Fine for parking prohibited (abusive, inconvenient, very inconvenient, dangerous)
Verified 10 June 2022 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister), Ministry of Justice
You have received a notice of contravention for a infringement parking rules and you're wondering how to pay the fine and within what period ? There are 4 types of parking prohibited : parking abusive, embarrassing, very embarrassing and dangerous. We will tell you the rules and the procedure to follow if you wish to challenge the fine.

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Parking abusive, annoying, very annoying, forbidden: what difference?
-Abusive parking:
7 days in the same place
Penalty: Flat-rate fine of €35 (€75 if payment deadline is exceeded). Your vehicle can be immobilized and impounded if you are absent or if you refuse to move your vehicle.
-Awkward parking:
· On a reserved area: taxi, bus...
· On a location that prevents access or clearance of another vehicle
· On a bridge
· In an underground passage
· In a tunnel
· On an emergency lane unless absolutely necessary
· In front of a building's driveway
· In front of a charging station for electric vehicles
· In a space reserved for out-of-time deliveries
Penalty: Flat-rate fine of €35 (€75 if payment deadline is exceeded). Your vehicle can be immobilized and impounded if you are absent or if you refuse to move your vehicle.
-Very annoying parking:
· On a place for disabled people
· On a pedestrian crossing
· Less than 5 m upstream of a pedestrian crossing in the direction of traffic, excluding planned locations
· On a bike path
· On a greenway except authorized vehicles
· On a sidewalk
· On a bus lane, taxi, ambulances...
· On a ground carrier's seat
Penalty: flat-rate fine of €135 (€575 if payment deadline is exceeded). Your vehicle can be immobilized and impounded if you are absent or if you refuse to move your vehicle.
-Dangerous parking
· If not visible, near a road intersection
· If not visible, near a turn
· If not visible, near a hill top
· If not visible, near a crossing
Penalty: Flat-rate fine of €135 (€575 if payment deadline is exceeded) and 3 points withdrawal from the driving license. You may also have your driver's license suspended. Your vehicle can be immobilized and impounded if you are absent or if you refuse to move your vehicle.
You must pay a flat-rate fine if you do not respect the parking rules:
- Abusive parking : €35
- Awkward parking : €35
- Parking very inconvenient : €135
- Hazardous parking : €135. You also lose 3 points on your license and risk a driving license suspension of up to 3 years.
In addition, your vehicle may be immobilized and impounded if you are not present or if you refuse to move your vehicle.
One simulator tells you what you risk if you of infringement road transport:
What is the risk in the event of a traffic offense?
Please note
if you do not pay for your parking space, it is a infringement sanctioned by the post-parking package (FPS).
One information notice is usually placed on the windshield of your vehicle if you are away.
You receive by mail a notice of violation and one payment card.
The notice of contravention shall indicate the amount of the fine, how to pay and how to challenge the fine.
If necessary, you can obtain information by telephone on the contravention with theANTAI: titleContent :
Who shall I contact
the electronic minutes (PVe) has replaced the paper letter card or fine stamp. However, some municipal police continue to use them.
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
On the Internet
Prepare your credit card and payment card
The payment card is on the ticket notice.
Mobile App
Download the “Fines.gouv” app on Google Play or App Store.
Prepare the payment card on the ticket notice and your credit card.
By telephone
Prepare the payment card on the ticket notice and your credit card.
Who shall I contact
Call center to pay your fine by phone
By telephone
0806 20 30 40
24 hours a day
No surtax number
By mail
Send a bank check to the public treasury.
Attach the payment card on the ticket notice.
At a licensed dealer
Go to a licensed dealer.
Prepare the payment card on the ticket notice.
You can pay the fine by any means accepted by the buralist (bank card, cash, check, dematerialized fine stamp).
At the counter of a public finance center
Go to the counter of a public finance center.
Prepare the payment card on the ticket notice.
You can pay in cash, by check or by credit card.
Cash payment is limited to €300.
Who shall I contact
You have to pay the flat-rate fine in the 45 days following the date on which the notice of contravention was sent.
This 45-day period is extended to 60 days in case of telepayment.
If you do not pay on time, you will receive a notice of flat-rate fine plus.
This means that the amount of the fine increases due to delay.
- For a fine of €35 (abusive and annoying parking), the amount goes to €75.
It is reduced to €60 if you pay within 30 days following the date of dispatch of the notice (45 days in case of telepayment). - For a fine of €135 (very inconvenient and dangerous parking), the amount passes to €375.
It is reduced to €300 if you pay within 30 days following the date of dispatch of the notice (45 days in case of telepayment).
You have several ways to to pay the lump-sum fine plus :
Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement
On the Internet
Prepare the payment card present on the Notice of Assessment of Monetary Penalty and credit card.
Mobile App
Download the application “Fines.gouv” on Google Play or App Store.
Prepare the payment card present on the Notice of Assessment of Monetary Penalty and credit card.
By telephone
Prepare the payment card present on the Notice of Assessment of Monetary Penalty and credit card.
Who shall I contact
Call center to pay your fine by phone
By telephone
0806 20 30 40
24 hours a day
No surtax number
By mail
Send a bank check to the public treasury.
Attach the payment card present on the notice of assessment plus penalty.
At a licensed dealer
Go to a licensed dealer.
Prepare the payment card present on the notice of assessment plus penalty.
You can pay the fine by any means accepted by the buralist
At the counter of a public finance center
Go to the counter of a public finance center.
Prepare the payment card present on the notice of contravention.
You can pay in cash, by check or by credit card.
Cash payment is limited to €300.
Who shall I contact
If you do not pay the increased lump sum fine, the Treasury commits a procedure contentious to get the payment.
If you have difficulty paying a flat-rate fine increased, you can request a payment delay or a gracious delivery.
You must send your request to public accountant.
Your request must be reasoned : Explain why you need time to pay or discount.
Attach the proof of your expenses and resources in particular.
If the public accountant considers your request to be justified, he or she may grant you either a payment period, or a gracious delivery partial or total (if necessary by applying a 20 % reduction).
Who shall I contact
Flat-rate fine
You have 45 days to challenge, online or by mail, from the date the notice of contravention is sent.
You don't have to pay consignment to be able to challenge the fine.
On the Internet
You can make your request online on the website of theANTAI: titleContent :
Lump-sum Notice of Assessment: Designation of another person or online challenge
By mail
Complete the exemption request form attached to the notice of contravention.
Attach the following documents to the form:
- Letter on free paper setting out your grounds for disagreement
- Original of your ticket notice
Follow the shipping conditions indicated on the notice of contravention: shipping by letter RAR: titleContent , the address to send the documents to.
Flat-rate fine increased
You have 3 months to contest, online or by post, from the date of dispatch of the notice of increased fine.
You don't have to pay consignment to be able to challenge the fine.
On the Internet
You can make your request online on the website of theANTAI: titleContent :
Lump-sum Notice of Assessment: Designation of another person or online challenge
By mail
Complete the claim form attached to your Notice of Lump Sum Fine plus.
Attach the following documents to the form:
- Letter on free paper setting out your grounds for disagreement
- Original of your Notice of Lump Sum Penalty Increased
Respect the conditions of dispatch that are indicated on the notice of increased fine: dispatch by by letter RAR: titleContent , the address to send the documents to.
You will receive the response to your complaint by mail.
The officer of the public prosecutor's office can take one of the following 3 decisions :
- Declare your dispute inadmissible. For example, because you did not attach the notice.
- Waive all legal proceedings and file without further action the offense
- Decide to sue you in court. You will receive a summons to present your challenge to a judge.
You can track your case online of infringement:
Who can help me?
Find who can answer your questions in your region
Stop and parking rules
Mayor's authority over parking
Flat-rate fine and increased flat-rate fine
Minor fine not applicable to parking tickets (section R49-8-5)
Deadline for payment of the flat-rate fine (Article 529-1), increased fine (Article 529-2)
Flat-rate fine procedure
Online service
Online service
Online service
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior