Carte grise Remove name from

Verified 10 January 2025 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Carte grise The certificate of registration) of your vehicle has several names and you want to have a name removed? This procedure can be carried out on the Internet or at the home of an automobile professional. This operation can sometimes be paid for. We will explain the procedure to follow.


If you have a vehicle in leasing, the procedure is different.

On the Internet

Step-by-step approach

A digital copy device (scanner, digital camera, smartphone or tablet equipped with a photo function) is required.

The list of documents varies according to your situation.

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Withdraw ex-husband's name following divorce

Carte grise To change your child after a divorce, you must provide the subsequent documents :

In addition, you must present one of the following documents :

  • Divorce judgment specifying that the vehicle (make and registration number) is assigned to you
  • Carte grise Divorce judgment accompanied by a certificate of assignment drawn up for your benefit by the holder (or co-holder) of the
  • If the divorce is pronounced by mutual consent, a divorce agreement registered by a notary stating that the vehicle is assigned to you

FinallyHowever, if you are asking someone to do the work for you, you must provide them with a digital copy of the mandate signed and your identity document.

The person will have to certify on the honor that you have a certificate of insurance of the vehicle and a driving license corresponding to the category of vehicle registered.

You do not have to attach a digital copy (photo or scan) of the driver's license. However, this may be requested when your file is being examined.

Withdraw the name of the deceased spouse

You are in one of 2 situations:

  • The vehicle is a common good
  • The vehicle is a clean property
Common property of the two spouses

If you are the surviving spouse, you can register the vehicle in your name to keep it in use and in circulation.

The following documents are required:

If you are asking someone to do the work for you, you must provide them with a digital copy of the mandate signed and your identity document.

The person will have to certify on the honor that you have a certificate of insurance of the vehicle and a driving license corresponding to the category of vehicle registered.

You do not have to attach a digital copy (photo or scan) of the driver's license. However, this may be requested when your file is being examined.

Own property

If the vehicle was in the exclusive name of the deceased, it enters the estate framework.

Remove another co-owner's name

Carte grise For example, if your spouse's name is included in your proposal, you can request that his or her name be removed in case of separation.

The removal of the name of another co-owner is considered to be a change of ownership.

The following documents are required:

Carte grise The cost of the debit card varies depending on the status of the person whose name is withdrawn.

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Withdrawal of the name of the spouse or former spouse

Carte grise Where the name of the former spouse is withdrawn following divorce or in the case of the death of the spouse (marriage under the community regime), the cost of the procedure is the same.

You will have to pay the sum of €13.76 (fixed fee of €11 + charge for routing €2.76). You must obligatory pay by credit card.

Please note

The amount payable is the same if a Civil partnership partner is added or removed.

Other case

The removal of the name of another co-owner is considered to be a change of ownership.

The cost carte grise of the variable. It depends in particular on the characteristics of the vehicle and the region in which you live.

Carte grise You can estimate the cost of the simulator :

Carte grise Calculate the cost of the certificate of registration (ex-

You must have a credit card.

The procedure is to be carried out on the Internet using the following online service:

Carte grise Request the withdrawal of a co-holder on the

You must identify yourself with your ANTS ID or via France Connect.

A digital copy device (scanner, digital camera, smartphone or tablet equipped with a photo function) is required.

The documents to be provided must be scanned.

If you do not have this equipment:

Of numeric dots (with computers, printers and scanners) are available in each prefecture and in most sub-prefectures. You can do the walk there. You can be helped by digital mediators if you have problems using the Internet.

You can also be accompanied in your approach by a France Services house :

Who shall I contact

At the end of the process, you get the following 3 elements:

  • File Number
  • Acknowledgement of registration of your application
  • Provisional Certificate of Registration (PIC), which you must print. The CPI allows you to circulate during 1 month, only in Francecarte grise , while waiting to receive your

An online service carte grise allows you to follow the progress of the manufacture of the

Carte grise Follow your application for a certificate of registration (ex-

You will receive the final certificate of registration, sent by La Poste in letter followed, at your home in a period which may vary.

You must pay attention to the address you provide in the online procedure. It must be as complete as possible (building number, apartment number, mailbox number, floor, hallway, staircase, "resident", etc.).

Your mailbox must contain your first and last name.

You can track the shipment of your ticket either with the registration number or with the tracking number of the Post Office. This tracking number was sent to you by email or SMS if you provided your mobile phone number.

With registration number

Please note

Carte grise You must keep the old certificate of registration (ex- for 5 yearsand then destroy it.

By an authorized professional

The authorized car professional will take the steps for you.

Step-by-step approach

The list of documents varies according to your situation

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Withdraw ex-husband's name (after divorce)

You must submit the subsequent documents :

In addition, you must present one of the following documents :

  • Divorce judgment specifying that the vehicle (make and registration number) is assigned to you
  • Carte grise Divorce judgment accompanied by a certificate of assignment drawn up for your benefit by the holder (or co-holder) of the
  • If the divorce is pronounced by mutual consent, a divorce agreement registered by a notary stating that the vehicle is assigned to you

Withdraw the name of the deceased spouse

You are in one of 2 situations:

Common property of the two spouses

If you are the surviving spouse, you can register the vehicle in your name to keep it in use and in circulation.

There's no no time limit to carry out this formality.

You must submit the subsequent documents :

Own property

If the vehicle was in the exclusive name of the deceased, it enters the estate framework.

Remove another co-owner's name

The withdrawal of the name of another co-owner shall be treated as a change of ownership.

You must submit the subsequent documents :

Carte grise The cost of the debit card varies depending on the status of the person whose name is withdrawn.

Répondez aux questions successives et les réponses s’afficheront automatiquement

Withdrawal of the name of the spouse or former spouse

Carte grise When the name of the former spouse is withdrawn following a divorce or in the case of the death of the spouse (marriage under the community regime), the cost of the procedure is the same.

Please note

The amount payable is the same if a Civil partnership partner is added or removed.

Carte grise In addition to the cost of will charge you a sum corresponding to the service he performs in your place.

This amount is freely fixed by the trader.

You will have to pay the sum of €13.76 (fixed fee of €11 + charge for routing €2.76). You must obligatory pay by credit card.

Other case

The removal of the name of another co-owner is considered to be a change of ownership.

The cost carte grise of the variable. It depends in particular on the characteristics of the vehicle and the region in which you live.

Carte grise You can estimate the cost of the simulator :

Carte grise Calculate the cost of the certificate of registration (ex-

Carte grise In addition to the cost of will charge you a sum corresponding to the service he performs in your place.

This amount is freely fixed by the trader.

Please note

Where the marriage is under the separation of property and the vehicle was in the exclusive name of the deceased, it shall enter into the estate framework.

Carte grise In addition to the cost of will charge you a sum corresponding to the service he performs in your place.

This amount is freely fixed by the trader.

One Provisional Certificate of Registration (PIC) is issued to you immediately. It allows you to move around for 1 month (in France only) carte grise while waiting to receive your final.

In case of conversion of an old registration (type 123 AB 01, END) in number SIV, an ICC shall also be issued.

An online service is provided to monitor the progress of the process:

Carte grise Follow your application for a certificate of registration (ex-

You will receive the final certificate of registration, sent by La Poste in letter followed, at your home in a period which may vary.

You must pay attention to the address you provide in the online procedure. It must be as complete as possible (building number, apartment number, mailbox number, floor, hallway, staircase, "resident", etc.).

Your mailbox must contain your first and last name.

You can track the shipment of your ticket either with the registration number or with the tracking number of the Post Office. This tracking number was sent to you by email or SMS if you provided your mobile phone number.

With registration number

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