplified procedure, he must declare this to the relevant Commissioner of Justice within 1 month of sending the letter or an e-mail message.
It can do this through the Small Claims Processing Platform:
Small Claims Processing Platform
It can also do so by mail or by e-mail, using the following template:
Model form for acceptance to participate in the simplified recovery procedure
This agreement established by the Commissioner of Justice suspends the prescription.
Within 1 month, the Commissioner of Justice shall propose to the debtor an agreement on the amount to be paid and the methods of payment.
If the Commissioner of Justice receives the agreement of the creditor and debtor on the amount and manner of payment, he or she shall issue a enforceable title.
In case of non-compliance with the agreement, this enforceable title will allow the seizure of the debtor's assets (e.g. wage attachment).
In order to prevent conflicts of interest, the Commissioner of Justice who established the enforceable title cannot be responsible for seizures.
Refusal of the debtor
The debtor may refuse by letter to participate in the proceedings. It can use the following model:
Model form for refusal to participate in the simplified recovery procedure
In the event of refusal, the creditor may to bring proceedings before the court to obtain an enforceable title.
Failure to reply within 1 month shall be considered a refusal.
The simplified procedure shall end when the Commissioner of Justice in writing one of the following:
- The agreement of the debtor to participate in the proposed procedure, amount and terms of payment
- The refusal of the debtor to participate in the proceedings without any agreement
- The refusal expressed by the debtor within the time limit on the amount and the proposed terms of payment
- The expiry of the period of 1 month after the dispatch by the Commissioner of Justice of the letter of invitation to participate in the procedure without an agreement being reached.
The Commissioner of Justice collects fees for the procedure and for the recovery costs.
Cost of small claims recovery procedure
Every the costs shall be borne by the creditor :
- Filing of the file with the Commissioner of Justice: €14.92TTC: titleContent
- Issue the instrument enforceable by the Commissioner of Justice (in the event of acceptance of the proceedings by the debtor): €29.76TTC: titleContent
Collection costs
In the case of voluntary payment by the debtor, the Commissioner of Justice shall also collect emoluments paid by the creditor.
This fee calculated on the sums recovered may be flat-rate or proportional.
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Up to €188
Emoluments of the Commissioner of Justice: €21.28
Over €188
Beyond €188 and up to €5540 a fee proportional to the sums recovered is payable.
Trim slice | Elevation of the Commissioner of Justice |
From €0 to €125 | 11.61% sums recovered |
From €125.01 to €610 | 10.64% sums recovered |
From €610.01 to €1,525 | 10.16% sums recovered |
From €1,525.01 to €5,000 | 3.87% sums recovered |
For example, for a claim of €200, on 1era slice of €125 shall be subject to the 11.61% and the second tranche of €75 at the rate of 10.64%, which gives an emolument of €22.49.
In the case of enforcement, other tariffs apply. These fees are to be borne by the debtor.
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The informants who answer you are from the Department of Justice.
- House of Justice and the Law
Establishment of a lawyer before the judicial tribunal
Order for payment procedure
Creditor and enforceable title
Simplified procedure for the recovery of small claims
Simplified procedure for the recovery of small claims
Fees for the recovery of small claims by a Commissioner of Justice
Provisions applicable in local law (Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle)
Online service
National Institute of Consumer Affairs (INC)
National Institute of Consumer Affairs (INC)