How to register a used 2 wheels or motorcycle purchased in France?
Verified 10 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
The rules vary depending on whether it is a 2-wheel of more or less than 50 cm3.
+ 50 cm3
You can do the following:
- Either on the Internet
- Or with a qualified professional
To complete the online process, a digital copying device (scanner, digital camera, smartphone or tablet equipped with a photo function) is required.
Of numeric dots (with computers, printers and scanners) are available in each prefecture and in most sub-prefectures. You can do the walk there. You can be helped by digital mediators if you have problems using the Internet.
You can also be accompanied in your approach by a France Services house :
Carte grise It is no longer possible to request a referral from the prefecture or sub-prefecture.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
On the Internet
With registration number
With mail tracking number
To a qualified professional
With registration number
With mail tracking number
- 50 cm3
You can do the following:
- Either on the Internet
- Or with a qualified professional
To complete the online process, a digital copying device (scanner, digital camera, smartphone or tablet equipped with a photo function) is required.
Of numeric dots (with computers, printers and scanners) are available in each prefecture and in most sub-prefectures. You can do the walk there. You can be helped by digital mediators if you have problems using the Internet.
You can also be accompanied in your approach by a France Services house :
Carte grise It is no longer possible to request a referral from the prefecture or sub-prefecture.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
On the Internet
With registration number
With mail tracking number
To a qualified professional
With registration number
With mail tracking number
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carte grise 34 00 - Information on the
Carte grise National interactive voice server providing automated answers regarding the following:
Carte grise If the user does not get the answer to his question about the taking of the vehicle or the driving license, he will be put in contact with an advisor of the National Agency for Secure Titles (ANTS).
By telephone
From the metropolis:
34,00 (cost of a local call)
From overseas:
09 70 83 07 07
From the foreigner:
+33 9 70 83 07 07
Ministry of the Interior