Driving license: can you lose all points at once?

Verified 04 February 2022 - Directorate for Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)

Yes, you can lose all your points at once if you have only 8 points left on your license or if you have a probationary permit.

General case

If you have only 8 points on your license, you can lose the 8 points at once if you commit several infringements simultaneously.

However, if you have all your points (12 points), you cannot lose all 12 points at once.

It can be removed up to 8 points if you commit more than infringements at the same time.

However, certain offenses may result in a judicial annulment of the permit even if these infringements do not result in a total withdrawal of points.

For example, driving under the influence of alcohol, manslaughter.

Proof Permit

You can lose all your points if you commit one or more infringements during the probationary period.

Example :

Your blood alcohol level test indicates a blood alcohol level greater than 0.2 g/l. This offense results in a 6-point indentation on your license, i.e. the total points if you're in the 1re year of your probationary license.

Example :

You are speeding at or above 30 km/h (- 3 points) and you do not respect the safety distances (- 3 points). So you lose 6 points, i.e. the total points if you're in the 1re year of your probationary license.

If you lose 6 points during the 1re probationary year, you cannot not get them back.

Your license loses validity.

You can't drive anymore for 6 months, or follow by road safety awareness course.

You must to retake the tests of the permit : general theoretical test (code) and practical test (driving).

You can show up for the tests without waiting for the end of the driving prohibition period.